godbout / kindaVim.docs

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highlight window not working as expected in full screen #217

Open itaysk opened 6 months ago

itaysk commented 6 months ago

when enabling the "Highlights the windows that is Vimming" option, if I'm vimming in a fullscreen app, the entire app becomes dim. I expect it to remain clear. (in non-fullscreen it works well)

godbout commented 6 months ago

when enabling the "Highlights the windows that is Vimming" option, if I'm vimming in a fullscreen app, the entire app becomes dim. I expect it to remain clear. (in non-fullscreen it works well)

there's two different Settings in kV, one for non fullscreen opacity and one for fullscreen opacity:

Screenshot 2023-12-30 at 20 57 28

put the fullscreen opacity one to 0 and you'll have no dimming in fullscreen apps.

(or lemme know if i'm missing or misunderstanding something, which could be totally possible.)

itaysk commented 6 months ago

yes I saw that, I guess I'm missing the point of this setting. I'm currently typing this in fullscreen Safari. If fullscreen opacity setting is set to default, the entire safari window is dimmed as I type, which I don't think is desirable (right?). and if I change it to zero, nothing will happen (so what's the point of this setting)

godbout commented 6 months ago

I'm currently typing this in fullscreen Safari. If fullscreen opacity setting is set to default, the entire safari window is dimmed as I type, which I don't think is desirable (right?).

depends on people. some use the Characters Window to have a visual hint that kV is in Normal/Visual/etc. Mode. some don't use the Character Window but use the dimming. in fullscreen they use a slight dim over the full window.

and if I change it to zero, nothing will happen

not sure what you mean by "nothing will happen"? means it's still dimmed in your case? it shouldn't be. the whole opacity is set to nil, which means you shouldn't get any layer covering your focused window.

(so what's the point of this setting)

😅️ well, as said above, some people want to use the dimming as a Visual Hint, but they may want different setting for different cases. when dealing with windows that are not fullscreen they want a very heavy opacity, like what surrounds the window is fully hidden, but when they're in fullscreen they want a slight dim. in your case, you can just set the fullscreen dimming to 0, then you'll have the dimming only when your windows are not fullscreen.

itaysk commented 6 months ago

ok I think I understand the problem, tell me if I got it right:

my expectation was that active vimming will be signaled similarly in both cases. the regular window behavior make sense to me (dimming helps me ignore everything that is not interesting), but the full screen behavior didn't make sense to me (dim the thing I need to focus on). without delving into weather the current behavior is good or not (your call), also settings text strengthen my understanding that in both cases I should expect the same behavior:

Highlight the windows that is Vimming non fullscreen opacity | fullscreen opacity

godbout commented 6 months ago

you do have several points here, yeah.

the highlight term may be confusing. by highlight i meant to mean make stand out, not really anything about dimming or making bright, etc.

not that it really matters, but here's how it works technically: to make the focused window "stand out", an opaque window is inserted right behind the focused window, and on top of all the other windows. so this is what you observe when the focused window is not in fullscreen. now when it's in fullscreen... inserting a window behind doesn't make any sense, coz you wouldn't see it. so instead the layer appears in front of the window. it makes it "stand out" that you've entered kV's Normal (or whatever) Mode.

now i'm thinking, what ideally would be nice is that in fullscreen (or actually even in non fullscreen), we can dim out everything except the current field. but i'm not even sure it's possible technically (would require build a window with holes, and like a bunch of windows together at the field boundary). and that would bring other issues. like what about when you use kV on a list, button, etc. what happens when you move the mouse. blah blah blah. as usual, every decision that seems small and straightforward need to be thought carefully because there's a lot of consequences. anyways, just thinking out loud here. please say what you have to say, it's always welcomed, and we think and digest together until something makes sense overall, and gets implemented. thanks again for taking the time!

itaysk commented 6 months ago

thanks for the elaborate responses! I'll close this issue now as it seem to be intended behavior.

godbout commented 6 months ago

thanks for the elaborate responses! I'll close this issue now as it seem to be intended behavior.

my pleasure. i'll reopen tho, don't mind me 😂️ coz the explanation is just to let you know why it ended up the way it did, but it doesn't resolve the issue. i think you do have very understandable and valuable points, and i agree that this should be addressed. just no ETA, coz 1) i need to digest 2) i need to see what's technically possible. most probably something will pop up in my head during some rest time. exciting. wait and see ✌️