godisreal / CrowdEgress

Multi-Agent Simulation of Pedestrian Crowd by Using Extended Social Force Model
Apache License 2.0
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Visualize evac data by using smokeview #3

Open godisreal opened 3 years ago

godisreal commented 3 years ago

Two major tasks are listed as below.
(1) Dumping .prt5 evac data in a single file.
(2) Writing .smv file by using python program.

godisreal commented 2 years ago

# The function writeFRec is modified from Topi's work
# python script: readFRec (by Topi on Google Forum)
# readFRec: Read fortran record, return payload as bytestring
def writeFRec(infile, fmt, data):
    len1 = np.size(data)
    if len1==0 or data is None:
        temp = struct.pack('@I', 0)

        return None

    #if fmt=='s':
        #result  = struct.pack('@I', data.encode())
    #    infile.write(data.encode())
    # Not try data.encode().  Use standard format to write data

    fmt2 = str(len1)+fmt
    num  = len1 * struct.calcsize(fmt)

    # length of the data
    num2   = struct.pack('@I', num)

    # Write data
    for i in range(len1):
        result = struct.pack(fmt, data[i])

    # End symbol
    temp = struct.pack('@I', 0)

#Read fortran record, return payload as bytestring
def readFRec(infile,fmt):
    len1   = infile.read(4)
    if not len1:
        return None
    len1   = struct.unpack('@I', len1)[0]

    if len1==0:
        return None
    num    = int(len1/struct.calcsize(fmt))
    fmt2   = str(num)+fmt
    if num>1:
        result = struct.unpack(fmt2,infile.read(len1))
        result = struct.unpack(fmt2,infile.read(len1))[0]
    len2   = struct.unpack('@I', infile.read(4))[0]
    if fmt == 's':
    return result

def intiPrt(fileName, debug=True):

    n_part=1  # Number of PARTicle classes
    [n_quant,zero_int]=[2,0]  # Number of particle features

    #filename=open('test.bin', 'wb+')
    writeFRec(fileName, 'I', [1])      #! Integer 1 to check Endian-ness
    writeFRec(fileName, 'I', [653])    # FDS version number
    writeFRec(fileName, 'I', [n_part]) # Number of PARTicle classes
    for npc in range(n_part):
        writeFRec(fileName, 'I', [n_quant, zero_int])
        for nq in range(n_quant):
            if nq == 0:
                writeFRec(fileName,'s', "desired Vx") # smv_label
                writeFRec(fileName,'s', "m/s")        # units
            if nq ==1:
                writeFRec(fileName,'s', "desired Vy") # smv_label
                writeFRec(fileName,'s', "m/s")        # units
            # if n_quant ==2:
                #pass  #Agent features to be added

Now there is unexpected problem as below. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Exception in Tkinter callback Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python32\lib\tkinter__init.py", line 1399, in call__ return self.func(*args) File "E:\gitwork\CrowdEgress\code\code_version2.0\ui.py", line 244, in testGe m sunpro1 = mp.Process(target=show_simu(self.currentSimu)) File "E:\gitwork\CrowdEgress\code\code_version2.0\draw_func.py", line 685, in show_simu intiPrt(fbin) File "E:\gitwork\CrowdEgress\code\code_version2.0\data_func.py", line 792, in intiPrt writeFRec(fileName,'s', "desired Vx") # smv_label File "E:\gitwork\CrowdEgress\code\code_version2.0\data_func.py", line 748, in writeFRec result = struct.pack(fmt, data[i]) struct.error: argument for 's' must be a bytes object This error is not found in Python 2.7. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

godisreal commented 2 years ago

Hi, @emanuelegissi, do you know how to solve this problem?
Also, I agree with you that it is necessary to develop another open-source evac program since fds+evac is not maintained officially. We are not sure whether Timo will release any new version of evac (decoupled from FDS) in his repo. Probably it may take a long time if he plans to do so. However, many academic users do need an open-source platform so that they can easily test their new algorithms or models. So there are still a number of researchers or grad students who need something like fds+evac, and thus I agree with you that we still need an open-source evac even if it is not maintained in FDS group.

So I am thinking if I should move forward on this small program so that it may become an alternative solution to fds+evac, and are you interested in this idea? You are sincerely invited to become a cooperator if you are interested. Maybe you would like to use Paraview to visualize the data or attract fundings by using any new ideas here... Anyway your joint efforts are much welcome and appreciated.