godot-sdk-integrations / godot-google-play-billing

Godot Android plugin for the Google Play Billing library
MIT License
147 stars 46 forks source link

Query is returning null #2

Closed himaghnam closed 4 years ago

himaghnam commented 4 years ago

3.2.2 Godot windows10

payment.queryPurchases() is returning null. Although purchased_updated do return the info with token

timoschwarzer commented 4 years ago


Can you post the code you're using to query purchases please?

himaghnam commented 4 years ago

IAP on purchase success it uses consume func

extends Node

var payment

signal query_completed
signal purchases_success
signal consume_success
signal buy_error

func _ready():
    if Engine.has_singleton("GodotGooglePlayBilling"):
        payment = Engine.get_singleton("GodotGooglePlayBilling")

     # These are all signals supported by the API
        # You can drop some of these based on your needs
        payment.connect("connected", self, "_on_connected") # No params
        payment.connect("disconnected", self, "_on_disconnected") # No params
#       payment.connect("connect_error", self, "_on_connect_error") # Response ID (int), Debug message (string)
        payment.connect("purchases_updated", self, "_on_purchases_updated") # Purchases (Dictionary[])
        payment.connect("purchase_error", self, "_on_purchase_error") # Response ID (int), Debug message (string)
        payment.connect("sku_details_query_completed", self, "_on_sku_details_query_completed") # SKUs (Dictionary[])
        payment.connect("sku_details_query_error", self, "_on_sku_details_query_error") # Response ID (int), Debug message (string), Queried SKUs (string[])
#       payment.connect("purchase_acknowledged", self, "_on_purchase_acknowledged") # Purchase token (string)
#       payment.connect("purchase_acknowledgement_error", self, "_on_purchase_acknowledgement_error") # Response ID (int), Debug message (string), Purchase token (string)
        payment.connect("purchase_consumed", self, "_on_purchase_consumed") # Purchase token (string)
        payment.connect("purchase_consumption_error", self, "_on_purchase_consumption_error") # Response ID (int), Debug message (string), Purchase token (string)

        print("Android IAP support is not enabled. Make sure you have enabled 'Custom Build' and the GodotGooglePlayBilling plugin in your Android export settings! IAP will not work.")

func purchase(item_name):
    if payment:
        # transaction_id could be any string that used for validation internally in java

func _on_purchase_error():
    print("purchase error")

func _on_purchases_updated(list):
    print("purchase updated")

func _on_consume_consumed():
    print("purchase consumed")

func consume(item_name):
    var query = payment.queryPurchases()
    if query.status == OK:
        for purchase in query.purchases:
            if purchase.sku == String(item_name):
                if !purchase.is_acknowledged:
# Check the _on_purchase_consumed callback and give the user what they bought

func _on_purchase_consumption_error():
    print("consume error")

var sku_details:Dictionary = {}

func _on_connected():
    payment.querySkuDetails(["2000", "5000","9000","15000"], "inapp") # "subs" for subscriptions

func _on_sku_details_query_completed(sku_details_result):
    for i in sku_details_result.size():

        match sku_details_result[i].sku :
            "2000": sku_details["2000"] = sku_details_result[i]
            "5000":sku_details["5000"] = sku_details_result[i]
            "9000":sku_details["9000"] = sku_details_result[i]
            "15000":sku_details["15000"] = sku_details_result[i]
timoschwarzer commented 4 years ago

It appears that I made a mistake while writing the docs: queryPurchases also takes a parameter like querySkuDetails that has to be either "inapp" or "subs". Going to fix that...

timoschwarzer commented 4 years ago

Fixed with https://github.com/godotengine/godot-docs/pull/3738