godotengine / godot-benchmarks

Collection of benchmarks to test performance of different areas of Godot
MIT License
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Regression testing script #34

Open myaaaaaaaaa opened 1 year ago

myaaaaaaaaa commented 1 year ago

On my system, rendering seems to be fully reproducible, down to producing the same exact byte sequence given the same input, as long as it's rendering in single threaded mode (multithreading mode can sometimes change imperceptibly between runs and may require a fuzzy tester).

The following script leverages this property to test if the working tree contains rendering regressions via checksums, which is immediately helpful for anyone working on Godot's rendering engine, and can be useful as a starting point for a proper visual regression testing system.

This may also be relevant to https://github.com/Calinou/godot-rendering-tests

Requires #33 in order to allow every benchmark to run for an exact number of frames Requires https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/72689 for environment variable support

#!/usr/bin/bash -ex

##### Usage:
# cd ~/godot/
# ~/godot-benchmarks/name-of-this-script.sh [scons-args...] 
benchdir=$(dirname "$0")

rm -f bin/godot*

git stash
scons "$@"
mv bin/godot.* bin/godot_baseline

git stash pop --index
scons "$@"
mv bin/godot.* bin/godot_changed

#if the working tree is clean, maybe build HEAD^ and HEAD instead?

rm -rf /tmp/a/ /tmp/b/
mkdir -p /tmp/a/
mkdir -p /tmp/b/
bin/godot_baseline --path "$benchdir" --disable-vsync --fixed-fps 5 --write-movie /tmp/a/test.png -- --run-benchmarks --run-while='frame<5' --include-benchmarks='rendering/*'
bin/godot_changed  --path "$benchdir" --disable-vsync --fixed-fps 5 --write-movie /tmp/b/test.png -- --run-benchmarks --run-while='frame<5' --include-benchmarks='rendering/*'

cd /tmp/a/
shasum *.png >../test.sha
cd /tmp/b/
shasum -c ../test.sha
myaaaaaaaaa commented 1 year ago

The following script, which can be run after the above, generates a report on all rendering discrepancies found and saves it as a directory of lossless animated webp files:

#!/usr/bin/bash -ex

rm -rf   /tmp/c/
mkdir -p /tmp/c/

cd /tmp/a/
for png in *.png
    if ! compare $png /tmp/b/$png -metric ae /tmp/diff.ppm
        convert -delay 50 \
            '('        $png /tmp/diff.ppm -append ')' \
            '(' /tmp/b/$png /tmp/diff.ppm -append ')' \
            -define 'webp:lossless=true' /tmp/c/$png.webp

See the example report below (converted to a gif for github) that was generated from the following sample regression:

    SafeNumeric<uint64_t> num_keep;

-   for_range(p_from, p_to, true, SNAME("RenderCullInstances"), [&](const int i) {
+   for_range(p_from, p_to/2, true, SNAME("RenderCullInstances"), [&](const int i) {
        KeepInstance keep_instance;


Calinou commented 1 year ago

This looks very interesting :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks for your work on this!

I'll take a look in the future as I'm currently focused on PR reviews for the 4.1 release.