Open jordo opened 1 month ago
-- reserved --
Bloaty output from single class extension file, template_release, mach-o format:
Symbols, first 100:
-------------- --------------
24.3% 451Ki 47.0% 451Ki __MergedGlobals
23.1% 429Ki 0.0% 0 [__TEXT,__text]
20.9% 388Ki 0.2% 2.18Ki [__LINKEDIT]
17.8% 331Ki 35.7% 342Ki [2685 Others]
1.7% 32.1Ki 0.0% 76 [__TEXT,__cstring]
1.1% 20.2Ki 0.4% 3.76Ki [__TEXT]
1.0% 18.2Ki 0.0% 0 [Unmapped]
0.8% 14.9Ki 0.4% 3.44Ki [__DATA_CONST]
0.8% 14.8Ki 0.0% 8 [__DATA]
0.6% 11.9Ki 1.2% 11.9Ki godot::Theme
0.4% 7.22Ki 0.8% 7.22Ki godot::Variant::Variant()
0.3% 6.18Ki 0.6% 6.18Ki godot::internal::EngineClassRegistration<>::callback()
0.3% 5.49Ki 0.6% 5.49Ki godot::CharStringT<>::operator wchar_t()
0.3% 5.10Ki 0.5% 5.10Ki std::__1::__hash_table<>::__emplace_unique_key_args<>()
0.2% 4.52Ki 0.0% 0 [__DATA_CONST,__const]
0.2% 4.33Ki 0.5% 4.33Ki godot::String::operator%()
0.2% 4.12Ki 0.4% 4.12Ki ___cxx_global_var_init
0.2% 3.73Ki 0.4% 3.64Ki [__TEXT,__unwind_info]
0.2% 3.38Ki 0.4% 3.38Ki godot::Array::init_bindings()
0.2% 3.11Ki 0.3% 3.11Ki godot::ClassDB::_register_class<>()
0.2% 3.00Ki 0.3% 3.00Ki std::__1::__hash_table<>::__do_rehash<>()
0.2% 2.93Ki 0.3% 2.93Ki godot::PackedByteArray::init_bindings()
0.2% 2.92Ki 0.3% 2.92Ki std::__1::__hash_table<>::find<>()
0.2% 2.80Ki 0.3% 2.80Ki godot::PackedStringArray::init_bindings()
0.1% 2.07Ki 0.3% 2.72Ki godot::String::_method_bindings
0.1% 2.71Ki 0.3% 2.71Ki godot::StringName::operator%()
0.1% 2.58Ki 0.3% 2.58Ki godot::CowData<>::resize<>()
0.1% 1.29Ki 0.3% 2.58Ki godot::StringName::_method_bindings
0.1% 2.25Ki 0.2% 2.25Ki ___cxx_global_var_init.1
0.1% 2.05Ki 0.2% 2.05Ki std::__1::vector<>::__append()
0.1% 1.95Ki 0.2% 1.95Ki godot::StringName::init_bindings()
0.1% 1.82Ki 0.2% 1.82Ki godot::MethodInfo::MethodInfo()
0.1% 1.70Ki 0.2% 1.70Ki godot::Array::Array()
0.1% 1.66Ki 0.2% 1.66Ki std::__1::__hash_table<>::__node_insert_multi_prepare()
0.1% 1.59Ki 0.2% 1.59Ki godot::_err_print_error()
0.1% 1.55Ki 0.2% 1.55Ki godot::StringName::StringName()
0.1% 1.54Ki 0.2% 1.54Ki godot::ClassDB::bind_virtual_method()
0.1% 1.45Ki 0.2% 1.45Ki godot::PackedInt32Array::PackedInt32Array()
0.1% 1.45Ki 0.2% 1.45Ki godot::CowData<>::_copy_on_write()
0.1% 1.42Ki 0.1% 1.42Ki godot::NodePath::NodePath()
0.1% 1.40Ki 0.1% 1.40Ki godot::PackedVector3Array::PackedVector3Array()
0.1% 1.37Ki 0.1% 1.37Ki std::__1::vector<>::__push_back_slow_path<>()
0.1% 1.35Ki 0.1% 1.35Ki std::__1::unordered_map<>::unordered_map()
0.1% 1.35Ki 0.1% 1.35Ki ___cxx_global_var_init.2
0.1% 1.35Ki 0.1% 1.35Ki ___cxx_global_var_init.4
0.1% 1.34Ki 0.1% 1.34Ki godot::Basis::rotate()
0.1% 1.30Ki 0.1% 1.30Ki godot::String::String()
0.1% 1.28Ki 0.1% 1.28Ki godot::PackedInt64Array::PackedInt64Array()
0.1% 1.26Ki 0.1% 1.26Ki ___cxx_global_var_init.5
0.1% 1.25Ki 0.1% 1.25Ki godot::Projection::set_perspective()
0.1% 1.24Ki 0.1% 1.24Ki godot::PackedVector4Array::PackedVector4Array()
0.1% 1.23Ki 0.1% 1.23Ki godot::Array::make<>()
0.1% 1.22Ki 0.1% 1.22Ki godot::Dictionary::init_bindings()
0.1% 1.20Ki 0.1% 1.20Ki ___cxx_global_var_init.3
0.1% 1.20Ki 0.1% 1.20Ki godot::PackedColorArray::PackedColorArray()
0.1% 1.18Ki 0.1% 1.18Ki godot::CharStringT<>::operator<()
0.1% 1.18Ki 0.1% 1.18Ki godot::ClassDB::add_virtual_method()
0.1% 1.18Ki 0.1% 1.18Ki godot::Basis::get_axis_angle()
0.0% 600 0.1% 1.17Ki godot::Array::_method_bindings
0.0% 592 0.1% 1.16Ki godot::PackedByteArray::_method_bindings
0.1% 1.14Ki 0.1% 1.14Ki godot::Basis::get_euler()
0.1% 1.10Ki 0.1% 1.10Ki godot::PackedByteArray::PackedByteArray()
0.1% 1.09Ki 0.1% 1.09Ki godot::ClassDB::bind_methodfi()
0.1% 1.09Ki 0.1% 1.09Ki std::__1::__tree<>::__assign_multi<>()
0.1% 1.09Ki 0.1% 1.09Ki godot::helpers::append_all<>()
0.1% 1.08Ki 0.1% 1.08Ki ___cxx_global_var_init.6
0.1% 1.07Ki 0.1% 1.07Ki std::__1::__hash_table<>::__node_insert_multi()
0.1% 1.04Ki 0.1% 1.04Ki godot::Wrapped::Wrapped()
0.1% 1.02Ki 0.1% 1.02Ki __ZNSt3__16vectorIN5godot10StringNameENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE18__assign_with_sizeB8nn180100IPS2_S7_EEvT_T0_l
0.1% 1.02Ki 0.1% 1.02Ki godot::PackedFloat64Array::init_bindings()
0.1% 1.01Ki 0.1% 1.01Ki godot::Signal::Signal()
0.1% 1024 0.1% 1024 godot::PackedFloat32Array::PackedFloat32Array()
0.1% 1000 0.1% 1000 godot::ClassDB::_create_instance_func<>()
0.1% 964 0.1% 964 godot::Basis::rotated()
0.1% 957 0.0% 0 [__TEXT,__const]
0.0% 952 0.1% 952 godot::Callable::Callable()
0.0% 944 0.1% 944 godot::Dictionary::Dictionary()
0.0% 928 0.1% 928 godot::create_method_bind<>()
0.0% 916 0.1% 916 godot::PackedVector2Array::PackedVector2Array()
0.0% 912 0.0% 0 [__DATA,__data]
0.0% 900 0.1% 900 godot::_err_print_index_error()
0.0% 896 0.1% 896 godot::ClassDB::add_signal()
0.0% 884 0.1% 884 godot::PropertyInfo::from_dict()
0.0% 881 0.1% 882 godot::MethodBind
0.0% 860 0.1% 860 godot::RID::RID()
0.0% 840 0.1% 840 godot::ClassDB::add_property_group()
0.0% 840 0.1% 840 godot::GDExtensionBinding::InitObject::InitObject()
0.0% 816 0.1% 816 godot::Basis::rotate_sh()
0.0% 816 0.1% 816 godot::PackedFloat64Array::PackedFloat64Array()
0.0% 796 0.1% 796 std::__1::__hash_table<>::__assign_multi<>()
0.0% 780 0.1% 780 __ZN5godot7CowDataIDsE6resizeILb0EEENS_5ErrorEx
0.0% 384 0.1% 768 godot::Dictionary::_method_bindings
0.0% 748 0.1% 748 godot::EditorPlugins::remove_plugin_class()
0.0% 732 0.1% 732 godot::Projection::Projection()
0.0% 728 0.1% 728 std::__1::vector<>::reserve()
0.0% 724 0.1% 724 godot::Basis::rotate_local()
0.0% 716 0.1% 716 __ZN5godot7CowDataIDiE6resizeILb0EEENS_5ErrorEx
0.0% 712 0.1% 712 godot::ClassDB::bind_method_godot()
0.0% 708 0.1% 708 godot::CharStringT<>::CharStringT()
0.0% 708 0.1% 708 godot::ClassDB::get_instance_binding_callbacks()
0.0% 696 0.1% 696 __ZNSt3__13setIN5godot10StringNameENS_4lessIS2_EENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE6insertB8nn180100INS_21__tree_const_iteratorIS2_PNS_11__tree_nodeIS2_PvEElEEEEvT_SF_
100.0% 1.82Mi 100.0% 960Ki TOTAL
Compileunits, first 100:
-------------- --------------
28.4% 528Ki 25.4% 243Ki [__LINKEDIT]
24.2% 450Ki 2.2% 21.1Ki [__TEXT,__text]
3.1% 58.5Ki 5.1% 49.4Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/classes/canvas_item.cpp
3.1% 56.8Ki 5.6% 53.5Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/classes/node.cpp
2.4% 45.0Ki 4.7% 45.0Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/classes/window.cpp
2.3% 43.0Ki 3.9% 37.0Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/string.cpp
2.3% 42.9Ki 3.7% 35.9Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/string_name.cpp
2.1% 39.4Ki 3.4% 32.7Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/src/core/class_db.cpp
2.1% 38.2Ki 0.6% 6.19Ki [__TEXT,__cstring]
2.0% 37.2Ki 3.3% 31.4Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/src/variant/char_string.cpp
1.6% 29.7Ki 3.0% 28.6Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/src/godot.cpp
1.4% 26.5Ki 2.1% 19.8Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/modules/game/register_types.cpp
1.3% 24.9Ki 2.5% 23.9Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/src/variant/quaternion.cpp
1.2% 22.2Ki 1.7% 16.0Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/src/variant/variant.cpp
1.1% 21.0Ki 1.8% 17.7Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/classes/class_db_singleton.cpp
1.1% 20.9Ki 1.9% 18.5Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/src/variant/basis.cpp
1.1% 20.3Ki 2.1% 20.3Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/classes/object.cpp
1.1% 19.9Ki 1.8% 17.3Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/src/variant/projection.cpp
1.1% 19.9Ki 1.7% 16.7Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/array.cpp
1.1% 19.9Ki 1.7% 16.5Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/packed_byte_array.cpp
1.0% 18.2Ki 0.0% 0 [Unmapped]
1.0% 17.7Ki 0.2% 2.15Ki [__DATA]
0.9% 16.1Ki 0.2% 1.70Ki [__TEXT]
0.8% 14.9Ki 0.4% 3.44Ki [__DATA_CONST]
0.7% 12.3Ki 1.0% 9.77Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/classes/mesh.cpp
0.6% 12.0Ki 1.0% 9.92Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/dictionary.cpp
0.6% 10.8Ki 0.9% 8.84Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/packed_vector3_array.cpp
0.6% 10.5Ki 0.9% 8.75Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/packed_float32_array.cpp
0.6% 10.4Ki 0.9% 8.44Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/packed_vector2_array.cpp
0.6% 10.3Ki 0.9% 8.67Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/packed_int64_array.cpp
0.5% 10.2Ki 0.9% 8.45Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/packed_float64_array.cpp
0.5% 10.1Ki 0.9% 8.31Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/packed_string_array.cpp
0.5% 10.1Ki 0.9% 8.90Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/packed_color_array.cpp
0.5% 10.0Ki 0.9% 8.37Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/packed_int32_array.cpp
0.0% 0 1.0% 9.55Ki [__DATA,__common]
0.5% 9.03Ki 0.5% 4.52Ki [__DATA_CONST,__const]
0.5% 8.88Ki 0.7% 6.99Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/packed_vector4_array.cpp
0.5% 8.66Ki 0.8% 7.42Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/callable.cpp
0.4% 8.31Ki 0.8% 7.25Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/node_path.cpp
0.4% 8.05Ki 0.7% 7.17Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/src/core/object.cpp
0.4% 7.93Ki 0.6% 5.87Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/modules/game/example2.cpp
0.0% 0 0.7% 7.12Ki [__DATA,__bss]
0.4% 6.94Ki 0.7% 6.94Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/classes/resource.cpp
0.3% 6.50Ki 0.6% 5.56Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/signal.cpp
0.3% 5.30Ki 0.6% 5.30Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/classes/texture2d.cpp
0.3% 5.04Ki 0.5% 5.04Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/classes/style_box.cpp
0.2% 4.16Ki 0.2% 2.05Ki [Mach-O Headers]
0.2% 4.10Ki 0.4% 3.69Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/src/classes/editor_plugin_registration.cpp
0.2% 4.08Ki 0.4% 3.46Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/src/variant/plane.cpp
0.2% 3.94Ki 0.3% 3.20Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/src/variant/vector3.cpp
0.2% 3.73Ki 0.4% 3.64Ki [__TEXT,__unwind_info]
0.2% 3.73Ki 0.2% 2.05Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/src/variant/packed_arrays.cpp
0.2% 3.54Ki 0.3% 2.94Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/variant/rid.cpp
0.2% 3.42Ki 0.3% 2.90Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/classes/material.cpp
0.2% 2.98Ki 0.2% 2.21Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/src/classes/wrapped.cpp
0.1% 2.61Ki 0.2% 1.80Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/src/core/method_bind.cpp
0.1% 2.40Ki 0.2% 1.47Ki [__TEXT,__const]
0.1% 2.37Ki 0.2% 1.92Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/src/core/error_macros.cpp
0.1% 1.78Ki 0.1% 912 [__DATA,__data]
0.1% 1.30Ki 0.1% 906 /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/classes/main_loop.cpp
0.1% 1.00Ki 0.1% 834 /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/src/core/memory.cpp
0.0% 568 0.0% 0 [__TEXT,__init_offsets]
0.0% 464 0.0% 232 [__DATA,__la_symbol_ptr]
0.0% 372 0.0% 0 [__TEXT,__stub_helper]
0.0% 372 0.0% 0 [__TEXT,__stubs]
0.0% 96 0.0% 48 [__DATA,__thread_vars]
0.0% 96 0.0% 48 [__DATA_CONST,__got]
0.0% 0 0.0% 16 [__DATA,__thread_bss]
0.0% 4 0.0% 2 [__TEXT,__ustring]
100.0% 1.82Mi 100.0% 960Ki TOTAL
Looking at translation unit binary sizes, godot-cpp/gen/src/classes/canvas_item.cpp
(of which I'm not using at all in my extension class, it inherits from Node3D) is 58.5KB, so seems to be a good candidate for further inspection. Let take a look at a candidate function to see whats going on:
void CanvasItem::set_visible(bool p_visible) {
static GDExtensionMethodBindPtr _gde_method_bind = internal::gdextension_interface_classdb_get_method_bind(CanvasItem::get_class_static()._native_ptr(), StringName("set_visible")._native_ptr(), 2586408642);
int8_t p_visible_encoded;
PtrToArg<bool>::encode(p_visible, &p_visible_encoded);
internal::_call_native_mb_no_ret(_gde_method_bind, _owner, &p_visible_encoded);
The above is the generated godot-cpp gdextension glue
for this function. At first glance, seems reasonable. A costly execution path/lookup at first hit, but the resulting method_bind structure is stored in a static local, which ends up as a conditional branch on subsequent calls. The rest is setting up various args and calling through to the godot endpoint. Lets take a look at the dissasembly here:
00047010 55 push rbp {__saved_rbp}
00047011 4889e5 mov rbp, rsp {__saved_rbp}
00047014 4157 push r15 {__saved_r15}
00047016 4156 push r14 {__saved_r14}
00047018 4155 push r13 {__saved_r13}
0004701a 4154 push r12 {__saved_r12}
0004701c 53 push rbx {__saved_rbx}
0004701d 4883ec18 sub rsp, 0x18
00047021 4189f6 mov r14d, esi
00047024 4889fb mov rbx, rdi
00047027 488b05eaaf0200 mov rax, qword [rel ___stack_chk_guard]
0004702e 488b00 mov rax, qword [rax]
00047031 488945d0 mov qword [rbp-0x30 {var_38}], rax
00047035 0fb6053cfb0200 movzx eax, byte [rel guard_variable_for_godot...::set_visible(bool)::_gde_method_bind]
0004703c 84c0 test al, al
0004703e 7445 je 0x47085
00047040 448875c7 mov byte [rbp-0x39 {var_41}], r14b
00047044 488b3d25fb0200 mov rdi, qword [rel godot::CanvasItem::set_visible(bool)::_gde_method_bind]
0004704b 488b7310 mov rsi, qword [rbx+0x10]
0004704f 488d45c7 lea rax, [rbp-0x39 {var_41}]
00047053 488945c8 mov qword [rbp-0x38 {var_40}], rax {var_41}
00047057 488d0532d80200 lea rax, [rel _gdextension_interface_object_method_bind_ptrcall]
0004705e 488d55c8 lea rdx, [rbp-0x38 {var_40}]
00047062 31c9 xor ecx, ecx {0x0}
00047064 ff10 call qword [rax] {_gdextension_interface_object_method_bind_ptrcall}
00047066 488b05abaf0200 mov rax, qword [rel ___stack_chk_guard]
0004706d 488b00 mov rax, qword [rax]
00047070 483b45d0 cmp rax, qword [rbp-0x30 {var_38}]
00047074 7577 jne 0x470ed
00047076 4883c418 add rsp, 0x18
0004707a 5b pop rbx {__saved_rbx}
0004707b 415c pop r12 {__saved_r12}
0004707d 415d pop r13 {__saved_r13}
0004707f 415e pop r14 {__saved_r14}
00047081 415f pop r15 {__saved_r15}
00047083 5d pop rbp {__saved_rbp}
00047084 c3 retn {__return_addr}
00047085 488d3decfa0200 lea rdi, [rel guard_variable_for_godot...::set_visible(bool)::_gde_method_bind]
0004708c e8c1160200 call ___cxa_guard_acquire
00047091 85c0 test eax, eax
00047093 74ab je 0x47040
00047095 488d059cd80200 lea rax, [rel _gdextension_interface_classdb_get_method_bind]
0004709c 4c8b28 mov r13, qword [rax] {_gdextension_interface_classdb_get_method_bind}
0004709f e8fcfeffff call godot::CanvasItem::get_class_static
000470a4 4989c7 mov r15, rax
000470a7 488d35a8790200 lea rsi, [rel data_6ea56] {"set_visible"}
000470ae 4c8d65c8 lea r12, [rbp-0x38 {var_40}]
000470b2 4c89e7 mov rdi, r12 {var_40}
000470b5 31d2 xor edx, edx {0x0}
000470b7 e88420feff call godot::StringName::StringName
000470bc bac276299a mov edx, 0x9a2976c2
000470c1 4c89ff mov rdi, r15 {godot::CanvasItem::get_class_static()::string_name}
000470c4 4c89e6 mov rsi, r12 {var_40}
000470c7 41ffd5 call r13
000470ca 4989c7 mov r15, rax
000470cd 4c89e7 mov rdi, r12 {var_40}
000470d0 e83baefeff call godot::StringName::~StringName
000470d5 4c893d94fa0200 mov qword [rel godot::CanvasItem::set_visible(bool)::_gde_method_bind], r15
000470dc 488d3d95fa0200 lea rdi, [rel guard_variable_for_godot...::set_visible(bool)::_gde_method_bind]
000470e3 e870160200 call ___cxa_guard_release
000470e8 e953ffffff jmp 0x47040
000470ed e872160200 call ___stack_chk_fail
The assembler has re-ordered the static method_bind branch, lookup and assignment to the end of the subroutine, so at a slightly higher level IL logically this ends up looking something like this:
The first thing i notice about the implementation here is that the hot path is already heavy... There are 4 calls and the construction and destruction of a string name (global lock). the assembly for the if statement is below:
So the hot path is already slow (relatively speaking) so there's really no reason to inline all this for every single function in godot-cpp
. Replacing this:
static GDExtensionMethodBindPtr _gde_method_bind = gdextension_interface_classdb_get_method_bind(ZIPReader::get_class_static()._native_ptr(), StringName("open")._native_ptr(), 166001499);
With something say like this:
static GDExtensionMethodBindPtr _gde_method_bind = GlobalHelperFunction(this, "open", 166001499);
Something like the above should help wrt binary boat, and have effectively no additional performance cost as the only additional cost is a single additional level of indirection (the first hit is always slow already). The static class pointer lookup, the string name construction and destruction are all the exact same execution path for all these checks and could be reworked to a global helper function instead of being inlined everywhere.
I'll try to work together a simple PR to evaluate if there are any wins here.
OK so quick result of refactoring some of the generated code to call a single common global helper function to retrieve the GDExtensionMethodBindPtr resulted in ~15% file size savings for call heavy classes. Results for canvas_item.cpp
Current size:
3.1% 58.5Ki 5.1% 49.4Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/classes/canvas_item.cpp
Updated size:
2.8% 49.2Ki 4.4% 40.8Ki /Users/jordanschidlowsky/WINTERPIXEL/PROJECTS/ballz/godot-cpp/gen/src/classes/canvas_item.cpp
So 58.5Ki -> 49.2Ki with a small refactor here.
Existing Generator:
static GDExtensionMethodBindPtr _gde_method_bind = internal::gdextension_interface_classdb_get_method_bind({class_name}::get_class_static()._native_ptr(), StringName("{method["name"]}")._native_ptr(), {method["hash"]});'
New generator and global helper function, takes const char*
and int64_t
static GDExtensionMethodBindPtr _gde_method_bind = GDExtensionBinding::get_method_bind_static_helper("{method["name"]}", {method["hash"]});'
Generated asm before, higher level IL:
New asm, higher level IL:
Loading the const char* and magic number hash, end up encoding to two instructions:
Compiling the simplest of extensions, a single file single including a single header results in a 2MB library. Example:
I tried compiling that extension (plus the proper registration, see the attached project) using godot-cpp 4.3 branch (1cce4d15abc3afb22724f9bf083ed7769330b43e
), and emcc 3.1.64 using the emsdk installation:
# emcc --version
emcc (Emscripten gcc/clang-like replacement + linker emulating GNU ld) 3.1.64 (a1fe3902bf73a3802eae0357d273d0e37ea79898)
# wasm32-clang --version
clang version 19.0.0git (https:/ 4d8e42ea6a89c73f90941fd1b6e899912e31dd34)
Target: wasm32
This resulted in binaries way smaller than the 2MiB mentioned in the OP:
# scons platform=web
872K project/bin/libgdexample.web.template_debug.wasm32.wasm
# scons platform=web target=template_release
876K project/bin/libgdexample.web.template_release.wasm32.wasm
I also tried building with a dedicated build profile (also attached in the project):
# scons platform=web build_profile=build_profile.json
184K project/bin/libgdexample.web.template_debug.wasm32.wasm
# scons platform=web target=template_release build_profile=build_profile.json
184K project/bin/libgdexample.web.template_release.wasm32.wasm
This is as much as I can do to test these claims, given you did not provide a full MRP, nor the relevant toolchain information.
MRP (to be extracted as godot-cpp subfolder, or you should adjust the godot-cpp include to match the proper location):
Note: Reported results are for threads builds, but nothreads results in similar sizes.
Since in the OP you mentioned godot-cpp 4.4-dev I'm re-running the builds with current mater
I wanted to be able to run the wasm files and didn't have a 4.4-dev build handy).
Here are the results:
1,1M project/bin/libgdexample.web.template_debug.wasm32.wasm
1,1M project/bin/libgdexample.web.template_release.wasm32.wasm
228K project/bin/libgdexample.web.template_debug.wasm32.wasm
228K project/bin/libgdexample.web.template_release.wasm32.wasm
@jordo Thanks for creating this issue! Finding ways to reduce the binary size of extensions, especially for the web or mobile, is a worthy goal :-)
Replacing this:
static GDExtensionMethodBindPtr _gde_method_bind = gdextension_interface_classdb_get_method_bind(ZIPReader::get_class_static()._native_ptr(), StringName("open")._native_ptr(), 166001499);
With something say like this:
static GDExtensionMethodBindPtr _gde_method_bind = GlobalHelperFunction(this, "open", 166001499);
A change like this makes sense to me.
Something else @Faless and I discussed while we were at GodotCon was the possibility of replacing the function name with a hash. In this case, it probably wouldn't make much difference (if we used uint32_t
for the hash, that'd be 4 bytes, which is the same as "open"
not counting the null terminator), but for a class like RenderingServer
it could make a bigger difference. However, this would require changes in upstream Godot, so we'd need to measure if the difference would really be worth it before going through all that trouble.
@Faless Sorry, can you build and post your wasm artifacts with debug symbols? I would like to take a look at the dissasembly for those. Specifically the two you posted at the end of your comment:
This resulted in binaries way smaller than the 2MiB mentioned in the OP:
The 2MiB size i mentioned in the OP is a mach-o universal binary, so it includes two architectures. A single architecture build for mach-o or targetting other ASM formats results in a ~1MB file which is similar to what you have posted.
~So @dsnopek there seem to be a considerable size regression between 4.3 and 4.4 (see my updated comment above).~ See below, WASM-only, due to WASM bigint support (which is required for proper compatibility with uint64_t)
One thing to notice, is that unlike Godot itself, we don't build with optimize=size
by default when building for Web, so I guess that should also be tested (I'll run a whole bunch of new builds to test with that option)
@Faless Thanks for catching that!
As just a random guess, I wonder if the TypedDictionary
changes are the cause of the size regression? They also led to a build time regression - see
Results with optmize=size
(4.4-dev, a98d41f62bdb8b7aa903e8e37c1faa48fe8fdae8
# scons platform=web target=template_debug optimize=size
960K project/bin/libgdexample.web.template_debug.wasm32.wasm
# scons platform=web target=template_release optimize=size
956K project/bin/libgdexample.web.template_release.wasm32.wasm
Build profile:
216K project/bin/libgdexample.web.template_debug.wasm32.wasm
212K project/bin/libgdexample.web.template_release.wasm32.wasm
As just a random guess, I wonder if the
changes are the cause of the size regression? They also led to a build time regression - see #1610
@dsnopek well, nevermind, it seems that the regression is due to #1603 (which is needed), and in fact I can't reproduce it on Linux. I guess emscripten just adds more stuff to handle (u)int64_t via BigInts.
Godot version
godot-cpp version
System information
wasm in particular
Issue description
This is intended to primarily be a tracking issue looking at ways to reduce the binary size of these extension libraries. Intended to be an open discussion to followup on
Steps to reproduce
Compiling the simplest of extensions, a single file single including a single header results in a 2MB library (Reviewer EDIT: macos universal library, i.e. 1MB for each architecture). Example:
Minimal reproduction project