godotengine / godot-website

The code for the official Godot Engine website. A static site built using Jekyll.
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C# MySqlConnector error on connection #776

Closed Zamir7 closed 8 months ago

Zamir7 commented 8 months ago

C#, 4.2. Stable, when connecting to a database via MySqlConnector 2.3.1 on Windows it works flawlessly, but on Android it crashes with an error. There is a feeling that the conflict is in the safety of Physics2DConstraintSolveIslands. But again, there is no error on the Desktop and there is also no error in the .Net application on Android without Godot.

Here are the first lines of the error:

E 0:00:08:0044 :0 @ Interop+CryptoInitializer..cctor(): BUG: Unreferenced static string to 0: Physics2DConstraintSolveIslands <C++ source code>core/string/string_name.cpp:127 @ unref()

:0 @ Interop+CryptoInitializer..cctor() :0 @ Interop+Crypto..cctor() :0 @ int System.Security.Cryptography.HashProviderDispenser+OneShotHashProvider.HashData(string, System.ReadOnlySpan1[System.Byte], System.Span1[System.Byte]) :0 @ bool System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1.TryHashData(System.ReadOnlySpan1[System.Byte], System.Span1[System.Byte], System.Int32&) :0 @ System.Byte[] MySqlConnector.Protocol.Serialization.AuthenticationUtility.HashPassword(System.ReadOnlySpan`1[System.Byte], string) :0 @ System.Byte[] MySqlConnector.Protocol.Serialization.AuthenticationUtility.CreateAuthenticationResponse(System.ReadOnlySpan`1[System.Byte], string) :0 @ MySqlConnector.Protocol.PayloadData MySqlConnector.Protocol.Payloads.HandshakeResponse41Payload.Create(MySqlConnector.Protocol.Payloads.InitialHandshakePayload, MySqlConnector.Core.ConnectionSettings, string, bool, MySqlConnector.Protocol.CharacterSet , System.Byte[]) :0 @ void MySqlConnector.Core.ServerSession+d__98.MoveNext() :0 @ void
JohnVeness commented 8 months ago

Hi. https://github.com/godotengine/godot-website/ is just about the Godot website. You're probably looking for https://github.com/godotengine/godot

Zamir7 commented 8 months ago

Oh, sorry