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Area3D/Area2D doesn't detect static bodies if "Monitorable" is disabled #17238

Open YeldhamDev opened 6 years ago

YeldhamDev commented 6 years ago

Godot version: 184b2fe

Issue description: This could also affect the 3D version of it, but I just tested in 2D.

If an Area2D's Monitorable property is disabled, it will fail to detect static bodies.

Ranoller commented 6 years ago


Static body and area should not report contact

YeldhamDev commented 6 years ago

@Ranoller Well, then the bug is that is detecting static bodies when Monitorable is enabled then?

Ranoller commented 6 years ago

If you trust documentation... Yes

mhilbrunner commented 6 years ago

Monitorable seems wonky in other cases too: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/17330

rilpires commented 6 years ago

I was looking how to detect static bodies with a non-physical colliders and ENABLING MONITORABLE in Area2D is the only way.

It shouldn't even be called a bug since area2D isn't monitorable anyway(except by others Area2D, I know, but it can be handled with collision_mask bits). So, if Area2D isn't supposed to be detecting static bodies in any way, please let this "bug" continue

akien-mga commented 5 years ago

See also test project from duplicate issue: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/files/2217245/StaticBodyAreaBug.tar.gz

fossegutten commented 5 years ago

Why is this and the referenced issue #20364 closed? Is it intended that area2D shouldn't detect static bodies and tilemaps? I just encountered this issue in Godot 3.1.1 and its bugging me because I don't understand why it behaves like this. Performance also drops by over 50% if I enable monitorable.

Edit: Sorry @YeldhamDev ! Not so experienced with github.. But it also applies for tilemap, not only staticbody2D

YeldhamDev commented 5 years ago

@fossegutten This issue is currently open, the other one was closed for being a duplicate of this one.

alastair-JL commented 5 years ago

So.... what is the best way of detecting static bodies? Like, let say I want a character to jump BEFORE running off a ledged, then I want some kind of detector running in front of them that says when there isn't any ground. I don't want the detector to have any physics in it (hence shouldn't be a body), I want it to only be a zone of detection.

This seems like something that "area2d" should do, or at least, have the ability to do. If not, then, what type of object should have that behavior.

I'm all for fixing some other thing that is a bug, but ... if you do I'm not sure how to implement the thing I'm imagining.

AtomaFajrovulpo commented 4 years ago

https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/17238#issuecomment-370192809 @Ranoller


Static body and area should not report contact

Then how would you detect StaticBody2Ds ?

wingedadventurer commented 3 years ago

What's the status on this issue? I'm still experiencing it in 3.2.2 stable.

andrea-calligaris commented 3 years ago

Experiencing this in 3.2.3 stable. It's confusing enough that it took me quite a while to understand what was going on in my project. In my case I was trying to detect tiles from a TileMap.

andrea-calligaris commented 3 years ago


Static body and area should not report contact

In my case I was trying to detect tiles from a TileMap. The documentation for Area2D says:

body_entered(body: Node) Emitted when a physics body enters. The body argument can either be a PhysicsBody2D or a TileMap instance (while TileMaps are not physics body themselves, they register their tiles with collision shapes as a virtual physics body).

But it doesn't work unless you switch "monitorable" on, on the detector, which makes no sense.

madmiraal commented 3 years ago

The problem is with the way the physics engine is designed. To make things efficient, StaticBodies are not checked if they're colliding with anything, because they don't move. Instead it relies on the other CollisionObjects moving and detecting collisions with it. Similarly, to make things efficient, Areas that are not monitorable are not checked if they're colliding with anything. The problem arises when moving Areas that are not monitorable collide with StaticBodies. Neither is checking for collisions, so nothing is detected.

YeldhamDev commented 3 years ago

@madadam So it's a quirk, rather than a bug? If so, it should be documented.

madmiraal commented 3 years ago

No, it's definitely a bug. It's just not an easy one to fix, because of the way the physics engine was designed.

andrea-calligaris commented 3 years ago

@madadam So it's a quirk, rather than a bug? If so, it should be documented.

It is a bug, please see https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/17238#issuecomment-703217265

andrea-calligaris commented 3 years ago

The problem arises when moving Areas that are not monitoring collide with StaticBodies. Neither is checking for collisions, so nothing is detected.

No. The problem arises even when Areas that are monitoring collide with StaticBodies, or at least with tiles, in my case. Nothing is detected until your Areas have monitorable On, which doesn't make sense, and that's the bug, for what I'm able to understand.

In other words, to solve the bug, either:


madmiraal commented 3 years ago

@char0xff Thanks. I've corrected the typo.

pouleyKetchoupp commented 3 years ago

As a note, the same things happens in Godot Physics 3D, but not when using Bullet (see #50050).

barbaros83 commented 2 years ago

lol, i was going crazy thinking i did something wrong, turns out its a long standing bug. is this going to be fixed in 3.x ? 1 of the comments suggests its not a bug, but it definitely is, because the dev should decide what the node should do, not asuming anything. in my game i have a building that i can place, wich is a staticbody, and the enemy characters are kinematicbody's, with an area for detection, it makes sense the way its set up, and the way you would asume it works, if detection is not desired there are many ways to handle that, put it on a diffrent layer, or disable the body, filter the bodies that enter the area.

pouleyKetchoupp commented 2 years ago

@barbaros83 I can confirm this is considered a bug. When it's fixed, it will very likely be on both 4.x and 3.x.

lawnjelly commented 2 years ago

Just looking at fixing this now. Here is a minimum reprod project (there was another earlier but it didn't work well for me.

Just run it using either Godot physics or Bullet, it prints the "Area entered" message with Bullet but not with Godot physics.


lawnjelly commented 2 years ago

Incidentally to give more info, the reason this behaviour occurred is that the old octree (and hence the BVH up until #55640) is split into "pairable" and "non-pairable" groups.



Pairable can pair (detect collisions) with pairable Pairable can pair with non-pairable Non-pairable cannot pair with non-pairable

Having non-pairable not collide with non-pairable means that if you move one (say an Area) you can omit a large amount of collision checks. The moment you decide you do want areas to collide with statics, then you lose out on this performance boost completely.

Bullet presumably doesn't suffer from this because it doesn't make the distinction between pairable and non-pairable (or not in the same way that gains efficiency, I haven't examined the bullet code).

So it comes down to this, currently we need to make a decision, and from what I'm hearing here it sounds like users want everything to collide against everything.

In #55640 I've moved away from pairable and non-pairable, instead using a definable number of trees (up to 32, but only 2 are currently used). For each object added it can only go in one tree, but you can then decide which trees it can collide against. I'm still using 2 trees for now for physics, to make the distinction as it may reduce housekeeping, at a cost of having to do collision against 2 trees.

But I have for now set it up so that all objects collide by default against both trees. This makes the decision to solve the "bug" at the cost of this efficiency. Although the increased efficiency would only have occurred before if you had moving areas. For statics there is no loss to making them collide with everything, because, by definition they do not move, and except for placing them initially, all the collide tests will be against them rather than caused by them, which is essentially the same as the current status quo.

We also have the additional ability to specify per-object tree collision behaviour explicitly, which could give much finer control over this kind of thing efficiency wise. Although it is not yet exposed to the user, we have to discuss whether or not we want to do this, as it will probably not be available in bullet.

This is kind of similar-ish in nature to collision layers and collision masks, except done with entire trees. The former is about user control and is highly inefficient. The latter gives slightly less control (because collision masks are NOT reciprocal) but is highly efficient and can speed up the physics significantly.

TokisanGames commented 1 year ago

So it comes down to this, currently we need to make a decision, and from what I'm hearing here it sounds like users want everything to collide against everything.

The GD4 Area3D documentation says: 3D area that detects CollisionObject3D nodes overlapping, entering, or exiting.

So yes, that is what we expect (and how it works in GD3/Bullet). If any PhysicsBody with an enabled CollisionShape and matching layer/mask enters an Area, we should get body entered signals. If any PhysicsBodies collide with other PhysicsBodies with matching parameters, they should collide and send signals.

We also understand that we should be using StaticBodies for immovable objects, RigidBodies for physics movable objects, Kinematic/Character bodies for user movable object, and Areas for detection.

If there's a better way to do it, fine. Us users don't care about or understand pairable or not pairable or the BVH or the other magic you guys are doing under the hood. We just expect the code to work as advertised in the documentation and tutorials, and provides the functionality we need (present in GD3/Bullet). Currently GD4 doesn't quite do that and the documentation is inconsistent.

lawnjelly commented 1 year ago

Saw a few people had been bumping this and similar bugs. Just to review some options for fixing this (as I remember, it's been a while so my memory may be wonky) for the benefit of new physics contributors such as @rburing :

Imo there are two good options which solve the bug (and don't necessarily adversely affect performance in the situation where this mode is not needed). Both involve the need for an extra flag on Areas, whether or not the Area should collide test against Statics. Or alternatively the monitorable state could become more of an enum:

The two ways obvious ways of implementing this: 1) Keep the same number of BVH trees (2), but alter the physics code so that when collide all is set, the Area is added to the dynamic tree instead of the static tree. This would be more expensive than normal mode, but not as expensive as monitable because there is no reporting. 2) Add a third BVH tree (mostly similar to the code I already wrote in #58505 ) and place collide all Areas into this third tree instead of the static tree. This has the advantage that we could eliminate Area to Area collision checks.

Just to emphasize that we made the BVH totally configurable with the templated trees in #55640 , so it is possible to add / remove trees / configure collision masks without changing the actual BVH code at all (and thus requires no specialist knowledge), and this can be done by a physics contributor as in the approach in #58505 .

FeldrinH commented 1 year ago

I am not knowledgeable enough about physics engine internals to comment on the technical merits of any choice, but as a user, the idea that 'monitorable' and 'collide all' are two options in the same enum feels weird, since 'monitorable' is about being detectable whereas 'collide all' is about detecting other bodies.

Zireael07 commented 1 year ago

@FeldrinH that was my first thought upon reading the comment, too

lekoder commented 1 month ago

It might be wise to rethink the approach to bugs like this

I just got hit by this 6-year-old problem that seems to still affect all the stable branches. Perhaps problems like this should be documented in the docs under a "known issues" section or something similar once an issue is open for several months?

My use case was: Area2D moving with an NPC ship, used to detect potential collision form the burnfinding to consider.

AdriaandeJongh commented 1 month ago

The title of this issue says '3D issue only' but that is incorrect: I'm experiencing this issue in my 2D project in Godot 4.2.2.

(I made another issue for this bug (#90077) that was merged into this issue. A more elaborate description of behavior I'm seeing can be found there.)

akien-mga commented 1 month ago

The title of this issue says '3D issue only' but that is incorrect: I'm experiencing this issue in my 2D project in Godot 4.2.2.

"(3D issue only when using GodotPhysics)" means that the issue affects 3D (it's a "3D issue") only when using GodotPhysics (i.e. not Bullet, in 3.x, at the time where this title was edited). Not that it only affects 3D :sweat_smile:

I'll reword for clarity.