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Godot crash in ResourceSaver after 1073741824 bytes #62585

Open lyuma opened 2 years ago

lyuma commented 2 years ago

Godot version

4.0.alpha c41e4b1

System information

Windows 10, 64-bit

Issue description

I ran into this when saving a large scn with lots of textures, and used "Make Local" so all textures got embedded.

I tried saving this scene, and it gave an error in resize

ERROR: Condition "p_size < 0" is true. Returning: ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER
   at: CowData<unsigned char>::resize (S:\repo\godot-fire\core/templates/cowdata.h:261)

After this error, it proceeded to crash.

    godot.windows.opt.tools.64.exe!FileAccessCompressed::store_8(unsigned char p_dest) Line 339 C++
>   godot.windows.opt.tools.64.exe!FileAccess::store_buffer(const unsigned char * p_src, unsigned __int64 p_length) Line 552    C++
    godot.windows.opt.tools.64.exe!ResourceFormatSaverBinaryInstance::write_variant(Ref<FileAccess> f, const Variant & p_property, HashMap<Ref<Resource>,int,HashMapHasherDefault,HashMapComparatorDefault<Ref<Resource> >,DefaultTypedAllocator<HashMapElement<Ref<Resource>,int> > > & resource_map, HashMap<Ref<Resource>,int,HashMapHasherDefault,HashMapComparatorDefault<Ref<Resource> >,DefaultTypedAllocator<HashMapElement<Ref<Resource>,int> > > & external_resources, HashMap<StringName,int,HashMapHasherDefault,HashMapComparatorDefault<StringName>,DefaultTypedAllocator<HashMapElement<StringName,int> > > & string_map, const PropertyInfo & p_hint) Line 1657 C++
    godot.windows.opt.tools.64.exe!ResourceFormatSaverBinaryInstance::write_variant(Ref<FileAccess> f, const Variant & p_property, HashMap<Ref<Resource>,int,HashMapHasherDefault,HashMapComparatorDefault<Ref<Resource> >,DefaultTypedAllocator<HashMapElement<Ref<Resource>,int> > > & resource_map, HashMap<Ref<Resource>,int,HashMapHasherDefault,HashMapComparatorDefault<Ref<Resource> >,DefaultTypedAllocator<HashMapElement<Ref<Resource>,int> > > & external_resources, HashMap<StringName,int,HashMapHasherDefault,HashMapComparatorDefault<StringName>,DefaultTypedAllocator<HashMapElement<StringName,int> > > & string_map, const PropertyInfo & p_hint) Line 1637 C++
    godot.windows.opt.tools.64.exe!ResourceFormatSaverBinaryInstance::save(const String & p_path, const Ref<Resource> & p_resource, unsigned int p_flags) Line 2081 C++
    godot.windows.opt.tools.64.exe!ResourceFormatSaverBinary::save(const String & p_path, const Ref<Resource> & p_resource, unsigned int p_flags) Line 2106 C++
    godot.windows.opt.tools.64.exe!ResourceSaver::save(const String & p_path, const Ref<Resource> & p_resource, unsigned int p_flags) Line 110  C++

CowData resizes to the next power of two, which is 2147483648, and overflows a signed int.

I think everything here should be made less sloppy. Array operations should always use unsigned, not signed values. Integers should be 64-bit where possible: GDScript already uses 64-bit, so why are they downgraded to 32-bit in C++? Finally, FileAccess should check the return value of resize() and fail gracefully.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Import a very heavy scene from glTF, such that it has a few GB of assets.
  2. Use "Make local" or do a compessed export using a script.

Sorry I don't have more specific steps. The asset I used is not redistributable, and the save was automated by a script in order to enable ZSTD compression.

Minimal reproduction project


Calinou commented 2 years ago

Related to https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/45296 and https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/54679.

Making CowData use 64-bit unsigned integers is welcome, but it's a significant undertaking as it requires replacing the type in all places where relevant.

akien-mga commented 1 year ago

Is this still reproducible in the latest betas?

RedworkDE commented 1 year ago

Still can happen on 4.0.0 stable.

MRP that just generates a few GB of random mesh data and saves it:

extends Node

func _ready():
    const size = 50000000

    var mesh = ArrayMesh.new()
    var arrays = []
    var vertices = PackedVector3Array()
    for j in range(vertices.size()):
        vertices[j] = Vector3(randf(), randf(), randf())
    var uvs = PackedVector2Array()
    for j in range(uvs.size()):
        uvs[j] = Vector2(randf(), randf())
    var uvs2 = PackedVector2Array()
    for j in range(uvs2.size()):
        uvs2[j] = Vector2(randf(), randf())
    var colors = PackedColorArray()
    for j in range(colors.size()):
        colors[j] = Color(randf(), randf(), randf(), randf())
    arrays[ArrayMesh.ARRAY_VERTEX] = vertices
    arrays[ArrayMesh.ARRAY_TEX_UV] = uvs
    arrays[ArrayMesh.ARRAY_TEX_UV2] = uvs2
    arrays[ArrayMesh.ARRAY_COLOR] = colors
    mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, arrays);

    ResourceSaver.save(mesh, "res://test.res", ResourceSaver.FLAG_COMPRESS)

Also since I didn't see it in any of the linked issues: The MRP for just any of the CowData crashes is just [].resize(100000000)

Regrad commented 1 year ago

ERROR: Condition "p_size < 0" is true. Returning: ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER at: resize (./core/templates/cowdata.h:262)

when saving big map from glb to SCN. TSCN saving normally.

Godot 4.0 Release.

Calinou commented 1 year ago

I can confirm this on 4.1.dev 33957aee6 (Linux) using this MRP. Note that while I see this error message:

ERROR: Condition "p_size < 0" is true. Returning: ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER
   at: resize (./core/templates/cowdata.h:262)

I don't get a crash though.

TokisanGames commented 1 year ago

This is now causing a big problem for us and all users of Terrain3D. It does cause Godot to crash and does not save data. 4.1.1-stable, Windows 11/64.

We can cause it by importing 2 8k maps into our 16k world space and using the ResourceSaver to save. Godot can handle a full 16k map in memory, but it only takes half, 8k by 16k to crash Godot when saving. The crash occurs when we call ResourceSaver.save() or by clicking the arrow in the inspector on the .res and selecting save.

The resource is tied to a binary .res file in the inspector. Pre-crash it specifically has:

So call it 1.4gb of memory. Upon saving godot crashes with:

ERROR: Condition "p_size < 0" is true. Returning: ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER
at: resize (./core/templates/cowdata.h:262)

Our issue https://github.com/outobugi/Terrain3D/issues/159

TokisanGames commented 8 months ago

@akien-mga The new PR didn't fix this issue. It may have fixed part of it, but I attempted to save a 1.2gb resource file and saved it and it crashed.

I just built Godot 0bcc0e92b3f0ac57d4c4650722f347593a258572 with godot-cpp https://github.com/godotengine/godot-cpp/commit/0145e900f335fa3691564bb51080125b51c38c52 (though it's not relevant). I loaded up a terrain in 8k x 8k segments. First segment saved at 413mb fine. Two segments at 800mb. Three segments crashed.

This has nothing to do with our code. Our code loaded the data into a resource, then I manually used the inspector, right-click, and save the resource as a binary .res (contents listed above, defaults to compressed).

Crash without any console error messages. Debugging, I found it crashed in https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/master/core/io/file_access_compressed.cpp#L344-L350



PR #77306 was intended to be part of the solution for this issue. When I apply that PR on this commit Godot doesn't crash. However it doesn't save the resource either. It writes 11.7mb and has a popup,


Rubonnek commented 8 months ago

By modifying the MRP at https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/62585#issuecomment-1450900291 to save roughly 2.8 GB through ResourceSaver on a dev build from https://github.com/godotengine/godot/commit/0bcc0e92b3f0ac57d4c4650722f347593a258572 I'm able to reproduce a crash at the same line as @TokisanGames.

Click to show gdb backtrace ```cpp #0 0x000055555a4fa8aa in FileAccessCompressed::store_8 (this=0x55555f465320, p_dest=222 '\336') at core/io/file_access_compressed.cpp:349 #1 0x000055555a4ed346 in FileAccess::store_buffer (this=0x55555f465320, p_src=0x7ffc0f600030 "\021\vj*\276C\030>\307\327\177?\017\223\256>2\273", p_length=2000000000) at core/io/file_access.cpp:711 #2 0x000055555a573aa0 in ResourceFormatSaverBinaryInstance::write_variant (f=..., p_property=..., resource_map=..., external_resources=..., string_map=..., p_hint=...) at core/io/resource_format_binary.cpp:1841 #3 0x000055555a573907 in ResourceFormatSaverBinaryInstance::write_variant (f=..., p_property=..., resource_map=..., external_resources=..., string_map=..., p_hint=...) at core/io/resource_format_binary.cpp:1822 #4 0x000055555a573a17 in ResourceFormatSaverBinaryInstance::write_variant (f=..., p_property=..., resource_map=..., external_resources=..., string_map=..., p_hint=...) at core/io/resource_format_binary.cpp:1831 #5 0x000055555a575c7e in ResourceFormatSaverBinaryInstance::save (this=this@entry=0x7fffffffcc70, p_path=..., p_resource=..., p_flags=p_flags@entry=32) at core/io/resource_format_binary.cpp:2288 #6 0x000055555a575f79 in ResourceFormatSaverBinary::save (this=, p_resource=..., p_path=..., p_flags=32) at core/io/resource_format_binary.cpp:2427 #7 0x000055555a588062 in ResourceSaver::save (p_resource=..., p_path=..., p_flags=32) at core/io/resource_saver.cpp:127 #8 0x000055555a87986e in core_bind::ResourceSaver::save (this=0x55555f465528, p_resource=..., p_path=..., p_flags=...) at ./core/variant/type_info.h:301 #9 0x000055555a8a998d in call_with_variant_args_ret_helper<__UnexistingClass, Error, Ref const&, String const&, BitField, 0ul, 1ul, 2ul> (p_instance=p_instance@entry=0x55555d8c56f0, p_method=, p_args=p_args@entry=0x7fffffffced0, r_ret=..., r_error=...) at ./core/variant/binder_common.h:755 #10 0x000055555a8a9ae9 in call_with_variant_args_ret_dv<__UnexistingClass, Error, Ref const&, String const&, BitField > (p_instance=0x55555d8c56f0, p_method=, p_args=0x7fffffffd160, p_argcount=3, r_ret=..., r_error=..., default_values=...) at ./core/variant/binder_common.h:534 #11 0x000055555a8a9b46 in MethodBindTR const&, String const&, BitField >::call ( this=, p_object=, p_args=, p_arg_count=, r_error=...) at ./core/object/method_bind.h:496 #12 0x0000555557eee847 in GDScriptFunction::call (this=, p_instance=, p_instance@entry=0x55555f4626d0, p_args=p_args@entry=0x0, p_argcount=p_argcount@entry=0, r_err=..., p_state=) at modules/gdscript/gdscript_vm.cpp:1830 #13 0x0000555557e13bce in GDScript::_create_instance (this=this@entry=0x55555f4442e0, p_args=p_args@entry=0x0, p_argcount=p_argcount@entry=0, p_owner=, p_owner@entry=0x55555f46dd50, p_is_ref_counted=, r_error=...) at modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:181 #14 0x0000555557e14089 in GDScript::instance_create (this=0x55555f4442e0, p_this=0x55555f46dd50) at modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:396 #15 0x000055555a7e7d19 in Object::set_script (this=this@entry=0x55555f46dd50, p_script=...) at core/object/object.cpp:907 #16 0x000055555784eb4e in Main::start () at main/main.cpp:3233 ```
Click to show MRP Run with `godot -s`: ```gdscript extends SceneTree func _init(): const size = 100000000 var mesh = ArrayMesh.new() var arrays = [] var vertices = PackedVector3Array() vertices.resize(size) for j in range(vertices.size()): vertices[j] = Vector3(randf(), randf(), randf()) var uvs = PackedVector2Array() uvs.resize(size) for j in range(uvs.size()): uvs[j] = Vector2(randf(), randf()) var uvs2 = PackedVector2Array() uvs2.resize(size) for j in range(uvs2.size()): uvs2[j] = Vector2(randf(), randf()) var colors = PackedColorArray() colors.resize(size) for j in range(colors.size()): colors[j] = Color(randf(), randf(), randf(), randf()) arrays.resize(ArrayMesh.ARRAY_MAX) arrays[ArrayMesh.ARRAY_VERTEX] = vertices arrays[ArrayMesh.ARRAY_TEX_UV] = uvs arrays[ArrayMesh.ARRAY_TEX_UV2] = uvs2 arrays[ArrayMesh.ARRAY_COLOR] = colors mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, arrays); ResourceSaver.save(mesh, "res://test.res", ResourceSaver.FLAG_COMPRESS) quit() ```

Reopening issue.

BlueCube3310 commented 7 months ago

Likely caused by https://github.com/godotengine/godot/blob/master/core/io/file_access_compressed.cpp#L49 in

write_buffer_size = next_power_of_2(write_max);

since next_power_of_2 returns a uint32.

TokisanGames commented 7 months ago


void FileAccessCompressed::store_8(uint8_t p_dest) {
    ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(f.is_null(), "File must be opened before use.");
    ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!writing, "File has not been opened in write mode.");

    if (write_pos + (1) > write_max) {
        write_max = write_pos + (1);
    if (write_max > write_buffer_size) {
        //write_buffer_size = next_power_of_2(write_max);
        uint64_t value = 1;
        while (value <= write_max) {
            value = value << 1;
        write_buffer_size += MIN(value, 1<<29);

        write_ptr = buffer.ptrw();
    write_ptr[write_pos++] = p_dest;

These changes get this function working beyond 2gb and no longer crashes, however it never returns from the save. The engine is hung. The msvc debugger seems to think it's running. CPU usage is minimal. Temporary files exist, but files are 0.

I tested importing terrain maps and saving to a resource file:

fire commented 1 month ago

@lyuma this may be fixed with the cow size increase to 64 bit