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Pixel distortions at texture edges with centered sprite that has odd dimensions #82696

Open Cerno-b opened 11 months ago

Cerno-b commented 11 months ago

Godot version

v4.1.2.rc1.official [58f0cae4a]

System information

Godot v4.1.2.rc1 - Windows 10.0.19045 - Vulkan (Compatibility) - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 (NVIDIA; - AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor (12 Threads)

Issue description

I have a pixel art project and my sprites have their leftmost pixels duplicated and their rightmost pixels missing. This is only a problem when the game runs, in the editor the images look fine.

Steps to reproduce


This image shows the issue for a Sprite2D and an AnimatedSprite2D I set scale to 3 for the screenshot to make the problem more visible

Minimal reproduction project


vpellen commented 11 months ago

Your sprite's pixels aren't actually aligned with the grid: image Because the sprite texture is an odd-numbered width and height (25x25), and the sprite origin is set to "centered", when the sprite itself snaps to pixel coordinates, each pixel in the sprite's texture is actually at a half-pixel position. It's essentially a rounding issue.

There are a number of ways you can deal with this:

  1. Give the sprite an offset that lands on a half-pixel (i.e. 0.5x 0.5y)
  2. Modify the sprite to be an even number of pixels in each dimension
  3. Set the sprite origin to be in the top left rather than centered
Cerno-b commented 11 months ago

@vpellen Thanks, I think I can make that work.

I am thinking though: Should/could this be improved in Godot itself? I guess low-res pixel-perfect games are just a niche nowadays, but I think they require a few workarounds at the moment that are not very intuitive.

So if I take the perspective of a new user who wants to create a pixel game, I think the notion of dealing with half-pixel offsets or limiting your design to even-numbered sprites does not come very natural. On top of that they are facing a wrapping issue that does not seem very intutive at all.

I remember that I created an issue some years ago about whether Godot should support a pixel-perfect mode that would only deal in integer coordinates, and would resolve these issues natively. I think back then the answer was that it would be too much effort for too little gain and that nobody really put a lot of work in for 2D anyway since it's very mature already. Since I have always wanted to contribute something to Godot, maybe this is something I could try my hand at one of these days.

For now though I have two ideas for the current behavior that I think are worthy of discussion:

1) It is not very intuitive that the textures wrap around like they do. From a pure user perspective, if I add a sprite and that sprite does not align with the grid, I would accept some rounding errors, but artifacts like the ones above are not something I imagine a new user would intuitively grasp. Do you think there is there a way to at least get rid of the wrapping without breaking something else?

2) If there is no obvious technical solution, would it be possible that we add a warning for cases like these? Like for specific project settings (viewport, nearest) there is warning that comes up if an image of odd size is assigned to a sprite, suggesting to pad the image with transparent pixels where necessary to avoid problems, and potentially a link to the manual.

Do you think either of these has some merits?

vpellen commented 11 months ago

First thing's first, I should specify I'm not a maintainer or anything - just a random contributor. So what follows are just my own personal thoughts and experiences.

So these days, more or less everything is actually just 3D rendering under the hood. 25-odd years ago 2D games were more inclined to do things involving directly copying sprites pixel by pixel, but nowadays, everything is textured polygons - almost all 2D you see is "fake" in that regard. This comes with pros and cons.

The main advantage is flexibility - scaling and rotating is way easier than it used to be, and we can achieve all kinds of fancy effects using the same kind of tech that's used to do advanced lighting calculations. It also means we can handle fractional coordinates easier, which is very useful for things like physics where we want to move things by fractions of a pixel or whatever (watch some of summoningsalt's videos on super mario bros if you want an explanation of what the hell a "subpixel" is, and how Nintendo handled that problem back in the 80s). The downside is complexity - Sometimes it actually takes a fair bit of work to set things up so that it looks like the old crisp pixel tech of times past. I assume the reason Godot doesn't lean ultra-hard on the pixel-perfect nature of things is because it'd be seen as too niche. That said, there are a bunch of things you can keep in mind that will make things easier, even beyond what I mentioned before.

For one, canvas item stretch mode: image vs viewport stretch mode: image I believe you used the latter in your MRP.

canvas item mode is more true to the underlying 3D nature of everything, whereas viewport mode tries to fake an old-school look by essentially rendering at a really low resolution and then scaling it up. Oh, pro tip by the way: If you want a good base resolution for your pixel art game, consider 640x360 (or 320x180 if you want a chunkier look). It scales cleanly to all modern 16:9 desktop resolutions, which means you don't have scaling problems with pixels of different sizes.

Another useful feature that might give you some luck when used in combination with viewport stretch mode is the project setting called "Snap 2D Vertices to Pixel". That, I believe, would also fix your problems by always making your sprites align to the grid properly (as long as you don't try to scale or rotate them).

As for fixing the problem on Godot's level.. I actually suspect this might be something baked into the core APIs that all 3D programs use. I imagine texture sampling alternates between rounding up and rounding down on the halfway points or some such, which likely works for most casual use cases but looks awful in weird esoteric cases like ours where we're trying to get things to align perfectly to a low resolution grid.

Some warnings would be good, but I suspect it'd be hard to pull off because the underlying cause of this problem affects a whole bunch of things - it's related to texture sampling and rasterization, and the engine can have a hard time telling when you absolutely really no-for-real-guys want to emulate the old school look, or when you're just doing something weird and you want the best available option.

Lamentably, I suspect this is just one of those things where it'll trip people up the first time it happens and then they'll figure it out and never do it again, and then the knowledge gets passed down from person to person through forum posts and github comments. Not a great system, but, it works.

bitsawer commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the report. I don't think this is a bug (as already well explained by others), it's just the result of rendering an off-pixel grid sprite. If you want pixel-perfect 2D rendering, you can try some combination of these:

This issue has some useful discussion about these issues https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/81998 with some solutions and drawbacks. Also searching documentation and other Godot sources might prove useful.

Cerno-b commented 11 months ago

@vpellen Thanks for the extensive summary. Some of this I knew, and some you clarified.

I wonder though: If the viewport is explicitly made for pixel-perfection, then wouldn't it be possible (or even necessary) to use just that configuration setting to realize some specific code paths that fix common problems like the one I raised in this issue?

I remember writing a related issue where I actually addressed the problem of proper viewport rotation, which did not work as I expected at the time. I originally raised that issue because I came to Godot from GameMaker and for all its shortcomings, it has the pixel perfect handling nailed down to an art form, so I was hoping that we could learn from them.

Since I've been wanting to actually contribute to Godot for quite some time, and I am a sucker for pixel-perfect games, this might be something I would like to try my hand at. But since I am absolutely new to the codebase, I think I would need to get some information about whether or not such a task is hopeless because it might clash with a lot of other requirements the engine has that I am not aware of.

I think this issue is not the right place to start a more in-depth discussion about making Godot more friendly to pixel devs, so I'll try to collect my thoughts on this and move it over to the proposals tracker, do you agree?

One thought: What's wrong with 480x270? It scales nicely to Full HD with a factor 4, that's why I chose it. Did I miss anything?

@bitsawer Thanks for your input and the link. From my perspective, this issue can be closed if you want.

Calinou commented 11 months ago

One thought: What's wrong with 480x270? It scales nicely to Full HD with a factor 4, that's why I chose it. Did I miss anything?

It doesn't scale perfectly to 2560×1440 (~5.333×), which is a common resolution among players nowadays. This means there will be black bars on all sides of the screen on those displays.

I think this issue is not the right place to start a more in-depth discussion about making Godot more friendly to pixel devs, so I'll try to collect my thoughts on this and move it over to the proposals tracker, do you agree?

There is already such a proposal: https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals/issues/6389

Unfortunately, it's not very actionable in its current state, and nobody has opened a pull request for anything related to that proposal yet.

Cerno-b commented 11 months ago

@Calinou I may be way over my head with the idea to offer more pixel-art friendly options to godot, probably because there are a lot of cases I am not aware of. Having a perfect pixel game combined with a hi-res menu is certainly one of them. Thanks for the pointer. I might check it out and collect some information when my next vacation rolls around. Maybe I can look into this although I might be biting off more than I can chew. But at least I can use it as an excuse to dive into the codebase.

vpellen commented 11 months ago

@Cerno-b Ironically, I actually wish Godot would move away from pixel perfection. I vastly preferred unity's model of "pixels per unit", because setting max_velocity to some multiple of 16 always kind of annoyed me, and it makes dealing with high-resolution 2D graphics kind of unpleasant. I wonder if there's a proposal for that, come to think of it..

As for the pixelated viewport, it's actually got other uses - There's a game on steam, uhHhh.. starfox clone.. come on brain don't make me look it up.. zero something? X something? Damn it hang on.

Ex-Zodiac! I was close. Kind of.

Anyway, that game actually uses viewport stretch mode to achieve a low res 3D look. If you're looking explicitly for a pixel perfect look, my best recommendation would be to activate that snap-vertices feature and adjusting sprite pivots manually where necessary.

As for the resolution, you can do the math: 640x360 2 == 1280 x 720 (720p) 640x360 3 == 1920 x 1080 (1080p, aka HD) 640x360 4 == 2560 x 1440 (1440p) 640x360 6 == 3840 x 2160 (4K, aka UHD) Also, because the base resolution is 640x360, you can cut it in half to get 320x180, which has a total pixel count almost identical to the 256x224 of the Super Nintendo (57600 vs 57344). Oh, and incidentally, if you want a practical example of a game that uses 640x360 and looks really good while doing it, check out Wargroove.

But, yeah, this is getting a bit outside the realm of this issue. Regardless, I dunno if this constitutes a "bug" beyond maybe that the rounding should be more uniform and everything should be snapping to the left rather than getting smeared? But, as I've mentioned, that's probably just innate to the way the rendering APIs work, at which point your beef is probably with the Khronos Group.

Cerno-b commented 11 months ago

@vpellen Could you point me to some more information about the multiples of 16 thing? I feel like there are so many more issues to this than I thought initially.

About Ex-Zodiac, wouldn't this game deal fairly neutrally with changing pixel-perfect behavior to be more "perfect"? In the end, even though it is 3D, it wants to simulate an old-school look that would be pixel-perfect on an SNES era game due to the output restrictions of the system. So if we consider viewport == pixel perfect visuals, then I don't see the problem in this example, but I have to admit, I know very little at this point.

As for the resolution, yeah, I haven't considered higher resolutions and thought FHD was basically the common consensus, but I understand that standards are increasing. Thanks for the hint.

When it comes to what's technically possible, I am pretty sure there must be a solution, since GameMaker gets this to work, and I am pretty sure they use a 3D engine under the hood to simulate their sprites as well. But as I said, I'll need some serious reading to even consider presenting a use case for a "fix" if we want to call it that, so having access to a lot of information and past discussions is really helpful, especially to learn about all the use case I may have missed.

vpellen commented 11 months ago

@Cerno-b Oh, the 16 thing is just a reference to tile sizes. In old 8/16 bit games, tiles tended to be 16x16 pixels in size. In other engines, they tend to use abstract units, and a tile would be 1x1 "abstract units" in size, which means if you want, say, a velocity of 5 units a second, you set your speed to 5. If you're using a pixel-perfect engine with 16x16 tiles and you want to set your velocity to 5 tiles a second, you need to set your speed to 80. It's just an extra step of convoluted multiplication that can make reasoning about things a little more difficult.

As for Ex-Zodiac, "pixel perfect" is kind of subjective in the first place, and doesn't really apply to 3D. In 2D it generally means that all the sprites get rendered in perfect alignment with a low-resolution grid, with no rotation or scaling. In Godot, that's achieved with the viewport stretch mode and pixel snapping, as well as just generally not rotating or scaling anything. I actually don't tend to stick to such things because having a higher resolution display with rotated and scaled pixel art affords you some flexibility in how you display things. It can be ugly if used badly, but usually the practical benefits outweigh the cons, at least for me.

The interesting thing about Game Maker is it didn't always used to use 3D under the hood. I remember using it nearly 20 years ago, back when it was way more slow and janky - I believe it used DirectDraw (an old 2D equivalent to DirectX), and "alpha transparency" (let alone rotation) was something we could only dream about.

Cerno-b commented 11 months ago

@vpellen I think we are talking about different things when we talk about pixel perfection. The 16px limitation does not really apply to Godot unless I am missing something, right? I mean you can stick to a fixed tile size but you don't have to in order to get pixel perfection.

To clarify, what I mean with pixel perfection is that the game runs in a fixed pixel grid that may or may not be upscaled, and whenever the game is rendered, this grid is strictly observed, even if it leads to duplicate pixels if you're not careful with your target resolutio.

As compared to mixed pixel games or non pixel games where the grid is always the actual screen resolution. Purists like me want this nostalgic feel in games where the grid is observed. Other people like the mixed pixel art for it's convenience, flexibility or design aesthetics as you explained.

As for rotation, under my definition, rotation is very well possible in pixel perfect games, and games like Nuclear Throne (GameMaker I believe) shows how it's done well (ymmv). As far as I remember it is a pixel perfect game that also uses rotation. Sure those rotations are not smooth but that's exactly the retro look some people aim for. I think Yoshi's Island on SNES made use of rotation and still had to obey the grid.

Even Star Fox, a 3d game had to obey the grid on SNES.

Both pixel perfection and mixed pixel games have their fanbase. It's a matter of preference I guess, I just wish the viewport mode would reflect more natively in Godot's UI if I'm right that the only use case is to stick to a predefined grid.

Maybe I'm missing something but is there a use case where pixel snapping would not be used in viewport mode? To me it seems like switching it off causes a lot of problems, so I wonder why not enforce or at least default to pixel snap in viewport mode.

Under a wysiwyg paradigm, is there a reason I would want to have float positions in editor if the game forces the pixels anyway? Shouldn't the editor help the user more to make the game look like it finally would?

In the end that's kind of the reason I created this ticket, because the game looked different than the editor and I thought it was a bug. I'm basically looking for a way to make Godot more user friendly for the pixel crowd and need to collect information about what would stand in the way of this concept.

vpellen commented 11 months ago

So a few things. First, the 16 pixel thing is just about the nature of units and how that can make scale awkward to work with - technically it has no bearing on the nature of the rendering. It's just a personal annoyance from a practical standpoint.

As for non-snapped in viewport stretch mode, there are a couple of things worth noting. For one, some people might prefer to use linear filtering rather than nearest, which would make the sub-pixel positioning useful. Secondly, the pixel snapping can distort rotated sprites slightly in a way that's undesirable (which I believe is why there's a second option to only snap transforms which, ironically, would not eliminate the problem you're having).

You may also be thrown off by the fact that the editor itself does not use viewport stretch mode - it explicitly uses canvas item stretch mode. That's why you don't get issues in the editor. An option for using viewport stretch mode in the editor may actually be useful - although I'm not sure of how the particulars would work. Maybe a proposal could be made for that.

One other thing - I actually did some experimenting, and I realized that I could only actually get the distortion you encountered with sprites that were not an even power of two. I tried a 32x32 sprite offset by half a pixel and encountered no such distortion. A 28x28 sprite offset by half a pixel on the other hand reproduced very similar issues. This points to the nature of the underlying issue: It's a floating point precision error given visual form. If you're unfamiliar with floating point precision errors, go type 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 into a python or javascript console and be prepared for a long and miserable rabbit hole.

So I guess the two tl;drs are: A) Maybe we need a proposal for a viewport that respects stretch and snap settings (assuming one doesn't already exist) B) Welcome to IEEE 754, enjoy your eternity of suffering

Edit: Man, the more I think about it, why doesn't the viewport respect stretch and snap settings? Edit 2: It turns out such a proposal already exists (though it hasn't gotten much attention)

Cerno-b commented 11 months ago

@vpellen Thanks for the research and following up with @Lucrecious.

I'll add one of my own tangentially related issues for completeness, as I think it would be solvable by what I have in mind: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/60079

And this one, which is even more tangential but contains a collection of good links to related topics: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/57221

Also as self-reminder, here is another good collection of pixel-precision issues that could contains related stuff: https://github.com/godotengine/godot-proposals/issues/6389

I am still naively confident that it should be possible to change the behavior for Nearest Neighbor Viewport mode to accomodate pixel purists more but I'll really have to do some digging into the code before I consider a proposal to not make an ass out of myself ;) Ideally I would be able to try implementing something as a point of reference.

I agree on the Linear Viewport mode. There, float coordinates absolutely make sense. It would be interesting to see how this would work in practice with a Viewport editor mode. It might work, but it also might feel a bit clunky. I guess this has to be experienced to be evaluated properly.

The power of 2 thing is kinda weird, thanks for taking the time to check it. That would mean it's probably a bit more complicated than just a rounding issue, I guess and all the more reason to get to the bottom of this ;)

Yeah, I've had my share of IEEE float run-ins, that's why Python's isclose() function is a thing. Maybe something Godot should also have.

So to sum it up, for me, I think this is an interesting project to maybe pursue over Christmas to see if I can understand the codebase well enough to get some concepts of improved pixel-perfect behavior done that might help resolve other issues as well. At least looking into having a viewport mode in the editor.

Thanks for your time and all your feedback!