Closed jruiz94 closed 10 months ago
My bad, I was connecting to the signal emitted by ENetMultiplayerPeer and not to the signal emitted by MultiplayerAPI It's a little bit confusing that the name is the same for both IMO. So it's not a bug. This is the fixed script:
extends Node
var network: ENetMultiplayerPeer =
var max_players: int = 4
func _process(delta):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_left"):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_right"):
connect_to_server("", 54545)
func start_server(port: int) -> String:
network.create_server(port, max_players)
multiplayer.multiplayer_peer = network
multiplayer.peer_connected.connect(_peer_connected) # This line changed
multiplayer.peer_disconnected.connect(_peer_disconnected) # This line changed
print("I am " + str(get_tree().get_multiplayer().get_unique_id()) + ". Server started")
return ""
func connect_to_server(ip: String, port: int) -> String:
network.create_client(ip, port)
multiplayer.multiplayer_peer = network
while multiplayer.multiplayer_peer.get_connection_status() == MultiplayerPeer.CONNECTION_CONNECTING:
await get_tree().create_timer(0.01).timeout
if multiplayer.multiplayer_peer.get_connection_status() == MultiplayerPeer.CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED:
print("Failed to start multiplayer client.")
return "Error while starting multiplayer client"
multiplayer.peer_connected.connect(_peer_connected) # This line changed
multiplayer.peer_disconnected.connect(_peer_disconnected) # This line changed
print("I am " + str(get_tree().get_multiplayer().get_unique_id()) + ". Connected to server successfully")
return ""
func _peer_connected(player_id):
print("I am " + str(get_tree().get_multiplayer().get_unique_id()) + ". Player " + str(player_id) + " connected")
func _peer_disconnected(player_id):
print("I am " + str(get_tree().get_multiplayer().get_unique_id()) + "Player " + str(player_id) + " disconnected")
Sorry for the inconvenience hopefully this helps someone
Tested versions
System information
Godot v4.2.stable - Windows 10.0.22631 - Vulkan (Forward+) - dedicated NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti (NVIDIA; - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8600K CPU @ 3.60GHz (6 Threads)
Issue description
When creating a multiplayer game with ENetMultiplayerPeer the peer_connected signal (and also peer_disconnected) is only received by the host, not the other peers. The docs say that every other peer receives this signal not only the host:
Steps to reproduce
Create a simple Node Attach the following script
Run in debug mode, launch 3 instances (Debug menu on top > Run Multiple Instances > Launch 3 instances (minimum)) First instance -> Press left arrow. This will be the host. Check logs Second instance -> Press right arrow. This will be first client. Check logs. Server receives peer_connected signal and logs it Third instance -> Press right arrow. This will be second client. Check logs. Server receives peer_connected signal and logs it, however the first client doesn't receive anything
Minimal reproduction project (MRP)