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Mouse cursor disappears when hovered over any editor text fields. #93748

Open PIZZA-ALERT opened 1 week ago

PIZZA-ALERT commented 1 week ago

Tested versions

System information

Windows 11 23H2

Issue description

I remember this happening a while ago and stopping, but now it’s started again and I can’t figure out how to fix it.

Basically, my mouse cursor works as normal most of the time, but if I am working in the Godot editor and hover it over any typing field like a search bar in the editor or, most notably, the script terminal, it just disappears. This makes it extremely difficult to code. It randomly started last week while I was working, I have no idea what caused it. There appears to be no mouse or cursor Editor Settings so there doesn’t seem to be a way to easily fix it. I do not have the Windows setting turned on to hide the cursor when typing (I’ve never used that, I hate it), but even if I did, this would not be the exact issue I’m having as it hides the very second it passes into the text field, not the second I type. This only happens in Godot and does not occur in any other program.

I have closed and opened Godot many times since this started, as well as restarted and updated my computer multiple times. I’m running Windows 11 23H2.

This is also posted in the Godot forums. One user has asked me to provide my editor caret settings, I provided them and have not heard back from that user.

Steps to reproduce

I have no idea how to reproduce this as I have no idea what started it. I have no lines in any of my code that controls the mouse or the mouse cursor, in game or in editor.

Minimal reproduction project (MRP)

My project is too large to upload here and I don't know what I can and can't include in the zip in order to reproduce it.

RadiantUwU commented 1 week ago

Hello! This occurs in the editor right? We require atleast steps to reproduce or a minimal reproduction project to be able to properly understand what's the issue! As pointed in the forum post, are you sure you just can't see it (Caret color) and it's not Godot actually hiding the cursor?

RadiantUwU commented 1 week ago

Wait no, i remember having that issue too. I have no idea what happened since it hasn't happened to me in a long time.

PIZZA-ALERT commented 1 week ago

I have never changed the caret options from default so I do not think it could be that. There is a picture of what my settings look like on the forum reply if you're curious though. I can see the cursor in editor all the time except for when it is covered over a text input area such as the script terminal. It is being hidden by the engine for some unknown reason. That's interesting that you've seen it before...it sure is strange behavior. I'm hopeful that someone who knows how it's reproduced finds this page and sheds light on it eventually, so that it may be solved in a future release.

vmenezio commented 3 days ago

Hey, I have just run into this bug, also on Windows 11, but in Godot 3.5.3, so I'm unsure if the cause is the same.

I tested a bunch of things, and found that the bug seems to only happen when I have a scene open where there is a Viewport whose render_target_update_mode property is set to either UPDATE_WHEN_VISIBLE or UPDATE_ALWAYS. Could you confirm whether that's the case for you too?

Also, here are some other things I have tested:

*This is the cursor that does not display for me:

alt text
Muphet commented 2 days ago

having similar issue i guess it could be related to this bug:

for me randomly the cursor disappears (blinking indicator) and not the actual mouse cursor. only project reload/engine restart fixes it.

windows 11 23H2, 4.3-beta2

Ryan-000 commented 2 days ago

Okay, this is pretty weird, but for me this only happens when I have HDR enabled in my windows settings, and the Little Camera Preview plugin enabled.

If I disable either one of them, the issue is fixed.

Edit: I can reproduce this in multiple different ways, the only reliable method to get around this is by disabling HDR in windows settings.

Windows 11 23H2, v4.2.2.stable.mono.official

PIZZA-ALERT commented 1 day ago

I can reproduce this in multiple different ways, the only reliable method to get around this is by disabling HDR in windows settings.

This is the solution, wow. Wonder what's going on here. Could any devs look into this? I'd like to be able to have HDR on if possible.

@AThousandShips, you've helped me before. Thoughts?

AThousandShips commented 1 day ago

Not my area, and it's been tagged so someone will try looking into it