Closed TamakoT closed 2 months ago
If this happens in all projects, but doesn't seem to happen for the vast majority of Godot users, this might be caused to some specific editor settings you have (custom font or custom theme?).
Could you check if the problem is solved if you temporarily rename the files ~/Library/Application Support/Godot/editor_settings-4.tres
and ~/Library/Application Support/Godot/editor_settings-4.3.tres
? And if that solves it, share the `~/Library/Application Support/Godot/editor_settings-4.3.tres
file here if you can.
If this happens in all projects, but doesn't seem to happen for the vast majority of Godot users, this might be caused to some specific editor settings you have (custom font or custom theme?).
Could you check if the problem is solved if you temporarily rename the files
~/Library/Application Support/Godot/editor_settings-4.tres
and~/Library/Application Support/Godot/editor_settings-4.3.tres
? And if that solves it, share the`~/Library/Application Support/Godot/editor_settings-4.3.tres
file here if you can.
I tried the method you mentioned. In the corresponding folder, I found ~/Library/Application Support/Godot/editor_settings-4.3.tres
. I renamed this file to ~/Library/Application Support/Godot/editor_settings-4.3-rename.tres
. After that, I reopened Godot, opened an existing project and created a new one, but the error persists. My editor settings were reset, and here is the automatically regenerated ~/Library/Application Support/Godot/editor_settings-4.3.tres file
[gd_resource type="EditorSettings" load_steps=2 format=3]
[sub_resource type="InputEventKey" id="InputEventKey_4f7ym"]
command_or_control_autoremap = true
alt_pressed = true
keycode = 75
unicode = 75
interface/theme/base_color = Color(0.21, 0.24, 0.29, 1)
interface/theme/accent_color = Color(0.44, 0.73, 0.98, 1)
interface/theme/contrast = 0.3
text_editor/theme/highlighting/symbol_color = Color(0.67, 0.79, 1, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/keyword_color = Color(1, 0.44, 0.52, 1)
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text_editor/theme/highlighting/engine_type_color = Color(0.56, 1, 0.86, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/user_type_color = Color(0.78, 1, 0.93, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/comment_color = Color(0.8025, 0.81, 0.8225, 0.5)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/doc_comment_color = Color(0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.8)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/string_color = Color(1, 0.93, 0.63, 1)
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text_editor/theme/highlighting/completion_background_color = Color(0.21, 0.24, 0.29, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/completion_selected_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.07)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/completion_existing_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.14)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/completion_font_color = Color(0.8025, 0.81, 0.8225, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/text_color = Color(0.8025, 0.81, 0.8225, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/line_number_color = Color(0.8025, 0.81, 0.8225, 0.5)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/safe_line_number_color = Color(0.8025, 0.972, 0.8225, 0.75)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/caret_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/selection_color = Color(0.44, 0.73, 0.98, 0.4)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/brace_mismatch_color = Color(1, 0.47, 0.42, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/current_line_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.07)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/line_length_guideline_color = Color(0.21, 0.24, 0.29, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/word_highlighted_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.07)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/number_color = Color(0.63, 1, 0.88, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/function_color = Color(0.34, 0.7, 1, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/member_variable_color = Color(0.736, 0.88, 1, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/mark_color = Color(1, 0.47, 0.42, 0.3)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/breakpoint_color = Color(1, 0.47, 0.42, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/code_folding_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.27)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/search_result_color = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.07)
asset_library/available_urls = {
" (Official)": ""
asset_library/use_threads = true
export/android/java_sdk_path = ""
export/android/android_sdk_path = ""
export/android/debug_keystore = "/Users/tamako/Library/Application Support/Godot/keystores/debug.keystore"
export/android/debug_keystore_user = "androiddebugkey"
export/android/debug_keystore_pass = "android"
export/android/force_system_user = false
export/android/shutdown_adb_on_exit = true
export/android/one_click_deploy_clear_previous_install = false
export/android/use_wifi_for_remote_debug = false
export/android/wifi_remote_debug_host = "localhost"
export/ios/ios_deploy = ""
export/macos/rcodesign = ""
export/web/http_host = "localhost"
export/web/http_port = 8060
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export/windows/rcedit = ""
export/windows/osslsigncode = ""
export/windows/wine = ""
_default_feature_profile = ""
interface/editors/show_scene_tree_root_selection = true
interface/editors/derive_script_globals_by_name = true
docks/scene_tree/ask_before_deleting_related_animation_tracks = true
_use_favorites_root_selection = false
filesystem/file_server/port = 6010
filesystem/file_server/password = ""
editors/3d/manipulator_gizmo_size = 80
editors/3d/manipulator_gizmo_opacity = 0.9
editors/3d/navigation/show_viewport_rotation_gizmo = true
editors/3d/navigation/show_viewport_navigation_gizmo = false
text_editor/behavior/files/auto_reload_and_parse_scripts_on_save = true
text_editor/behavior/files/open_dominant_script_on_scene_change = false
text_editor/external/use_external_editor = false
text_editor/external/exec_path = ""
text_editor/script_list/script_temperature_enabled = true
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text_editor/script_list/group_help_pages = true
text_editor/script_list/sort_scripts_by = 0
text_editor/script_list/list_script_names_as = 0
text_editor/external/exec_flags = "{file}"
version_control/username = ""
version_control/ssh_public_key_path = ""
version_control/ssh_private_key_path = ""
editors/bone_mapper/handle_colors/unset = Color(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1)
editors/bone_mapper/handle_colors/set = Color(0.1, 0.6, 0.25, 1)
editors/bone_mapper/handle_colors/missing = Color(0.8, 0.2, 0.8, 1)
editors/bone_mapper/handle_colors/error = Color(0.8, 0.2, 0.2, 1)
network/debug_adapter/remote_port = 6006
network/debug_adapter/request_timeout = 1000
network/debug_adapter/sync_breakpoints = false
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_settings/path3d_tilt_disk_size = 0.8
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/path_tilt = Color(1, 1, 0.4, 0.9)
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/skeleton = Color(1, 0.8, 0.4, 1)
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/selected_bone = Color(0.8, 0.3, 0, 1)
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_settings/bone_axis_length = 0.1
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_settings/bone_shape = 1
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/csg = Color(0, 0.4, 1, 0.15)
editors/grid_map/editor_side = 1
editors/grid_map/palette_min_width = 230
editors/grid_map/preview_size = 64
export/ssh/ssh = ""
export/ssh/scp = ""
network/language_server/remote_host = ""
network/language_server/remote_port = 6005
network/language_server/enable_smart_resolve = true
network/language_server/show_native_symbols_in_editor = false
network/language_server/use_thread = false
network/language_server/poll_limit_usec = 100000
dotnet/editor/external_editor = 0
dotnet/editor/custom_exec_path = ""
dotnet/editor/custom_exec_path_args = ""
dotnet/build/verbosity_level = 2
dotnet/build/no_console_logging = false
dotnet/build/create_binary_log = false
dotnet/build/problems_layout = 1
text_editor/theme/highlighting/gdscript/function_definition_color = Color(0.4, 0.9, 1, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/gdscript/global_function_color = Color(0.64, 0.64, 0.96, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/gdscript/node_path_color = Color(0.72, 0.77, 0.49, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/gdscript/node_reference_color = Color(0.39, 0.76, 0.35, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/gdscript/annotation_color = Color(1, 0.7, 0.45, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/gdscript/string_name_color = Color(1, 0.76, 0.65, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/comment_markers/critical_color = Color(0.77, 0.35, 0.35, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/comment_markers/warning_color = Color(0.72, 0.61, 0.48, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/comment_markers/notice_color = Color(0.56, 0.67, 0.51, 1)
text_editor/theme/highlighting/comment_markers/critical_list = "ALERT,ATTENTION,CAUTION,CRITICAL,DANGER,SECURITY"
text_editor/theme/highlighting/comment_markers/warning_list = "BUG,DEPRECATED,FIXME,HACK,TASK,TBD,TODO,WARNING"
text_editor/theme/highlighting/comment_markers/notice_list = "INFO,NOTE,NOTICE,TEST,TESTING"
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/camera = Color(0.8, 0.4, 0.8, 1)
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/stream_player_3d = Color(0.4, 0.8, 1, 1)
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/occluder = Color(0.8, 0.5, 1, 1)
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/visibility_notifier = Color(0.8, 0.5, 0.7, 1)
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/particles = Color(0.8, 0.7, 0.4, 1)
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/particle_attractor = Color(1, 0.7, 0.5, 1)
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/particle_collision = Color(0.5, 0.7, 1, 1)
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/reflection_probe = Color(0.6, 1, 0.5, 1)
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/decal = Color(0.6, 0.5, 1, 1)
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/voxel_gi = Color(0.5, 1, 0.6, 1)
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/lightmap_lines = Color(0.5, 0.6, 1, 1)
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/lightprobe_lines = Color(0.5, 0.6, 1, 1)
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/joint_body_a = Color(0.6, 0.8, 1, 1)
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/joint_body_b = Color(0.6, 0.9, 1, 1)
editors/3d_gizmos/gizmo_colors/fog_volume = Color(0.5, 0.7, 1, 1)
shortcuts = [{
"name": "editor/clear_output",
"shortcuts": [SubResource("InputEventKey_4f7ym")]
Additionally, I am a Chinese user, and when I open a project using Chinese, the number of errors exceeds 100,000. As I mentioned in my question, thousands of new errors are added after most operations such as saving, opening or switching any scene, and opening sub-windows like the settings.
But when using English, there are only a few hundred lines of errors when opening the project, and occasionally a few hundred more errors will occur afterward, but none of these are as numerous as the errors in Chinese.
CC @bruvzg
Can't reproduce it. Since it seems to fail to load some font, it might be related to an issue with a system fallback font.
Can't reproduce it. Since it seems to fail to load some font, it might be related to an issue with a system fallback font.
I remembered something; the night before this error occurred, I adjusted the theme in the editor settings. On the Mac, it doesn’t switch to the dark theme correctly automatically, so I turned off the option to follow the system theme and then toggled between different editor themes, ultimately choosing the Default theme. I didn’t open Godot again after that until the next day when I started Godot and the project was very slow to load, followed by a large number of these errors. I suspect that changing the theme might have caused this issue to happen.
Is this somehow related to something that macOS Sequoia update have changed? Godot 4.3 runs fine on my M2 MacBook with macOS Ventura installed, but once I updated my computer to macOS Sequoia, this problem occurred.
Wait. I have just restarted the engine and it had stopped reporting such errors. So strange.
@18677664100 Please use English in this repo (even if it's Bing or Google Translate)
After a deep research, I think the problem is not with the engine, but probably with some system fonts from macOS 15, /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FontServices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Reserved/PingFangUI.ttc for example. The font lacks the 'loca' table, and this makes it unable to be loaded with freetype library.
FYI, here's the stack trace when the editor tried to load the font:
frame #0: 0x0000000106063d40`tt_face_load_loca(face=0x000000013a043600, stream=0x0000600007b6f250) at ttpload.c:97:13
frame #1: 0x0000000106048954`tt_face_init(stream=0x0000600007b6f250, ttface=0x000000013a043600, face_index=0, num_params=0, params=0x0000000000000000) at ttobjs.c:738:17
frame #2: 0x0000000105fe3c28`open_face(driver=0x0000600003654a00, astream=0x000000016fdf2bf8, anexternal_stream="", face_index=0, num_params=0, params=0x0000000000000000, aface=0x000000016fdf2bf0) at ftobjs.c:1556:15
frame #3: 0x0000000105fd7358`ft_open_face_internal(library=0x00000001392a5720, args=0x000000016fdf3910, face_index=0, aface=0x000000013d156f50, test_mac_fonts='\x01') at ftobjs.c:2645:19
frame #4: 0x0000000105fd79d8`FT_Open_Face(library=0x00000001392a5720, args=0x000000016fdf3910, face_index=0, aface=0x000000013d156f50) at ftobjs.c:2518:12
frame #5: 0x00000001015efbc0`TextServerAdvanced::_ensure_cache_for_size(this=0x00000001398dfa10, p_font_data=0x000000013d15a140, p_size=0x000000016fdf3c78, r_cache_for_size=0x000000016fdf3c80) const at text_server_adv.cpp:1410:12
frame #6: 0x00000001015ff0c8`TextServerAdvanced::_font_has_char(this=0x00000001398dfa10, p_font_rid=0x000000016fdf3f40, p_char=30830) const at text_server_adv.cpp:3551:3
frame #7: 0x000000010160b630`TextServerAdvanced::_find_sys_font_for_text(this=0x00000001398dfa10, p_fdef=0x000000016fdf4a48, p_script_code=0x000000016fdf4a10, p_language=0x000060000ab1a170, p_text=0x000000016fdf4a08) at text_server_adv.cpp:5116:9
frame #8: 0x000000010160f8ec`TextServerAdvanced::_shape_run(this=0x00000001398dfa10, p_sd=0x000000013cfd6d60, p_start=0, p_end=2, p_script=HB_SCRIPT_HAN, p_direction=HB_DIRECTION_LTR, p_fonts=TypedArray<RID> @ 0x000000016fdf4fa8, p_span=0, p_fb_index=1, p_prev_start=0, p_prev_end=2, p_prev_font=(_id = 0)) at text_server_adv.cpp:6021:8
frame #9: 0x0000000101611d74`TextServerAdvanced::_shape_run(this=0x00000001398dfa10, p_sd=0x000000013cfd6d60, p_start=0, p_end=2, p_script=HB_SCRIPT_HAN, p_direction=HB_DIRECTION_LTR, p_fonts=TypedArray<RID> @ 0x000000016fdf5670, p_span=0, p_fb_index=0, p_prev_start=0, p_prev_end=0, p_prev_font=(_id = 0)) at text_server_adv.cpp:6307:4
frame #10: 0x00000001016133d0`TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_shape(this=0x00000001398dfa10, p_shaped=0x000000013cfd6cf0) at text_server_adv.cpp:6520:8
frame #11: 0x000000010160c964`TextServerAdvanced::_shaped_text_update_breaks(this=0x00000001398dfa10, p_shaped=0x000000013cfd6cf0) at text_server_adv.cpp:5499:3
frame #12: 0x000000010161d778`TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_update_breaks(this=0x00000001398dfa10, arg1=0x000000013cfd6cf0) at text_server_adv.h:953:2
frame #13: 0x0000000104957580`TextServer::shaped_text_get_line_breaks(this=0x00000001398dfa10, p_shaped=0x000000013cfd6cf0, p_width=-1, p_start=0, p_break_flags=(value = 17)) const at text_server.cpp:947:34
frame #14: 0x0000000104ff49a4`TextServerExtension::shaped_text_get_line_breaks(this=0x00000001398dfa10, p_shaped=0x000000013cfd6cf0, p_width=-1, p_start=0, p_break_flags=(value = 17)) const at text_server_extension.cpp:1264:21
frame #15: 0x0000000104276f10`TextParagraph::_shape_lines(this=0x000000013cfd6b00) at text_paragraph.cpp:197:39
frame #16: 0x00000001042708d4`TextParagraph::get_size(this=0x000000013cfd6b00) const at text_paragraph.cpp:555:37
frame #17: 0x00000001031558fc`Button::get_minimum_size_for_text_and_icon(this=0x000000012b8fbe10, p_text=0x000000016fdf6558, p_icon=Ref<Texture2D> @ 0x000000016fdf6550) const at button.cpp:500:29
frame #18: 0x0000000103155774`Button::get_minimum_size(this=0x000000012b8fbe10) const at button.cpp:43:9
frame #19: 0x0000000103293860`Control::_update_minimum_size_cache(this=0x000000012b8fbe10) at control.cpp:1678:18
frame #20: 0x0000000103293970`Control::get_combined_minimum_size(this=0x000000012b8fbe10) const at control.cpp:1688:32
frame #21: 0x000000010314e558`BoxContainer::get_minimum_size(this=0x000000012b8f9e10) const at box_container.cpp:251:20
frame #22: 0x0000000103293860`Control::_update_minimum_size_cache(this=0x000000012b8f9e10) at control.cpp:1678:18
frame #23: 0x0000000103293970`Control::get_combined_minimum_size(this=0x000000012b8f9e10) const at control.cpp:1688:32
frame #24: 0x00000001032d29ec`AcceptDialog::_get_contents_minimum_size(this=0x000000012b8f7410) const at dialogs.cpp:285:40
frame #25: 0x00000001030e13d0`Window::get_contents_minimum_size(this=0x000000012b8f7410) const at window.cpp:1958:9
frame #26: 0x00000001030d5f68`Window::get_clamped_minimum_size(this=0x000000012b8f7410) const at window.cpp:1967:22
frame #27: 0x00000001030d5fd8`Window::_update_window_size(this=0x000000012b8f7410) at window.cpp:1042:22
frame #28: 0x00000001030d7eb0`Window::set_min_size(this=0x000000012b8f7410, p_min_size=0x000000016fdf69d8) at window.cpp:484:2
frame #29: 0x00000001032d5e3c`ConfirmationDialog::ConfirmationDialog(this=0x000000012b8f7410) at dialogs.cpp:484:2
frame #30: 0x0000000101f83af4`EditorCommandPalette::EditorCommandPalette(this=0x000000012b8f7410) at editor_command_palette.cpp:338:23
frame #31: 0x0000000101f83a94`EditorCommandPalette::EditorCommandPalette(this=0x000000012b8f7410) at editor_command_palette.cpp:338:46
frame #32: 0x0000000101f83a44`EditorCommandPalette::get_singleton() at editor_command_palette.cpp:333:15
frame #33: 0x0000000101f843b4`ED_SHORTCUT_AND_COMMAND(p_path=0x000000016fdfc038, p_name=0x000000016fdfc030, p_keycode=306184230, p_command_name=String @ 0x000000016fdfc018) at editor_command_palette.cpp:375:2
frame #34: 0x000000010213355c`EditorNode::EditorNode(this=0x000000013a819010) at editor_node.cpp:7101:2
frame #35: 0x0000000102141fb4`EditorNode::EditorNode(this=0x000000013a819010) at editor_node.cpp:6676:26
frame #36: 0x0000000100483038`Main::start() at main.cpp:3964:18
frame #37: 0x000000010043dcbc`main(argc=4, argv=0x000000016fdff150) at
frame #38: 0x000000018a0fc274 dyld`start + 2840
I found a post about this problem ( For now, the best way to avoid this problem may be to skip loading these corrupted font files.
I solved this problem by download Pingfang font manually.
So... I have to install a font to make this error go away? 😓
It seems that Apple has fixed this problem in the latest macOS?
I'm on the latest version of macOS I can update to (Version 15.0 (24A335)) and still seeing this issue.
In the current version of macOS (15.0 - 24A335), PingFang
font seems to work fine, but it's loading from /System/Library/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_Font7/3419f2a427639ad8c8e139149a287865a90fa17e.asset/AssetData/PingFang.ttc
, one in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FontServices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Reserved
is still broken, but it seems to be never loaded as a system fallback (maybe it is if no other CJK fonts present).
I'm on the latest version of macOS I can update to (Version 15.0 (24A335)) and still seeing this issue.
How about the latest beta version? (24B5055e)
Fine. There's still no loca table in PingFangUI.ttc in the latest macOS beta. Maybe Godot somehow managed to skip these broken font files. I wonder if this is due to a change in the system.
Related upstream FreeType issue, seems like new PingFangUI
is using undocumented hvgl
table instead of loca
, so they changed font to a new proprietary format, and it's unlikely it will be fixed in new OS updates.
Maybe Godot somehow managed to skip these broken font files
I think we can close this then as worked around by #97693, and the actual issue with the PingFangUI
font needs to be handled by FreeType or Apple.
Tested versions
System information
Godot v4.3.stable.mono - macOS 15.0.0 - Vulkan (Forward+) - integrated Apple M2 - Apple M2 (8 Threads)
Issue description
Every project I open with Godot version 4.3 repeats the following error, totaling over 100,000 lines. This occurs whether I open a project converted from 4.2 to 4.3 or create a new project in version 4.3.
Steps to reproduce
Every time I create a new project or open an existing one, I get over 100,000 lines of this error. Additionally, the error occurs every time I press Command + S to save, or when I open any editor sub-window.
Minimal reproduction project (MRP)
I believe this is not an issue with my project; even when I create a brand new empty project, the error occurs. This seems to be a problem with Godot itself.