When pressing the Focus Selection shortcut twice, you will begin following the current selection. This also applies to selection changes.
The effect is undone by pressing the Focus Selection shortcut another time, using the Focus Origin shortcut, or by panning/using freelook on the 3D editor camera. (Orbiting or switching between perspective and orthogonal does not undo the effect.)
Some use cases include:
Previewing lighting on a dynamic object as it moves across the scene.
More generally, previewing something moving through a scene using an AnimationPlayer, which comes handy when paired with PathFollow3D.
Jumping quickly from an object to another, while keeping your hand free of having to press F constantly.
Following the selection will also follow other selected nodes, so you can iterate quickly on different nodes that may be spread far away from each other:
When pressing the Focus Selection shortcut twice, you will begin following the current selection. This also applies to selection changes.
The effect is undone by pressing the Focus Selection shortcut another time, using the Focus Origin shortcut, or by panning/using freelook on the 3D editor camera. (Orbiting or switching between perspective and orthogonal does not undo the effect.)
Some use cases include:
Testing project: test_follow_selection.zip
Following the selection will also follow other selected nodes, so you can iterate quickly on different nodes that may be spread far away from each other:
While following the selection, you can manipulate it as usual, e.g. with Blender-style manipulation shortcuts:
This also pairs well with grid snapping and Blender-style manipulation by entering units on the keyboard:
Lastly, it works with keyboard-based camera manipulation too: