godrin / TowerDefense

GNU General Public License v2.0
8 stars 9 forks source link

shop screen #15

Closed undermink closed 12 years ago

undermink commented 12 years ago

shop screen needed after passing through maybe 25 levels... (and perhaps even when dead)

godrin commented 12 years ago

What's there for the player to buy?

More impact for weapons. More energy from the beginning or the current g game state. More suggestions?

undermink commented 12 years ago

yeah more impact and higer shotfrequency or more energy and perhaps sth like bombs or a new unittype... and the unit look should change with updates:)

undermink commented 12 years ago

or moving units? like soldiers or bots...

undermink commented 12 years ago

what about bombs or handgranades? perhaps enemys sometimes drop those when killed? not really with that shopping screen...