godspeed1989 / fbv

framebuffer image viewer
79 stars 39 forks source link

zoom, INSTALLDIR, status #10

Closed sgerwk closed 4 years ago

sgerwk commented 4 years ago

This merge request has three commits.

The first is for arbitrarily zooming the image: + and - make the image bigger or smaller, '0' resets its original size.

The second introduces the INSTALLDIR directory in the Makefile. This is the standard way to tell make where to install.

The third is for printing the current status of the viewer on shrinking, enlarging, fitting horizontally or vertically, keeping aspect and zooming. This feature I found myself using often. I always forget wich key does what and what is currently enabled. By pressing 'h' I now can see whether shrinking, enlarging etc. are enabled or not, I see the keys to press to change them, and when I press them I immediately see the status changing. Pressing 'h' again I go back to see the image.