goetas-webservices / xsd2php

Convert XSD into PHP classes and JMS serializer definitions
MIT License
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Not escaping */ in php comments #165

Open tredvermtraud opened 7 months ago

tredvermtraud commented 7 months ago

While using this amazing tool I noticed that Comments are parsed from xsd to php without escaping slashes ( / ). Thus resulting in a broken class (which can easily be fixed by escaping the slash with a backslash ( \ ) ).

The following XSD:

<xs:element name="uuidUrsprungsnachricht" minOccurs="0" type="bdt:UUID">
    <xs:documentation>[...] xga:satz/xga:*/xga:uuid [...]</xs:documentation>

Results in the following PHP:

   * [...] xga:satz/xga:*/xga:uuid [...].
   * @var string $uuidUrsprungsnachricht
  private $uuidUrsprungsnachricht = null;

It could be fixable by just adding a backslash before the slash

   * [...] xga:satz\/xga:*\/xga:uuid [...]
   * @var string $uuidUrsprungsnachricht
  private $uuidUrsprungsnachricht = null;

I have shortened the commentary and replaced it with [...] to prevent unnecessary bloating. I assume a simple search and replace could be all that is needed to prevent this in the future?