goetzrobin / spartan

Cutting-edge tools powering Angular full-stack development.
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feat(repo): update vite to 5.2.x, @analogjs/* to 1.2.x, and update various supporting packages #264

Closed benpsnyder closed 2 months ago

benpsnyder commented 2 months ago

PR Checklist

Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:

nx migrate latest
pnpm i
nx migrater --run-migrations

nx migrate @ngtools/webpack
nx migrate @angular/cli
nx migrate @angular/core

nx run ui-storybook-e2e:e2e # all tests passed

# bump packages to latest versions
# ufo, zod, tslib, tailwind-merge, superjson, semver, rxjs, postgres, ohash, ofetch, @types/node, @types/prismjs, axe-core
# postcss, postcss-preset-env, postcss-import, autoprefixer, prettier, prettier-plugin-tailwindcss, eslint-config-prettier, eslint-plugin-cypress
# ng-packagr, drizzle-kit, 
# vite, vite-tsconfig-paths, @swc/core, @swc/cli, @vitest/coverage-c8, @swc-node/register, rollup-plugin-visualizer

nx migrate ngx-sonner
nx migrate @analogjs/platform@latest

# removed @rollup/plugin-replace due to compatability issues; replaced with custom plugin
# moved rollup-plugin-typescript-paths to nitro.config.ts to make vite happy

nx run ui-storybook-e2e:e2e --skip-nx-cache # all tests passed
nx run app:serve # checked runtime on server, everything seems normal
nx run app:build --skip-nx-cache
nx run app:serve-nitro --skip-nx-cache

PR Type

What kind of change does this PR introduce?

Which package are you modifying?

I added repo as a commitlint option because I was doing repository maintenance. I can revert this and choose something else if you want that.

What is the current behavior?

Used older tooling

What is the new behavior?

Uses latest analogjs defaults like type: module in package.json and uses latest version of vite 5.2

Does this PR introduce a breaking change?

benpsnyder commented 2 months ago

@goetzrobin - excited to use spartan in upcoming projects. I tried integrating source code (as a reference spec) into one of our internal repos and ran into a bunch of issues due to dependencies and config, which I am addressing in this PR.

Glad to be part of the 300 ;)