goev / AlsavoProHomeAssistantIntegration

Home Assistant Integration for Alsavo Pro pool compatible heatpumps
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AlsavoPro does not properly set ClimatEntityFeature #8

Open Jessendelft opened 4 months ago

Jessendelft commented 4 months ago

[homeassistant.components.climate] Entity None (<class 'custom_components.alsavopro.climate.AlsavoProClimate'>) implements HVACMode(s): heat, cool, auto, off and therefore implicitly supports the turn_on/turn_off methods without setting the proper ClimateEntityFeature. Please report it to the author of the 'alsavopro' custom integration

Here is a solution to this issue: https://github.com/kamaradclimber/heishamon-homeassistant/commit/0ac5769d64848b8c46feb69c6260dc7a53bd3242