gofair-foundation / fsr_qualification

Qualifying FAIR Supporting/Enabling Resources
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History Of Work Information System #53

Open github-actions[bot] opened 7 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 7 months ago



Item Detail
Person name Erik van Winkle
ORCID 0000-0002-7567-0311
FSR long name History Of Work Information System #53
FSR thing http://purl.org/np/RAsCH_x6CO7JpShyLb6Tv4I46WJVoRSBnkSeBrowXoz1w#HISCO
FSR np identifier http://purl.org/np/RAsCH_x6CO7JpShyLb6Tv4I46WJVoRSBnkSeBrowXoz1w
URI of duplicate(s) (multiple separated by ';') http://purl.org/np/RA71mYU3ODmId2dxjc-WND2MGFAmWP2lAltImL8hshWp8
Links correct N
Proposed Links https://datasets.iisg.amsterdam/dataverse/historyofwork
Definition ok
FSR types ok
FAIRSharing DOI to be added
FSR creator in pubinfo (yellow): FIP Wizard (F) or the ORCID F
proposal: accept (A) / Improve (I) / Retract (R) / Disapprove (D) I and disapprove the duplicate
Proposed changes: This nanopublication claims a metadata schema, structured vocabulary, and semantic model. The link we were able to find seems to be a registry. Should be updated accordingly


Item Action
actual changes: accept (A) / Improve (I) / Retract (R) / Disapprove (D),URI of updated FSR
if FSR is useless, check affected FIPs or SIPs (title)
Updated (U) /Deleted (D) entry in FIP/SIP
mabablue commented 1 month ago

we need to contact Shuai Wang. Attention we need to update the FSR in the related FIPs

shuaiwangvu commented 1 month ago

I'll email them to ask them about a more precise page. The URL is not resolvable. The registry consists of HISCO and its variants.