goferito / node-bing-api

Node.js module for the Bing Search API (Cognitive Services)
MIT License
56 stars 28 forks source link

The request resulted in a backend time out or backend error. #16

Closed martynasb closed 8 years ago

martynasb commented 8 years ago


As of 1PM today I started getting the following error in response.body: "The request resulted in a backend time out or backend error. The team is investigating the issue. We are sorry for the inconvenience". HOWEVER, sometimes (1 in 50 times) it works just fine.

Here's what Microsoft say about this kind of error: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/machine-learning-marketplace-faq/ Your input parameter(s) may not conform to the required format for the specific web service. Please refer to the corresponding documentation link to find the correct format for input parameters and the limitations of this web service.

I checked my other app which is running on Django and does not use a plugin to connect to Bing Search and it's working fine. Any ideas?

Code (additional functions included just for reference):

exports.searchWeb = function(req, res) {
    var searchQuery = req.query.query || '';

    Bing.web(searchQuery, constructOptions(req.query), function(error, response, body){

var constructOptions = function(params) {
    // User defined
    var top = parseInt(params.top, 10) || 50;
    var skip = parseInt(params.skip, 10) || 0;

    // System defined
    var market = 'en-GB';

    return {
        top: top,
        skip: skip

var removeMetadata = function(results) {
    for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
        if (results[i]['__metadata']['type'] === 'VideoResult') {
            delete results[i]['DisplayUrl'];
        delete results[i]['__metadata'];
        delete results[i]['ID'];
        if (results[i].hasOwnProperty('Thumbnail')) {
            delete results[i]['Thumbnail']['__metadata'];
    return results;


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15:05:32 web.1    |      host: 'api.datamarket.azure.com',
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15:05:32 web.1    |         _header: 'GET /Bing/Search/v1/Web?$format=json&Query=%27facebook%27&$top=50&$skip=0 HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: Bing Search Client for Node.js\r\nhost: api.datamarket.azure.com\r\nauthorization: Basic N1ZlZFJLTGFFeTc5dGt0K2hYa3VLVm82cFN5bEo5aituQUtTMVQrN3ZKUT06N1ZlZFJLTGFFeTc5dGt0K2hYa3VLVm82cFN5bEo5aituQUtTMVQrN3ZKUT0=\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n',
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15:05:32 web.1    |         path: '/Bing/Search/v1/Web?$format=json&Query=%27facebook%27&$top=50&$skip=0',
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15:05:32 web.1    |         parser: null,
15:05:32 web.1    |         res: [Circular] },
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15:05:32 web.1    |      ntick: true,
15:05:32 web.1    |      response: [Circular],
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15:05:32 web.1    |   toJSON: [Function: responseToJSON],
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15:05:32 web.1    |    Caseless {
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15:05:32 web.1    |       { 'cache-control': 'private',
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15:05:32 web.1    |         date: 'Mon, 16 Nov 2015 15:05:30 GMT',
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15:05:32 web.1    |         'content-length': '133' } },
15:05:32 web.1    |   read: [Function],
15:05:32 web.1    |   body: 'The request resulted in a backend time out or backend error. The team is investigating the issue. We are sorry for the inconvenience.' }
martynasb commented 8 years ago

@goferito All mocha tests are failing for me.

goferito commented 8 years ago


I've been trying to reproduce that error but it works perfectly fine to me. I have even tried with your access key and searching for facebook (just in case xD), and still works fine. All the tests pass. Btw, tests need you to create the secrets.js from the secrets.js.example file, and to add your access key.

So, if you are using the module properly (what I think you do if it was working before), I guess that the problem is a timeout problem, which could be caused by a connectivity problem between your machine and the bing server. The module is forming the request properly.

Regarding your access key, I'd advise you to change it since you have published it here.

martynasb commented 8 years ago

@goferito thanks for looking into this. Yes, I have created the secrets.js file.

It's very odd: i'm getting the same problem on my heroku app, my localhost app, Microsoft Bing Search Interface and your the node-bing-api module when i run the tests...

martynasb commented 8 years ago

@goferito ok i'm not the only one https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/azure/en-US/7f2c3522-b012-4c45-9223-f9c551d1af48/bing-search-api-error-502?forum=DataMarket

goferito commented 8 years ago

Ok, then it looks like a MS problem. Maybe it works fine for me because of my geo location, and I'm making the request to a mirror that is working fine. I have run the tests successfully from germany and florida though...

goferito commented 8 years ago

Maybe you can try to proxy from somewhere else until the problem is solved

Yingmin-Li commented 8 years ago

403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.

I got this error with several Bing API wrappers, does MS change their API policy?

goferito commented 8 years ago

My access key works fine.

They changed it when they switched to Azure. Therefore this module.

Yingmin-Li commented 8 years ago

@goferito, my fault, I just did not sign up for the search API. Thank you for the help.