gogama / incite

Hassle-free queries on Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights in Go
MIT License
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How to run this? #26

Open ghost opened 2 months ago

ghost commented 2 months ago

I would really like to try this out!

I've initiated a new project - go mod init, pasted the "simple app" code in a main.go file and changed the Groups value to match my Log Group. I do have a working AWS Shell Environment, as I can run aws s3 ls and I get correct data. When I run "go run main.go" nothing happens, I don't get any output either.

Can you please give me a bit more newb-friendly instructions? Thank you!

SteveOfficerSeccl commented 1 week ago

It might be that your AWS defaullt profile is not properly configured. You can follow the instructions here to see how it should be configured: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/v1/developer-guide/configuring-sdk.html

Additionally, the sample code just returns on error. In order to see what errors are occurring you can change

if err != nil {


if err != nil {