gogetdata / ggd-recipes

conda recipes for genomic data
MIT License
85 stars 12 forks source link

Gencode refs #147

Closed jbelyeu closed 4 years ago

jbelyeu commented 4 years ago
GGD recipe review is required to merge a pull-request (PR). Once your PR is passing tests on CircleCI and is ready to be merged, add the `please review & merge` label to the PR. NOTE: If you are NOT a member of the gogetdata project (meaning that you can't add this label), add a comment requesting that the label be added. * [x] I have read the [guidelines for ggd data recipes](https://gogetdata.github.io/contribute.html). * [x] This PR is for a new data recipe. * [x] This data recipe **is directly relevant to the biological sciences**. * [x] This PR updates an existing recipe. * [ ] This PR does something else (explain below). ## I'm submitting a new recipe for species: homo sapiens **Genome build for the recipe is:** grch38,hg38 ## Description of the data and what processing is going on changed the gencode main references to use the primary assembly and added recipes for ALL references for the hg38 and grch38 builds **File type(s):** fasta **Data files containe a header:**