gogetssl / whmcs-addon

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Unable to configure GoGetSSL Public IP SAN #231

Closed jefferson333 closed 1 year ago

jefferson333 commented 1 year ago

Description: The current version (v2.8.3a) doesn't allow users to configure the GoGetSSL PublicIP SAN for IP addresses.

Configure SSL Certificate / Step 1

The CSR was generated correctly without the common name and all fields were filled in "Administrative Contact Information".

After clicking continue the following error appears:

"The following errors occurred: Invalid email address"

System Module Debug Log:

Action: /orders/add_ssl_order/ Response: {"error":true,"message":"Invalid email address","description":"Invalid email address"}

Please kindly fix these bugs to allows users to configure these SSLs for IP addresses.

vlad-evg commented 1 year ago

Can you please provide CSR to check?

jefferson333 commented 1 year ago


-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIICmDCCAYACAQAwUzELMAkGA1UEBhMCQlIxDzANBgNVBAgMBlBhcmFuYTERMA8G A1UEBwwIQ3VyaXRpYmExEzARBgNVBAoMClRlc3RlIEx0ZGExCzAJBgNVBAsMAlRJ MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA39X3RnbrGCZTNk8m0eac N4vYqq3p/uSsNXvNLjCe6u3O0j1lMPntZmgXC8dZ1bIq7iZqWCbG/NB4V1llSkOF rUz7miHladP1Q+m8viF2mffKYdzVjKQZMdyA9aF6CPFjniduvC66mDRHLta8Ymm3 XIY7APOlutkRXVZS46MN8R0IH67pQ62z4Ax8S/O/b7JXO1UcYO6BPXuDVlmGrVAh SpZspGaPuIXnjBbhXUZri8cAV+1Zgi4bK5753ZATCA7efNyb0gaGkwPglWecGJIl VFwwaW7/lsfxhCUMzytZyoMY9hlVTtyl4/JpMie1ifpiwnwXcfetkGHeRMtnEYzY ewIDAQABoAAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBANJWS4TRLYvF8lKnKubgnwr1hnMD kTb0lWGHBhglteuC+mkLYFxNAYSsfUPadoDsj26NZ+I0cJy7zGsZcFpGi+xsegyk 9Wtx7+YmxJ8eIODU4WBTbPSSvhDD0IFeUU64p2tx0hlwjpnkdAT+dl5hAc0FGJCw 0gCmgOPjOgpY6plBXLHbznyn2hulDkD0DoUydAlf1yeJqRXTf++Y/yVjm7iaFeFb eU/aLrL88vm6oLUu4138RqLEi0fpnQ6mKHO04hZd2MhawDdptTKt9+sJVTWxakt8 fEU+zRM/fS/eMvIbQy3yOA3uhqMOOME3IyBr3/je3wClrjDDqfestgSAp4s= -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----

jefferson333 commented 1 year ago


Any estimate on how soon this problem will be solved?

DennisSkov commented 1 year ago

If I remember correctly, you still have to configure the Common Name. It should be configured with the public IP instead, though.

jefferson333 commented 1 year ago


"The CSR without CN is a must rule to generate GoGetSSLâ„¢ Public IP SAN. "

DennisSkov commented 1 year ago

Never mind then - I stand corrected.