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Integrate Strudel with csound-wasm to facilitate cloud-music pieces #54

Closed gogins closed 1 year ago

gogins commented 1 year ago

The idea is, that if I am committed to making always-on or cloud-music pieces, it makes sense to develop using a WebAssembly build of Csound, integrating with Tidal Cycles Strudel if possible. The only things missing here would be some of the C++ opcodes and VST hosting. These are significant but don't seem deal breaking.

The "sf" opcodes look at first glance like a workable replacement for the "fluid" opcodes.

The "chn*" opcodes are indeed a workable replacement for the signal flow graph opcodes, especially since I have realized that named channels can be specified as global string variables in the instrument "namespace" similar to the way I now use ftgen.

What would hurt is losing the Pianoteq and Organtec, basically.

gogins commented 1 year ago

VS Code can certainly open an npm application in a local Web server. This is a two step process, the "npm dev" task starts vite and then the user must jump to the URL that is being served.

Can't get VSCode to preview oblivion.html which runs just fine in other ways. I suspect the HTML root is wrong.

Of course I can just add a tool to SciTE for node run. But I don't think it's really that simple.

gogins commented 1 year ago

Does the Web-IDE or its Csound support plugin opcodes?

gogins commented 1 year ago

Strudel (according to the tutorial) makes sound in the following ways:

  1. Directly using WebAudio and a built-in sampler (WebDirt).
  2. Using MIDI but then your patterns have to be <pattern>.midi().
  3. By sending SuperDirt style OSC messages but then your patterns have to be <pattern>.osc() and you have to run npm run osc to create a WebSockets/OSC broker.

None of these options seems to make it possible to simply inject Csound. The hap objects are pretty low-level.

gogins commented 1 year ago

Managing JavaScript dependencies with npm seems like a very good idea.

gogins commented 1 year ago

I am examining the details of the WebAudio/WebDirt interaction with Strudel. This happens in the webAudioOutput function, but then webAudioOutput is assigned to defaultOutput, so that acts as a layer of abstraction or hook. If the abstraction were simple enough then defaultOutput could be replaced with csoundOutput or something, but it's not that simple because webAudioOutput is always messing with the WebAudio signal flow graph, loading samples, etc.

But then csoundOutput could defer to webAudioOutput to continue supporting the way things work now.

I must try to hook up MIDI to see how that works.

gogins commented 1 year ago

I got MIDI hooked up. Yes, the pattern has to have midi called in order to send MIDI out. And you have to enable IAC Midi in macOS using the Audio MIDI Setup app, Window menu, Show MIDI Studio dialog, IAC Driver dialog, and enable the Device is online checkbox.

Then in GarageBand I enabled input from all MIDI in ports, and Strudel was playing GarageBand just fine.

Con: adding .midi() to note generating patterns is awkward.

Pro: You can mix .midi() patterns with the default WebDirt/WebAudio patterns with .osc() to SuperDirt patterns. So that gives one a bit more power.

The upshot is, if one of my always-on WASM pieces can get MIDI from the IAC Driver, this becomes doable.

gogins commented 1 year ago

As I had never tested WebMIDI input in csound-wasm, it had some bugs, which I'm pretty sure I can fix.

gogins commented 1 year ago
gogins commented 1 year ago

Alex McLean and the others are very good programmers, and I will tell them so. There are things that need work:

gogins commented 1 year ago

This means that if I do npm run start in strudel, and if I can then access one of my cloud-music pieces from the same domain, then the MIDI stuff will work and I can embed Strudel in the piece. Looks like I can do that!

gogins commented 1 year ago

@felixroos responded.

All Strudel packages are in NPM. The REPL is not. But the REPL has a crazy number of node_modules.

michaelgogins@Michaels-MacBook-Pro docs % npm search strudel.cycles
NAME                      | DESCRIPTION          | AUTHOR          | DATE       | VERSION  | KEYWORDS                                       
@strudel.cycles/core      | Port of Tidal...       | =yaxupaxo...      | 2022-11-17 | 0.4.1    | tidalcycles strudel pattern livecoding algorave
@strudel.cycles/embed     | Embeddable Web...      | =yaxupaxo...      | 2022-11-06 | 0.2.0    | tidalcycles strudel pattern livecoding algorave
@strudel.cycles/eval      | Code evaluator for...  | =yaxupaxo...      | 2022-11-17 | 0.4.1    | tidalcycles strudel pattern livecoding algorave
@strudel.cycles/midi      | Midi API for strudel | =yaxupaxo...      | 2022-11-17 | 0.4.1    | titdalcycles strudel pattern livecoding algorave
@strudel.cycles/mini      | Mini notation for...   | =yaxupaxo...      | 2022-11-17 | 0.4.1    | tidalcycles strudel pattern livecoding algorave
@strudel.cycles/osc       | OSC messaging for...   | =yaxupaxo...      | 2022-11-17 | 0.3.1    | tidalcycles strudel pattern livecoding algorave
@strudel.cycles/react     | React components...    | =yaxupaxo...      | 2022-11-17 | 0.4.2    | tidalcycles strudel pattern livecoding algorave
@strudel.cycles/serial    | Webserial API for...   | =yaxupaxo...      | 2022-11-13 | 0.2.0    | titdalcycles strudel pattern livecoding algorave
@strudel.cycles/soundfont | Soundsfont support...  | =yaxupaxo...      | 2022-11-17 | 0.4.2    | tidalcycles strudel pattern livecoding algorave
@strudel.cycles/tonal     | Tonal functions for... | =yaxupaxo...      | 2022-11-17 | 0.4.1    | tidalcycles strudel pattern livecoding algorave
@strudel.cycles/tone      | Tone.js API for...     | =yaxupaxo...      | 2022-11-17 | 0.4.1    | tidalcycles strudel pattern livecoding algorave
@strudel.cycles/transpile | Transpiler for...      | =yaxupaxo...      | 2022-11-17 | 0.4.1    | tidalcycles strudel pattern livecoding algorave
@strudel.cycles/webaudio  | Web Audio helpers...   | =yaxupaxo...      | 2022-11-17 | 0.4.2    | tidalcycles strudel pattern livecoding algorave
@strudel.cycles/webdirt   | WebDirt integration... | =yaxupaxo...      | 2022-11-17 | 0.4.1    | tidalcycles strudel pattern livecoding algorave
@strudel.cycles/xen       | Xenharmonic API for... | =yaxupaxo...      | 2022-11-17 | 0.4.1    | tidalcycles strudel pattern livecoding algorave

The packages defined in Strudel are:

gogins commented 1 year ago

This is how to get a development environment for Strudel up and running and, I suspect, also to create a production Web site with Strudel (simply replacing the vite host):

git clone https://github.com/tidalcycles/strudel.git && cd strudel
npm i # install at root to symlink packages
npx lerna bootstrap # install all dependencies in packages
cd repl && npm i # install repl dependencies
npm run start # start repl

If I can get cloud-music into scope of this I can proceed.

But this fails.

gogins commented 1 year ago

This does run the REPL:

npm run setup
cd repl
npm run dev
gogins commented 1 year ago

Examining the repl function that needs to call Csound. The hap (event) values are more or less specified in controls.mjs.

I only need to handle some of the possible values of the hap and only for the Csound output.

var csoundOutput = function(hap, deadline, duration) { // Save the original default output, we will still need it. // Switch on which output we want to dispatch. }

This is a bit of a mystery and using MIDI would be simpler.

gogins commented 1 year ago

I'll first try this:

gogins commented 1 year ago

I will prepare a pull request for Strudel from gogins/strudel's csound-integration branch after:

gogins commented 1 year ago

There's a problem in that the cloud-music pages, code, and assets are hosted at https://gogins.github.io/cloud-music, the origin for that site is just https://gogins.github.io. But the embedded Strudel REPL must be hosted right in the origin. That's why everything works locally but not in GitHub pages. Fixed by changing URI for the REPL depending on whether it needs to be something more than just the origin.

gogins commented 1 year ago

Might need this:

    <Route path="/cloud-music" element={<Home />} />
gogins commented 1 year ago

I have changed the embedded REPL to issue requests to repl.html and not to index.html. We'll see if that works with GitHub Pages. Yes it does.

gogins commented 1 year ago

Possibly the final to dos:

gogins commented 1 year ago

The instruments I'm using are:

instr Guitar uses instrument number 1
instr FilteredSines uses instrument number 2
instr Blower uses instrument number 3
instr Sweeper uses instrument number 4
instr Plucked uses instrument number 5
instr FMWaterBell uses instrument number 6
instr YiString uses instrument number 7
instr Harpsichord uses instrument number 8
instr ZakianFlute uses instrument number 9
instr Kung4 uses instrument number 10
instr Kung2 uses instrument number 11
instr Bower uses instrument number 12
gogins commented 1 year ago

I have rebased my fork of Strudel and modified my code to act like Roos' code, including being "patternified." This does mean optional pfields are not sent. I will think more about using channels which, of course, should also be patternified.

gogins commented 1 year ago

In its current state it works very well with a rebased Strudel. If my PR does not go through, I will re-open this issue.