gogo / grpc-example

An example of using Go gRPC and tools from the greater gRPC ecosystem together with the GoGo Protobuf Project.
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Is it possible to remove pointer on params and response in gRPC ? #36

Closed Elojah closed 4 years ago

Elojah commented 4 years ago

Hello gogo, thanks for your amazing library.

I use a lot [(gogoproto.nullable) = true]; and i recently switched to gRPC but i can't find a way to remove pointers on generated interface methods. e.g:

  // .proto:
    rpc Subscribe(dto.Subscribe) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);

  // .pb.go:
    Subscribe(ctx context.Context, in *dto.Subscribe, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*types.Empty, error)

Instead i'd like to have

  // .pb.go:
    Subscribe(ctx context.Context, in dto.Subscribe, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (types.Empty, error)

Is there any way to do this with current extensions ?


Elojah commented 4 years ago

Sorry, was for protobuf project :/