goharbor / perf

performance test scripts and data
Apache License 2.0
20 stars 16 forks source link

Failed to run all tests with exit code 107 #48

Open microyahoo opened 6 months ago

microyahoo commented 6 months ago
Run       [======================================] setup()
default   [--------------------------------------]
ERRO[0147] GoError: failed to push reg.srv.deeproute.cn/project-060/repository-1706015003594:tag-1706015003594, error: failed commit on ref "manifest-sha256:9b15eb416511109d4d79ae529633de73b7264c0c6f6361f517cba690cc66d058": unexpected status: 502 Bad Gateway
        at reflect.methodValueCall (native)
        at setup (file:///root/go/src/github.com/goharbor/perf/scripts/test/pull-artifacts-from-different-projects.js:38:20(51))  hint="script exception"
Error: running "k6-harbor run scripts/test/pull-artifacts-from-different-projects.js --no-usage-report" failed with exit code 107
exit status 107
~/go/src/github.com/goharbor/perf (main ✗) go run mage.go run push-artifacts-to-different-projects

          /\      |‾‾| /‾‾/   /‾‾/
     /\  /  \     |  |/  /   /  /
    /  \/    \    |     (   /   ‾‾\
   /          \   |  |\  \ |  (‾)  |
  / __________ \  |__| \__\ \_____/ .io

  execution: local
     script: ./scripts/test/push-artifacts-to-different-projects.js
     output: -

  scenarios: (100.00%) 1 scenario, 500 max VUs, 24h0m30s max duration (incl. graceful stop):
           * default: 1000 iterations shared among 500 VUs (maxDuration: 24h0m0s, gracefulStop: 30s)

ERRO[0026] failed to push reg.srv.deeproute.cn/project-100/repository-1706023860548:tag-0504, error: failed commit on ref "config-sha256:64e128
9fef1160c02bd921bf3e885aca0d73812cb7156c0a34e0727178066fa5": unexpected status: 500 Internal Server Error  source=console
ERRO[0027] failed to push reg.srv.deeproute.cn/project-018/repository-1706023860548:tag-0507, error: failed commit on ref "unknown-sha256:4d8ca
5fcc0b85c46f2b8d7d735685a234ea63badc29f568248576e89439ea432": unexpected status: 500 Internal Server Error  source=console
ERRO[0028] failed to push reg.srv.deeproute.cn/project-030/repository-1706023860549:tag-0515, error: failed commit on ref "config-sha256:fce9a6
8a4ce2d7556be09ec968970ab10a8c8db41929675470a9f809c587bac6": unexpected status: 500 Internal Server Error  source=console