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commands: Add some more shorthand flags #12530

Closed bep closed 1 month ago

bep commented 1 month ago
hugo server -h

      --appendPort               append port to baseURL (default true)
  -b, --baseURL string           hostname (and path) to the root, e.g. https://spf13.com/
      --bind string              interface to which the server will bind (default "")
  -D, --buildDrafts              include content marked as draft
  -E, --buildExpired             include expired content
  -F, --buildFuture              include content with publishdate in the future
      --cacheDir string          filesystem path to cache directory
      --cleanDestinationDir      remove files from destination not found in static directories
  -c, --contentDir string        filesystem path to content directory
      --disableBrowserError      do not show build errors in the browser
      --disableFastRender        enables full re-renders on changes
      --disableKinds strings     disable different kind of pages (home, RSS etc.)
      --disableLiveReload        watch without enabling live browser reload on rebuild
      --enableGitInfo            add Git revision, date, author, and CODEOWNERS info to the pages
      --forceSyncStatic          copy all files when static is changed.
      --gc                       enable to run some cleanup tasks (remove unused cache files) after the build
  -h, --help                     help for server
      --ignoreCache              ignores the cache directory
  -l, --layoutDir string         filesystem path to layout directory
      --liveReloadPort int       port for live reloading (i.e. 443 in HTTPS proxy situations) (default -1)
      --minify                   minify any supported output format (HTML, XML etc.)
      --navigateToChanged        navigate to changed content file on live browser reload
      --noBuildLock              don't create .hugo_build.lock file
      --noChmod                  don't sync permission mode of files
      --noHTTPCache              prevent HTTP caching
      --noTimes                  don't sync modification time of files
      --panicOnWarning           panic on first WARNING log
      --poll string              set this to a poll interval, e.g --poll 700ms, to use a poll based approach to watch for file system changes
  -p, --port int                 port on which the server will listen (default 1313)
      --pprof                    enable the pprof server (port 8080)
      --printI18nWarnings        print missing translations
      --printMemoryUsage         print memory usage to screen at intervals
      --printPathWarnings        print warnings on duplicate target paths etc.
      --printUnusedTemplates     print warnings on unused templates.
      --renderSegments strings   named segments to render (configured in the segments config)
      --renderStaticToDisk       serve static files from disk and dynamic files from memory
      --templateMetrics          display metrics about template executions
      --templateMetricsHints     calculate some improvement hints when combined with --templateMetrics
  -t, --theme strings            themes to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
      --tlsAuto                  generate and use locally-trusted certificates.
      --tlsCertFile string       path to TLS certificate file
      --tlsKeyFile string        path to TLS key file
      --trace file               write trace to file (not useful in general)
  -w, --watch                    watch filesystem for changes and recreate as needed (default true)

Global Flags:
      --clock string               set the clock used by Hugo, e.g. --clock 2021-11-06T22:30:00.00+09:00
      --config string              config file (default is hugo.yaml|json|toml)
      --configDir string           config dir (default "config")
      --debug                      debug output
  -d, --destination string         filesystem path to write files to
  -e, --environment string         build environment
      --ignoreVendorPaths string   ignores any _vendor for module paths matching the given Glob pattern
      --logLevel string            log level (debug|info|warn|error)
      --quiet                      build in quiet mode
      --renderToMemory             render to memory (mostly useful when running the server)
  -s, --source string              filesystem path to read files relative from
      --themesDir string           filesystem path to themes directory
  -v, --verbose                    verbose output

I will take suggestions, but here's some I use often that could benefit some less typing:

-M --renderToMemory             render to memory (mostly useful when running the server)
-N --navigateToChanged

If I can read anything into the existing use of upper/lower case, I think I see: Lower case for settings, upper case for ... actions. Not sure.

/cc @jmooring

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.