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Support GitHub's Alert Markdown extension #12590

Open yoghurtlee-thu opened 2 weeks ago

yoghurtlee-thu commented 2 weeks ago

I am currently immersed in the development of a new Hugo theme, which aims to provide users with a seamless experience when writing Hugo blogs using Obsidian. However, when it comes to Callout blocks like this:

[!important] This is a Callout.

Things get stuck. While utilizing shortcodes and regex can be a workaround, it tends to be error-prone and lacks elegance.

Thus, I am curious whether the esteemed Hugo development team would consider enhancing the Markdown parsing engine to natively support GitHub-style Callouts.

Yours sincerely.

bep commented 2 weeks ago

When this was proposed/implemented at GitHub, I suggested they used markdown attributes instead (which is certainly more standard and something Hugo could easily support).

They chose not to listen to me. But you could, e.g:

```callout {level="warning" }
This is a warning.

And add a code render hook for it.
yoghurtlee-thu commented 2 weeks ago

When this was proposed/implemented at GitHub, I suggested they used markdown attributes instead (which is certainly more standard and something Hugo could easily support).

They chose not to listen to me. But you could, e.g:

```callout {level="warning" }
This is a warning.

And add a code render hook for it.

Thank you for your kind reply, @bep. Using markdown attributes is indeed a more Markdown-standard solution, and I will try it in my development. I might also come up with another solution for our Obsidian users to write with ease.

I won't close this issue, and if there are any breakthroughs, I will update it.

Have a day as amazing as you are :)

jmooring commented 2 weeks ago

GitHub's documentation for their Alert Markdown extension: https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/writing-on-github/getting-started-with-writing-and-formatting-on-github/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax#alerts

GitHub's implementation is OK if you speak English. But for the rest of the planet, not so much.

Using English words in the alert designator (e.g., [!NOTE]) is fine, but the rendered alert type is always English. For example:

> [!NOTE]  
> Das ist meine Notiz.

Das ist meine Notiz.

The above is just... rude.

We could support this monolignual syntax with a Goldmark extension, or (preferably) provide multilingual support via a blockquote render hook.

The blockquote render hook would parse the first line, looking for an alert designator (e.g., [!something]), and provide this context to the render hook template:

Ordinal and position are desired but not required. The ordinal is handy for assigning element ids, and the position is handy for error reporting. Example render hook:

{{ $emojis := dict
  "caution" ":exclamation:"
  "important" ":information_source:"
  "note" ":information_source:"
  "tip" ":bulb:"
  "warning" ":information_source:"

{{ if .IsAlert }}
  <blockquote class="alert alert-{{ .AlertType }}">
    <p class="alert-heading">
      {{ transform.Emojify (index $emojis .AlertType) }}
      {{ or (i18n .AlertType) (title .AlertType) }}
    {{ .AlertText | safeHTML }}
{{ else }}
    {{ .Text | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}

This render hook implementation would also allow you to do things like:

block = true
> Some text
{cite="https://gohugo.io" caption="Some caption"}
  <blockquote {{ with .Attributes.cite }}cite="{{ . }}"{{ end }}>
    {{ .Text | safeHTML }}
  {{ with .Attributes.caption }}
    <figcaption class="blockquote-caption">
      {{ . | safeHTML }}
  {{ end }}