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markup/goldmark: Add the Hugo Goldmark Extras "delete" extension #12604

Closed jmooring closed 1 week ago

jmooring commented 1 week ago

With Goldmark v1.7.1 and earlier, the Goldmark "strikethrough" extension was triggered by wrapping text within a pair of double-tilde characters. With Goldmark v1.7.2 and later, to provide full GFM compatibility, the Goldmark "strikethrough" extension is triggered by wrapping text within a pair of single- or double-tilde characters.

This change created a conflict with the Hugo Goldmark Extras "subscript" extension.

When enabling the Hugo Goldmark Extras "subscript" extension, if you want to render subscript and strikethrough text concurrently, you must:

  1. Disable the Goldmark "strikethrough" extension
  2. Enable the Hugo Goldmark Extras "delete" extension

Closes #12597