going-digital / Talkie

Speech library for Arduino
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PROGMEM not working on arduino (solved) #20

Closed ayerone closed 7 years ago

ayerone commented 7 years ago

Newer arduino IDE's (mine is 1.6.6) won't compile the talkie library in github here as of August 2016, with errors about "variable ... must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of 'attribute((progmem))' ..."

@sylvainf solved the problem over in issue 9:

1) In your sketch, adding "const" before all PROGMEM declarations (i.e. "const uint8_t varNameSP[] PROGMEM...") 2) in talkie.h, changing "void say(uint8_t* address);" to "void say(const uint8_t* address);" 3) in talkie.cpp, changing "void Talkie::say(uint8_t* addr)" to "void Talkie::say(const uint8_t* addr)" 4) also in talkie.cpp, in the definition of Talkie::say(), changing "setPtr(addr);" to "setPtr((uint8_t*) addr);"

below is my original post for this issue, not worth reading IMO

I am trying to get this going on my uno. I'm having two problems.

1) Errors regarding PROGMEM error: variable 'helloo' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of 'attribute((progmem))' uint8_t helloo[] PROGMEM = {0x11, 0x12};

I got around this (for now) by just removing the PROGMEM keyword so that the data just go into normal memory. but...

2) when I get it to "talk", it's not recognizable speech, but more like chirps and scratches. It sounds like pure glitches.

I would appreciate any help, or suggestions from someone who's gotten this to work in a recent arduino IDE.


ayerone commented 7 years ago

My issue was the same as #9

I got those fixes to work. There are 4 changes.

1) adding "const" before all PROGMEM declarations (i.e. "const uint8_t varNameSP[] PROGMEM...") in your sketch 2) in talkie.h, changing "void say(uint8_t* address);" to "void say(const uint8_t* address);" 3) in talkie.cpp, changing "void Talkie::say(uint8_t* addr)" to "void Talkie::say(const uint8_t* addr)" 4) also in talkie.cpp, in the definition of Talkie::say(), changing "setPtr(addr);" to "setPtr((uint8_t*) addr);"

christurnerchris commented 5 years ago

this worked for me https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=555808.msg4007395#msg4007395 very annoying took me 3 days to sort out don tstart me on getting TTS.h to work