going-digital / Talkie

Speech library for Arduino
305 stars 113 forks source link

how can i use this library for wifi boards like ESP32 and ESP8266 #28

Open futechiot opened 6 years ago

futechiot commented 6 years ago

for my in-house product of RFID card attendance system in the office. I received a data from my server. I just want to do when a valid card or employee scan the RFID card. I want to put a "welcome" msg.

this library only works for Arduino. so I have to design library for my board. can anyone help me with this???

rondua commented 6 years ago

There is a port of Talkie to the ESP32 at https://github.com/bobh/ESP32Talkie. A slightly different approach at speech synthesis than Talkie has Software Automatic Mouth (SAM) which is available for ESP8266 and ESP-32 at https://github.com/earlephilhower/ESP8266SAM