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Enhancing `xkafka.Consumer` for Ordered Async Message Processing #30

Open ajatprabha opened 6 months ago

ajatprabha commented 6 months ago

Proposal Overview

This proposal aims to modify the behavior of xkafka.Consumer in asynchronous consumption contexts to allow better control over the order of message consumption.

Problem Statement

The current implementation of xkafka.Concurrency lacks the capability to control when message processing starts. This limitation becomes significant in cases where messages must be processed in a specific order for correct application behavior. For instance, messages with the same Key require that while one message is under processing, the subsequent message should wait, ensuring in-order execution. This kind of synchronization is absent in the Async mode.

Proposed Solution

Introduce a semaphore-like mechanism that the asynchronous consumer can use to determine if it should start processing a message or wait.

Proposed API Changes

  1. Define a new structure MessageMetadata and an interface ConsumerSemaphore:

    type MessageMetadata struct {
        Key     []byte
        Partition   int32
        Offset  int64
    type ConsumerSemaphore interface {
  2. Integrate the semaphore into the Consumer structure and modify the message processing flow to utilize this semaphore. Key changes include:

    • Adding a semaphore field to the Consumer struct.
    • Adjusting the async message processing routine to acquire and release locks based on message metadata.

      diff --git a/xkafka/consumer.go b/xkafka/consumer.go
      index d744033..72e99ba 100644
      --- a/xkafka/consumer.go
      +++ b/xkafka/consumer.go
      @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ type Consumer struct {
      handler     Handler
      middlewares []middleware
      config      options
    • sema ConsumerSemaphore }

    // NewConsumer creates a new Consumer instance. @@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ func NewConsumer(name string, handler Handler, opts ...Option) (*Consumer, error config: cfg, kafka: consumer, handler: handler,

    • sema: cfg.sema, }, nil }

    @@ -168,20 +170,20 @@ func (c *Consumer) runAsync(ctx context.Context) error {

            msg := newMessage(c.name, km)
    • st.Go(func() stream.Callback {

    • err := c.handler.Handle(ctx, msg)

    • if ferr := c.config.errorHandler(err); ferr != nil {

    • cancel(ferr)

    • return func() {}

    • if c.sema != nil {

    • mm := &MessageMetadata{

    • Key: msg.Key,

    • Partition: msg.Partition,

    • Offset: msg.Offset, }

    • return func() {

    • if err := c.storeMessage(msg); err != nil {

    • cancel(err)

    • }

    • }

    • })

    • c.sema.AcquireLock(mm)

    • st.Go(c.taskWithLock(ctx, cancel, msg, mm))

    • continue

    • }

    • st.Go(c.task(ctx, cancel, msg)) } } } @@ -239,3 +241,41 @@ func (c *Consumer) Close() {

      _ = c.kafka.Close() }

    • +func (c Consumer) taskWithLock(ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelCauseFunc, msg Message, mm *MessageMetadata) stream.Task {

    • return func() stream.Callback {

    • err := c.handler.Handle(ctx, msg)

    • if ferr := c.config.errorHandler(err); ferr != nil {

    • cancel(ferr)

    • return func() {

    • c.sema.ReleaseLock(mm)

    • }

    • }

    • return func() {

    • if err := c.storeMessage(msg); err != nil {

    • cancel(err)

    • }

    • c.sema.ReleaseLock(mm)

    • }

    • } +}

    • +func (c Consumer) task(ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelCauseFunc, msg Message) stream.Task {

    • return func() stream.Callback {

    • err := c.handler.Handle(ctx, msg)

    • if ferr := c.config.errorHandler(err); ferr != nil {

    • cancel(ferr)

    • return func() {}

    • }

    • return func() {

    • if err := c.storeMessage(msg); err != nil {

    • cancel(err)

    • }

    • }

    • } +} diff --git a/xkafka/options.go b/xkafka/options.go index f7e147d..a5f10e8 100644 --- a/xkafka/options.go +++ b/xkafka/options.go @@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ type options struct { pollTimeout time.Duration concurrency int manualCommit bool

    • sema ConsumerSemaphore

      // producer options producerFn producerFunc

Expected Benefits

Implementing this solution would provide the needed control over message processing order in asynchronous scenarios, enhancing the reliability and correctness of the application using xkafka.Consumer.

sonnes commented 6 months ago

To summarize, the async mode requires some form of ordering guarantees. Given that a consumer can process messages from multiple partitions & topics, xkafka.Consumer should provide a mechanism to control the order of message processing. The ordering could be based on:

This can be achieved by introducing a middleware, lets call it OrderBy, that can be used to enforce ordering guarantees using semaphores.

The implementation of the middleware would be similar to the following:

func OrderBy(lockerFn func(*Message) string) middleware {
    return func(next Handler) Handler {
        return HandlerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, msg *Message) error {
            key := lockerFn(msg)

            // acquire lock

            // release lock after processing
            defer mutexes.Release(key)

            return next.Handle(ctx, msg)

type mutexes struct {
    lock sync.Map

func (m *mutexes) Acquire(key string) {
    lock, _ := m.lock.LoadOrStore(key, &sync.Mutex{})


func (m *mutexes) Release(key string) {
    lock, _ := m.lock.Load(key)


The middleware can be used as:

// by partition

// or by topic & partition

// or by key & partition

orderByPartition := func(msg *Message) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%d", msg.Partition)

orderByTopicAndPartition := func(msg *Message) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", msg.Topic, msg.Partition)

orderByKeyAndPartition := func(msg *Message) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", string(msg.Key), msg.Partition)

With this, the middleware holds the lock and makes sure that subsequent messages are processed only after the current message is processed.

ajatprabha commented 6 months ago

This won't guarantee ordering as the issue happens at stream.Go layer as it doesn't guarantee ordered start of execution after it has Read from kafka.

Say, 2 ordered elements are correctly read from Kafka, however, because stream.Go was called almost instantly for both, it may happen that second element acquires lock first, never giving the chance to the 1st element.

If there is no guarantee of execution start from stream.Go, it should handled separately.

Correct me if this understanding is incorrect, as I have seen this happening in examples/xkafka, I have not tried a lock based approach yet though.

sonnes commented 6 months ago

I see your point.

By locking at the stream.Go layer, the consumer will be blocked until the a lock is released. This kind of makes the async mode behave like syncronous mode momentarily.

But on the other hand, a full async implementation would require an in memory queue.

sonnes commented 6 months ago

Lets try adding this to the example and see how it behaves.

I think the API can be simplified to just accepting a key function.

type OrderBy func(*Message) string

But there's a potential issue of memory bloat if the number of keys is large.