Closed event15 closed 7 years ago
This line mayby should be look e.g.:
part = c("contentDetails", "id", "localizations","player", "snippet", "status", "contentDetails,snippet", "snippet,contentDetails"),
In my case, I often use contentDetails with snippet, because I can load all informations from requested playlist (title, ID, publishedAt) and I'm allow to see itemsCount in playlist with 1 request.
Hey @event15,
seems like a bug. let me investigate and get back soon.
Apologies for taking so long to respond.
playlists <- get_playlists(filter = c(channel_id = "UCMtFAi84ehTSYSE9XoHefig"), part = "snippet,contentDetails")
[1] 435
[1] 50
Super! Thank You for Your work :)
Hey, I try to get playlists from YouTube channel with snippet and contentDetails:
But i see the error:
In youtube API I can do this (from documentation):