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Allow removal of repositories that were removed/made private #424

Closed alvii147 closed 6 months ago

alvii147 commented 6 months ago

I recently made a repository private that I had run the go report card on while it was public. I would now like to remove the go report card data on this repository. Let me know how I can do that.

Link to report: https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/alvii147/flagger-api

shawnps commented 6 months ago

@alvii147 we download packages from pkg.go.dev, and github.com/alvii147/flagger-api is still available there (https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/alvii147/flagger-api). Please file a request with them to remove it and then we'll remove it on our side also:


If you cannot publish a new version with retractions because the source code repository or domain name is no longer accessible, or if you want to hide documentation for all current and future versions, you can file a request for the pkgsite team to hide your package documentation from pkg.go.dev. Note that the package will continue to be available via go get or go install unless its module is retracted.

alvii147 commented 6 months ago

@shawnps thanks! I've filed a request for that and my package has now been removed from pkg.go.dev. Can you remove it from go report card now? Thanks!

shawnps commented 6 months ago

@alvii147 sorry, I was wrong about pkg.go.dev -- we download from proxy.golang.org. The package is still available there. It looks like it can't be removed:


So it seems like we would need to implement some sort of repo blocklist. I'm not sure when I can get around to that but I'll try to soon.

FWIW apparently since it can't be removed from proxy.golang.org, anyone could download it, and Go Report Card doesn't show any information that someone can't already get from downloading the module that way.

alvii147 commented 6 months ago

@shawnps ahh got it. That's fine then, thanks for looking into this. I'll close this for now then.