gokayfem / ComfyUI_VLM_nodes

Custom ComfyUI nodes for Vision Language Models, Large Language Models, Image to Music, Text to Music, Consistent and Random Creative Prompt Generation
Apache License 2.0
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Kosmos 2.5 released - Possible to add support for it? #85

Closed CCpt5 closed 1 month ago

CCpt5 commented 1 month ago


Thanks for your time and effort on this node!

I noticed that Microsoft quietly dropped the model for Kosmos 2.5 yesterday here: https://github.com/microsoft/unilm/tree/master/kosmos-2.5 https://huggingface.co/microsoft/kosmos-2.5

The paper was published last September: https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.11419

Curious if you have plans to make it usable with this node or for ComfyUI in any fashion?

Thanks for any info!!

CCpt5 commented 1 month ago

Or perhaps just renaming the new model works? Seems like it may in spite of the ckpt vs safetensors extension.

gokayfem commented 1 month ago

there are a lot of new vlms released in 2 months, im planning to add some of them, mantis, llava lama3, llava phi3, idefics 8b, deepseekvl, qwen vl, internlm 4khd, nanollava, paligemma etc..