gokcehan / lf

Terminal file manager
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Bad font rendering in alacritty #1532

Open dase78 opened 7 months ago

dase78 commented 7 months ago

I have an issue with lf in alacritty: the rendering of font/bar is not doing well.

I first thought, this is an Alacritty issue but after some testing it seems to me, as it was lf because in other TUIs (cmus, micro), everything is fine. This does not happen in Lxterminal or others, just with lf in combination to Alacritty.

Left pane Lxterminal, right pane Alacritty: scrot_20231210_084231 scrot_20231210_090157

I use Hack Nerd Font Mono. Any ideas?

I forgot: Debian Stable (12), Alacritty 0.11.0, LF 28 (no Build-Environment, Stable Version from official repo)

og900aero commented 7 months ago

I have an issue with lf in alacritty: the rendering of font/bar is not doing well.

I first thought, this is an Alacritty issue but after some testing it seems to me, as it was lf because in other TUIs (cmus, micro), everything is fine. This does not happen in Lxterminal or others, just with lf in combination to Alacritty.

I use Hack Nerd Font Mono. Any ideas?

I forgot: Debian Stable (12), Alacritty 0.11.0, LF 28 (no Build-Environment, Stable Version from official repo)

Does the problem occur with other font? Because I'm also under Debian 12, I installed Alacritty, but I don't see any problems, although I use IosevkaTerm Nerd Font Mono.

dase78 commented 7 months ago

Yes, Liberation Mono, generic monospace. It always is this kind of blurish. EDIT: In combination with Alacritty.

og900aero commented 7 months ago

Yes, Liberation Mono, generic monospace. It always is this kind of blurish. EDIT: In combination with Alacritty.

Please paste your alacritty conf file (alacritty.yml) without comments.

dase78 commented 7 months ago

Yes, the comments...

    TERM:       xterm-256color

    x:          3
    y:          3
  decorations:  none
  opacity:      0

    family:     Hack Nerd Font Mono
    style:      Regular
    family:     Hack Nerd Font Mono
    style:      Regular
    family:     Hack Nerd Font Mono
    style:      Regular
    family:     Hack Nerd Font Mono
    style:      Regular
  size:         10

draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: true

    background: '0x2e3436'
    foreground: '0xd3d7cf'
    black:      '0x2e3436'
    red:        '0xcc0000'
    green:      '#82a612'
    yellow:     '0xc4a000'
    blue:       '0x3465a4'
    magenta:    '0x75507b'
    cyan:       '0x06989a'
    white:      '0xd3d7cf'
    black:      '0x555753'
    red:        '0xef2929'
    green:      '#a5c33f'
    yellow:     '0xfce94f'
    blue:       '0x729fcf'
    magenta:    '0xad7fa8'
    cyan:       '0x34e2e2'
    white:      '0xeeeeec'

  save_to_clipboard: true

    shape:      Block
    blinking:   Always
  blink_interval: 600
  blink_timeout: 0

  hide_when_typing: true
og900aero commented 7 months ago

Yes, the comments...

Rename the alacritty.yml file to alacritty.backup, then restart alacritty and try now.

dase78 commented 7 months ago

Yes, it looks a bit "better", but of course not, how I want it to be... Perhaps I will just stick with lxterminal. scrot_20231213_120323

og900aero commented 7 months ago

Yes, it looks a bit "better", but of course not, how I want it to be... Perhaps I will just stick with lxterminal. scrot_20231213_120323

So then I can only think that the video card and the driver it can cause this problem, because Alacritty uses GPU acceleration. Alacritty, for example, works well and very fast for me, but the wezterm terminal is very slow, even though it also uses GPU acceleration... That's why I sometimes use urxvt and sometimes st terminal.

dase78 commented 7 months ago

Yes, I will stick with Lxterminal. But it's a strange issue, because it's only this special combination: LF + Alacritty.