gokcehan / lf

Terminal file manager
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Main Column Line Numbers Only #1751

Open jbytes1027 opened 2 weeks ago

jbytes1027 commented 2 weeks ago

When enabled, line numbers are in the left, center, and right columns: image

However, I only use the main column line numbers to jump around with vim keybindings quicker. The other two columns of line numbers are unused, add visual clutter to parse, and shrink the usable width. An option is needed to only enable line numbers for the main column.

As an aside, this is in line with how ranger handles line numbers: image

joelim-work commented 2 weeks ago

Line numbers was requested in #130 and implemented in #133. I couldn't find any mention in the discussions about limiting the display to the main window, so I guess it was never considered at all.

Actually this isn't hard to achieve, it should just be a one line change:

diff --git a/ui.go b/ui.go
index f7684ec..7b9d3cb 100644
--- a/ui.go
+++ b/ui.go
@@ -385,21 +385,21 @@ func (win *win) printDir(ui *ui, dir *dir, context *dirContext, dirStyle *dirSty

    beg := max(dir.ind-dir.pos, 0)
    end := min(beg+win.h, len(dir.files))

    if beg > end {

    var lnwidth int

-   if gOpts.number || gOpts.relativenumber {
+   if (gOpts.number || gOpts.relativenumber) && dirStyle.role == Active {
        lnwidth = 1
        if gOpts.number && gOpts.relativenumber {
        for j := 10; j <= len(dir.files); j *= 10 {

    for i, f := range dir.files[beg:end] {

The main problem is deciding on how this can be configured by users. Which one of the following do you prefer?

Solution Description
Change number/relativenumber to display line numbers on the main window only This is a breaking change, and some users may not like this. However since I don't really use this feature much, I don't know which one is more preferred and I am probably indifferent about this anyway.
Change number from a boolean option to a string (e.g. all/active/off) This may end up being slightly unintuitive because the corresponding option in Vim is boolean. It is also a breaking change since users who have set number true will have the change it to set number all to maintain the existing behavior.
Add another boolean option to control whether line numbers are displayed on all windows or the main window only This won't result in a breaking change, but would introduce another option and there are a lot of them already.

I'm leaning somewhere between the first and third options. Perhaps it's worth leaving this issue open so others can provide their opinions, but in the meantime you can use the above patch if you're willing to build from source.

jbytes1027 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the patch and detailed response.

My vote would be option 1. I don't understand the need for line numbers in columns 1 or 3. Maybe for visual consistency? Option 3 works but feels oddly hyper specific of an option.

joelim-work commented 2 weeks ago

After thinking about this a bit more, I sort of want to avoid adding too many new options (especially for something small like this) since lf has a lot of options already. The problem with UI configuration in general is that every user has their own preference for how things should be displayed and it's practically impossible to satisfy everyone 100% without adding a heap of options.

I think what we can do is go with the first option, and then revisit this if there are users out there who want line numbers for every window.

For reference, I tried joshuto (set the line_number_style option) and it also displays line numbers on the main window only.

joelim-work commented 2 weeks ago

I've submitted a PR for this #1752