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Create a Code of Conduct #31

Closed lewtds closed 10 years ago

lewtds commented 11 years ago

FOSS projects of this scale have to require its contributors to sign a Code of Conduct. The mere act of doing this is enough to make a member feel engaged in the project.

lewtds commented 11 years ago

I'm also thinking about locking the wiki allowing access only to members who have signed the Code.

lewtds commented 11 years ago

I want @CMPITG and @tuanta to work together to resolve this issue. Are you guys ok with that?

tuanta commented 11 years ago

CoC in Fedora community [1] is quite simple but enough to direct people's behaviour. If you also see we can adopt it, I'd love to give a hand.

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/code-of-conduct

tuanta commented 11 years ago

Also, please distinguish between CoC and Contributor License Agreement. CoC is just a set of rules for community memebrs' behaviours CLA is more likely an legal issue. We need to build both, but not in the same document.

lewtds commented 11 years ago

This is the Ubuntu Code of Conduct: https://launchpad.net/~ndtrung4419/+codesofconduct

lewtds commented 11 years ago

Reassigned to @tuanta .

lewtds commented 11 years ago

One thing to consider is where to put it and how to let people discover it.

cmpitg commented 11 years ago

Wiki and contribution guidelines or something like that.

cmpitg commented 11 years ago

The link[1] to Ubuntu Code of Conduct is dead (no permission) to view, and last time I checked it, it's a piece of crap.

[1] https://launchpad.net/~ndtrung4419/+codesofconduct

tuanta commented 11 years ago

Ubuntu CoC could be found here: www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/conduct‎

However, I don't think adopting CoC from such a bad-privacy project is a good idea for gokien. Gokien should also use Freedom as one of the main foundations, like Fedora, I think.

FSF and other organizations who protect digital rights do not recommend Ubuntu (http://prism-break.org/). That reason is enough for us not to follow Ubuntu way.

Btw, I will draft gokien CoC to wiki soon.

lewtds commented 10 years ago

How is this going?

tuanta commented 10 years ago

The first draft has been out with both Vietnamese and English: http://wiki.gokien.org/code_of_conduct Please comment it.

cmpitg commented 10 years ago

Updated Vietnamese contents to be more logical and less silly. The English version doesn't flow well. Gonna rewrite within a day.

tuanta commented 10 years ago

This draft has been translated directly from Fedora CoC [1]. If you need an English version, you should change the original one a little (Fedora name to Gokien...); It is not necessary to re-translate it from Vietnamese back to English :)

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/code-of-conduct

cmpitg commented 10 years ago

As I said, the English version doesn't flow well. The point of rewriting it is to make it better in terms of less fragile words and clearer meaning, not to change.

lewtds commented 10 years ago

Cool to see some traction again :)

cmpitg commented 10 years ago

Done. Editorial review needed. Will close this issue in one week.

lewtds commented 10 years ago

How should we do editorial review? I've found some grammatical mistakes. Should I do a diff and paste it on gist or just edit the source right away?

cmpitg commented 10 years ago

Just make your change, wiki has history.

cmpitg commented 10 years ago

Any update? 2 more days until closing.

tuanta commented 10 years ago

I am travelling now so I can not process anything. Please extend the deadline one more week.

cmpitg commented 10 years ago

Any more update? Only 2 more days until the last extension of deadline.

tuanta commented 10 years ago

Just removed "Draft" notice. I would also close this ticket. It could be re-open once we see it is necessary to make other changes.