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Add a README or welcome message on the iso #37

Open lewtds opened 11 years ago

lewtds commented 11 years ago

The iso is pretty bare and unfriendly to new users. Windows users may expect an autostart application telling them what to do. But if that seemed too intrusive then a simple, well designed PDF document giving introduction and instructions should suffice. The second method is what Apple is doing with their Mac OS X installation media.

Here's how to put extra files on the iso using Debian's Live Build system: http://live.debian.net/manual/current/html/live-manual.en.html#483

lewtds commented 10 years ago

Assigned to @hainp.

lewtds commented 10 years ago

52 should be a supplement to this one.

lewtds commented 10 years ago

Here are the PDFs on Mac OS X 10.6 installation DVD: