gokudomatic / eco-fps-controller

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How about eco-fps-controller for godot 3? #3

Open babypandabear3 opened 7 years ago

babypandabear3 commented 7 years ago

Not really an issue, but perhaps you can make eco-fps-controller for godot 3 alpha? At least the light_fps_controller.tscn one

I tried to port your code to godot 3 but my math failed me at the sliding part

I'm asking this because currently I'm porting my game to Godot 3. Thanks in advance

gokudomatic commented 7 years ago


I'm actually working on another project in python (not godot). So I let this component in standby for the time being. Also, I prefer to wait until v3 is a bit stabilized.

However I can certainly help you understanding the concepts and the code. I recommand for instance an old tutorial I wrote, which explains the sliding part. It uses a very old version of godot, but the maths stay the same (and my code is not really dependant to the api anyway) : https://github.com/gokudomatic/godot/blob/master/demos/3d/kinematic_fps/documentation/Documentation.pdf Jump to page 48 for the sliding part.

babypandabear3 commented 7 years ago

Thank you. I manage to convert it to godot 3 just now.by doing it block by block

but only now I realize that if the body collide with wall it won't slide sideways much :)

gokudomatic commented 7 years ago

Have you succeeded to convert it? Sorry if I can't help much for the moment.

babypandabear3 commented 7 years ago

I do. But then Godot decided to change move function and it breaks again XD

Since then I decided to put it on hold. You are right. It's better to wait until it's stable first. Don't worry though. This time with help of someone on reddit I get better understanding on how all this linear algebra works so I manage to make my own character controller along with my planned feature in 2.X based on yours