gokulgovind / GLNotificationBar

GLNotificationBar is a ios10 style notification bar, can be used to handle push notification in active state.
MIT License
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Always show the keyboard #17

Closed azhararmar closed 6 years ago

azhararmar commented 6 years ago

When a notification is displayed, keyboard is hidden. I don't want this behavior. Can you point me where in the file I need to change to make this happen?

gokulgovind commented 6 years ago

Hi @azhararmar ,

Just add below lines to last of this func setUpDetailedNotificationBar(_ header: String!, body: String!, action: [GLNotifyAction]!) function (Some where around line:533)

let action = actionArray[2] self.setUpTextField(action,senderTag:2)

If everything added as explained, TextField will be displayed when you open an notification by swiping down.

By believing this would help you, closing this issue now. Feel free to reopen if needed.
