golang-vietnam / jobs

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[Chợ Tốt] Backend Engineer ( Hybrid/HCM) #185

Closed anhhoang2002 closed 1 month ago

anhhoang2002 commented 2 years ago

Cho Tot team is expanding to continuously innovate our marketplace ecosystem to better serve Vietnamese via advanced technology. We are looking for talented and passionate individuals to join our foundation software, engineering team. You will be one of the few key talents who build and run services that are used by tens of millions of Vietnamese people. You will need to tackle highly scaled distributed systems, work in a highly automated devops environment on top of many open source, CNCF software. You will be supported by our solid SRE team to really craft the software and run the product that you are proud of and other engineers admire.



Be our family right here: https://careers.chotot.com/ Or feel free contact me for more information Skype: tremlobisi94| Mail: anhhoang@chotot.vn