golang / cwg

Community outreach Working Group
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Go Community Blogging Coordination #9

Open cassandraoid opened 6 years ago

cassandraoid commented 6 years ago

Decide best strategic route for Go community blogging.

A few starter thoughts...

Some Logistics:

Per content:

spf13 commented 6 years ago

Let's talk through this more. I think I'd like to have this on the Go blog, but the content we are talking about might not fit.

I don't love medium, but I'm not against it, it doesn't lean well to contributing though. I'd rather something git driven.. like Hugo on Netlify or similar.

cassandraoid commented 6 years ago

If we decide to have it be a COWG effort and git driven we can do Hugo + Netlify + NetlifyCMS for simpler content distribution (same CMS used for live blogging at Gophercon 💃 )

bketelsen commented 6 years ago

we have the gopheracademy blog with a 4 year history of strong community contributions!


nathany commented 6 years ago

We have a lot of people blogging at various places, which I think is fine. We also have curation of blogs via "Golang Weekly" and others.

What is the goal here?

peterc commented 6 years ago

If you get a Medium account and create a publication, make sure to link the publication (and not just the account) with the official Twitter account because you'll get 10K+s of followers automatically that way. This is not commonly known for some reason, but has worked very well for us in the JavaScript world (as we have 250K Twitter followers and 40K converted to Medium follows automatically).

mbbroberg commented 6 years ago

I'm with @nathany in wondering if this effort is to increase exposure of existing content or otherwise. The idea @cassandraoid mentioned of 'here's what happened' would be awesome if it's on what's changing in the Go programming language (building us up toward 2.0). Thoughts?

ymotongpoo commented 6 years ago

+1 to @nathany. Local Go communities has developed their ways since its launch and I believe those activities have shaped current enthusiasm of the global Go community. I hope COWG will lead those communities but will not force to change the existing efforts.