golang / dep

Go dependency management tool experiment (deprecated)
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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dep ensure ignores version in Gopkg.toml #2188

Closed SavostinVladimir closed 5 years ago

SavostinVladimir commented 5 years ago

Hi! I added version 1.12.1 for google.golang.org/grpc in my .toml file. like this:

  name = "google.golang.org/grpc"
  version = "1.12.1"

but when I run dep ensure, it installs 1.21.1 version for google.golang.org/grpc

What version of dep are you using (dep version)?

dep: version : devel build date : git hash : go version : go1.8.3 go compiler : gc platform : linux/amd64

What dep command did you run?

dep ensure

What did you expect to see?

I want to install google.golang.org/grpc@v1.12.1, not google.golang.org/grpc@v1.21.1

What did you see instead?

there is 1.21.1 version in my .lock file

  name = "google.golang.org/grpc"
  packages = [".","balancer","balancer/base","balancer/roundrobin","binarylog/grpc_binarylog_v1","codes","connectivity","credentials","credentials/internal","encoding","encoding/proto","grpclog","internal","internal/backoff","internal/balancerload","internal/binarylog","internal/channelz","internal/envconfig","internal/grpcrand","internal/grpcsync","internal/syscall","internal/transport","keepalive","metadata","naming","peer","resolver","resolver/dns","resolver/passthrough","stats","status","tap"]
  revision = "501c41df7f472c740d0674ff27122f3f48c80ce7"
  version = "v1.21.1"

this is my dep ensure output:

vs@vs-pc:~/go/src/bitbucket.org/vladimir_savostin/darvin-performer$ dep ensure -v
Root project is "bitbucket.org/vladimir_savostin/darvin-performer"
 5 transitively valid internal packages
 7 external packages imported from 6 projects
(0)   ✓ select (root)
(1)     ? attempt bitbucket.org/vladimir_savostin/common with 1 pkgs; 1 versions to try
(1)         try bitbucket.org/vladimir_savostin/common@master
(1)     ✓ select bitbucket.org/vladimir_savostin/common@master w/1 pkgs
(2)     ? attempt github.com/robertkrimen/otto with 1 pkgs; 3 versions to try
(2)         try github.com/robertkrimen/otto@master
(2)     ✓ select github.com/robertkrimen/otto@master w/7 pkgs
(3)     ? attempt gopkg.in/sourcemap.v1 with 1 pkgs; 7 versions to try
(3)         try gopkg.in/sourcemap.v1@v1.0.5
(3)     ✓ select gopkg.in/sourcemap.v1@v1.0.5 w/2 pkgs
(4)     ? attempt github.com/processout/grpc-go-pool with 1 pkgs; 5 versions to try
(4)         try github.com/processout/grpc-go-pool@v1.2.1
(4)     ✓ select github.com/processout/grpc-go-pool@v1.2.1 w/1 pkgs
(5)     ? attempt github.com/golang/protobuf with 1 pkgs; 9 versions to try
(5)         try github.com/golang/protobuf@v1.3.1
(5)     ✓ select github.com/golang/protobuf@v1.3.1 w/1 pkgs
(6)     ? attempt google.golang.org/grpc with 2 pkgs; 70 versions to try
(6)         try google.golang.org/grpc@v1.21.1
(6)     ✓ select google.golang.org/grpc@v1.21.1 w/32 pkgs
(7)     ? revisit github.com/golang/protobuf to add 3 pkgs
(7)       ✓ include 5 more pkgs from github.com/golang/protobuf@v1.3.1
(7)     ? attempt golang.org/x/net with 3 pkgs; 8 versions to try
(8)         try golang.org/x/net@master
(8)     ✓ select golang.org/x/net@master w/6 pkgs
(8)     ? attempt golang.org/x/sys with 1 pkgs; 3 versions to try
(9)         try golang.org/x/sys@master
(9)     ✓ select golang.org/x/sys@master w/1 pkgs
(9)     ? attempt github.com/json-iterator/go with 1 pkgs; 26 versions to try
(10)      try github.com/json-iterator/go@v1.1.6
(10)  ✓ select github.com/json-iterator/go@v1.1.6 w/1 pkgs
(10)  ? attempt github.com/modern-go/reflect2 with 1 pkgs; 4 versions to try
(11)      try github.com/modern-go/reflect2@1.0.1
(11)  ✓ select github.com/modern-go/reflect2@1.0.1 w/1 pkgs
(11)  ? revisit golang.org/x/net to add 1 pkgs
(12)    ✓ include 1 more pkgs from golang.org/x/net@master
(11)  ? attempt golang.org/x/text with 3 pkgs; 8 versions to try
(13)      try golang.org/x/text@v0.3.2
(13)  ✓ select golang.org/x/text@v0.3.2 w/16 pkgs
(12)  ? attempt github.com/astaxie/beego with 1 pkgs; 30 versions to try
(14)      try github.com/astaxie/beego@v1.11.1
(14)  ✓ select github.com/astaxie/beego@v1.11.1 w/1 pkgs
(13)  ? attempt github.com/modern-go/concurrent with 1 pkgs; 5 versions to try
(15)      try github.com/modern-go/concurrent@1.0.3
(15)  ✓ select github.com/modern-go/concurrent@1.0.3 w/1 pkgs
(14)  ? attempt google.golang.org/genproto with 1 pkgs; 5 versions to try
(16)      try google.golang.org/genproto@master
(16)  ✓ select google.golang.org/genproto@master w/1 pkgs
(15)  ? revisit github.com/golang/protobuf to add 1 pkgs
(17)    ✓ include 2 more pkgs from github.com/golang/protobuf@v1.3.1
  ✓ found solution with 77 packages from 14 projects

Solver wall times by segment:
     b-list-versions: 20.30849339s
         b-list-pkgs: 1.986180671s
              b-gmal:  1.49183492s
     b-source-exists: 871.347595ms
  b-deduce-proj-root: 603.834079ms
         select-atom:   20.35157ms
             satisfy:  18.694522ms
            new-atom:    609.912µs
         select-root:    411.858µs
               other:     50.146µs
            add-atom:     43.728µs

  TOTAL: 25.301852391s

(1/14) Wrote bitbucket.org/vladimir_savostin/common@master
(2/14) Wrote gopkg.in/sourcemap.v1@v1.0.5
(3/14) Wrote github.com/processout/grpc-go-pool@v1.2.1
(4/14) Wrote golang.org/x/sys@master
(5/14) Wrote github.com/modern-go/concurrent@1.0.3
(6/14) Wrote github.com/modern-go/reflect2@1.0.1
(7/14) Wrote github.com/astaxie/beego@v1.11.1
(8/14) Wrote github.com/robertkrimen/otto@master
(9/14) Wrote github.com/json-iterator/go@v1.1.6
(10/14) Wrote github.com/golang/protobuf@v1.3.1
(11/14) Wrote google.golang.org/grpc@v1.21.1
(12/14) Wrote golang.org/x/net@master
(13/14) Wrote golang.org/x/text@v0.3.2
(14/14) Wrote google.golang.org/genproto@master

therer is dep hash-inputs:

vs@vs-pc:~/go/src/bitbucket.org/vladimir_savostin/darvin-performer$ dep hash-inputs
SavostinVladimir commented 5 years ago

fixed with:

  name = "google.golang.org/grpc"
  version = "=1.12.1"