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encoding/xml: very low performance in xml parser #21823

Open 243083df opened 7 years ago

243083df commented 7 years ago

What version of Go are you using (go version)?


Does this issue reproduce with the latest release?


What operating system and processor architecture are you using (go env)?


What did you do?

I trying to parse large files with SAX with go, and get decadent performance. I rewrite code in C#, and get maximum performance.

file, err := os.Open(filename)
defer file.Close()
buffer := bufio.NewReaderSize(file, 1024*1024*256) // 33554432
decoder := xml.NewDecoder(buffer)
for {
        t, _ := decoder.Token()
        if t == nil {
        switch se := t.(type) {
        case xml.StartElement:
            if se.Name.Local == "House" {
                house := House{}
                err := decoder.DecodeElement(&house, &se)
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(filename)
                while (reader.Read())
                    switch (reader.NodeType)
                        case XmlNodeType.Element:
                            if (reader.Name == "House")

What did you expect to see?

Mature and fast xml parser in golang.

What did you see instead?

The bottleneck in SAX xml parsing with go is CPU, instead of low HDD io performance.

ianlancetaylor commented 7 years ago

Can you show us a complete, standalone example program? And provide your input file, or at least tell us about it?

What are the actual performance numbers?


243083df commented 7 years ago

File is very big, around 10-50 millions records. The xml file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
a-h commented 7 years ago

I was curious, since I use .NET and Go regularly, so I turned this into a reproduction at https://github.com/a-h/sax

On my MacOS machine, I found that the Go version was much slower (around 20 seconds) than the .NET Core 2.0 one (around 3 seconds) for a file with 10 million elements in it laid out as per the example above.

I put the timing output in the README.md. I noted that the CPU was at 100% during Go execution.

I added an SVG of the Go CPU profile output to the repo.

screen shot 2017-09-10 at 22 55 33
243083df commented 7 years ago

I think, @a-h's benchmark enough to investigate. I used same code.

gopherbot commented 7 years ago

Change https://golang.org/cl/63390 mentions this issue: unicode: speed-up is16/is32

243083df commented 7 years ago

By the way. Is call len(p) in https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/bufio/bufio.go#L196 necessarily?

mattn commented 7 years ago

xml.NewDecoder already create bufio.Reader.

243083df commented 7 years ago

@mattn Yes, but its create bufio.Reader without minimum read value. bufio.Reader with minimum read value around 64Mb, speed up parsing 2Gb xml from 2m40s to 2m5s(around 20%, but its not stable) on HDD.

robfordww commented 6 years ago

A lot of speed could be gained if the parser was referring to the xml byte slice instead of copying everything. I am working on such an parser for go, based on the rapidxml library in c++

saleem-mirza commented 6 years ago

I am experiencing same issue. Parsing 1 GB XML takes minutes which C# version completes in few seconds ( < 10)

suntong commented 6 years ago

So the go sax parser is about 6~7 times slower than the C#, i.e., much room to improve. Watching the development on this...

Anyone can confirm, whether unmarshaling into defined data structures, if possible, can speed things up? I always use the sax parser way, maybe it is time to go with the DOM parser way, as my files are not terribly big. I went with the sax parser way only because intuitively thinking, it should be faster than the DOM parser way.

a-h commented 6 years ago

Just checked the performance of various versions using Docker containers to see if 1.10beta1 is likely to improve performance (I thought I saw a few perf improvements to Unicode handling in the changelog).

docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/go/src/github.com/a-h/sax golang:1.10beta1 /bin/bash
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/go/src/github.com/a-h/sax golang:1.9.2 /bin/bash
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/go/src/github.com/a-h/sax golang:1.8 /bin/bash


1.10: 0m21.383s 1.9.2: 0m21.281s 1.8: 0m27.370s

So, looks like no improvement this version.

suntong commented 6 years ago

Well done!

Has anyone done a profile to see exactly where the pain-point is? Maybe that might help pushing things a bit?

a-h commented 6 years ago

@suntong - see https://github.com/a-h/sax/ and in particular the profile output at https://github.com/a-h/sax/blob/master/pprof001.svg

a-h commented 6 years ago

It's possible to reduce the amount of calls to the UTF8 DecodeRune etc. by keeping a cache of the names the decoder has already seen, on the basis that it's very likely those names will be seen again. This could be limited to a reasonable level, e.g. 10,000 XML names to stop it using too much RAM.

Over 1,000,000 XML elements, I saw an improvement from 1.632s to 1.431s.

$ go test -bench=Decoder -cpuprofile profile_cpu.out
processed authors:  1000000
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: encoding/xml
BenchmarkDecoder-4             1        1437269859 ns/op        518663400 B/op   8000059 allocs/op
ok      encoding/xml    1.632s
$ go test -bench=Decoder -cpuprofile profile_cpu.out
processed authors:  1000000
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: encoding/xml
BenchmarkDecoder-4             1        1211802156 ns/op        518656056 B/op   8000053 allocs/op
ok      encoding/xml    1.431s
func (d *Decoder) isName(s []byte) bool {
    // Check the cache first.
    if _, ok := d.names[string(s)]; ok {
        return true
    // If it's not in the cache, add it if it's valid.
    v := isName(s)
    if v {
        d.names[string(s)] = true
    return v

// Get name: /first(first|second)*/
// Do not set d.err if the name is missing (unless unexpected EOF is received):
// let the caller provide better context.
func (d *Decoder) name() (s string, ok bool) {
    if !d.readName() {
        return "", false

    // Now we check the characters.
    b := d.buf.Bytes()
    if !d.isName(b) {
        d.err = d.syntaxError("invalid XML name: " + string(b))
        return "", false
    return string(b), true

@ianlancetaylor - is it worth me pursuing that as a change?

a-h commented 6 years ago

My benchmark is:

func BenchmarkDecoder(b *testing.B) {
    count := 1000000
    buffer := strings.NewReader(`<authors>` + authors(count) + `</authors`)
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        buffer.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
        decoder := NewDecoder(buffer)
        var authors = 0
        for {
            tok, _ := decoder.Token()
            if tok == nil {
            switch se := tok.(type) {
            case StartElement:
                if se.Name.Local == "author" {
        if authors != count {
            panic("failed to report correct number of authors")
        fmt.Println("processed authors: ", authors)

func authors(count int) string {
    buf := bytes.NewBufferString("")
    for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
        buf.WriteString(`<author name="Alan Watt" />`)
    return buf.String()
243083df commented 6 years ago

@a-h I think it would be better to use slice cache isead of Read|Unread byte

a-h commented 6 years ago

Do you mean something that reads into a buffer like this? https://github.com/a-h/lexical/blob/master/input/stream.go

nussjustin commented 6 years ago

@a-h The code could be further optimized like this:

// Get name: /first(first|second)*/
// Do not set d.err if the name is missing (unless unexpected EOF is received):
// let the caller provide better context.
func (d *Decoder) name() (s string, ok bool) {
    if !d.readName() {
        return "", false

    // Now we check the characters.
    b := d.buf.Bytes()
    if s, ok = d.names[string(b)]; ok {
        return s, ok
    if !isName(b) {
        d.err = d.syntaxError("invalid XML name: " + string(b))
        return "", false
    s = string(b)
    d.names[s] = s
    return s, true

This way we can avoid the isName check and reuse the string from the d.names map without allocation.

For the existing unmarshal benchmark this gives me

name         old time/op    new time/op    delta
Unmarshal-8    11.6µs ± 1%    11.7µs ± 3%     ~     (p=0.990 n=12+14)

name         old alloc/op   new alloc/op   delta
Unmarshal-8    8.27kB ± 0%    9.13kB ± 0%  +10.40%  (p=0.000 n=15+15)

name         old allocs/op  new allocs/op  delta
Unmarshal-8       190 ± 0%       166 ± 0%  -12.63%  (p=0.000 n=15+15)

No change on the time, but at work we have a tool that parses multiple XML files, each around 250MB+, and reusing the allocated names saves about 2 seconds per file (14s -> 12s).

In my case I shaved off another second by making copyValue accept both []byte and string, avoiding an allocation for each attribute value.

But again, this doesn't reflect in the existing benchmark:

name         old time/op    new time/op    delta
Unmarshal-8    11.6µs ± 1%    11.4µs ± 1%  -1.72%  (p=0.000 n=12+12)

name         old alloc/op   new alloc/op   delta
Unmarshal-8    8.27kB ± 0%    8.11kB ± 0%  -1.93%  (p=0.000 n=15+15)

name         old allocs/op  new allocs/op  delta
Unmarshal-8       190 ± 0%       186 ± 0%  -2.11%  (p=0.000 n=15+15)
tamerh commented 5 years ago

Hi, any update on this or workaround solution? i also observed that it is slower than java.

webern commented 5 years ago

I have also found my way here after seeing a very large box in my profile for encoding/xml (*Decoder) unmarshal. Golang XML 'feels' a lot slower than C++ rapidxml, pugixml and expat, though I have not benchmarked.

tamerh commented 5 years ago

Hi all and @243083df, @l-we, @webern, @ajruckman, @qwantix, @evt

Regarding this issue you can try my library


ilyabreev commented 5 years ago

Any progress on this issue?

saleem-mirza commented 5 years ago

Actually, programmer who coded this library is long gone so we are clueless.

Disclaimer: this is not official excuse, I made it up since community is mysteriously silent on this issue

webern commented 5 years ago

@saleem-mirza this begs the question, what are the plans for Golang to continue supporting XML natively as part of the standard library?

Currently the XML implementation suffers from several issues that make it substandard (when compared with Xerces, Java or libxml2, for example)

1) It is very slow. 2) It is non-validating (we need xsd validation) 3) There is no support for loading XML when the schema is not known. i.e. we can load any json and we get a map[string]interface. But we cannot do this with xml.

I would love to work on something like this, but it would definitely be a full-time job, i.e. someone would have to be paid to build this.

tamerh commented 5 years ago

Hi all and @243083df, @l-we, @webern, @ajruckman, @qwantix, @evt

Regarding this issue you can try my library


For people who are interested in streaming parsing i have refactored the library to improve code quality, error handling and now it is more than 30% faster compare to previous version.Let me know if you have suggestions/feedbacks.

gopherbot commented 4 years ago

Change https://golang.org/cl/218658 mentions this issue: encoding/xml: decoder to use buffered start attr