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archive/tar: TEST FAIL on openbsd #2240

Closed tjyang closed 9 years ago

tjyang commented 13 years ago
Understand openbsd is not fully supported yet, but following is an error in test stage.

What do you see instead?
--- cd pkg
test archive/tar
TEST FAIL archive/tar
gmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/tjyang/gotip/src/pkg/archive/tar'
gotest -test.short -test.timeout=120
gmake[1]: *** [testshort] Segmentation fault
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/tjyang/gotip/src/pkg/archive/tar'
gmake: *** [archive/tar.testshort] Error 1
4a6f656c commented 13 years ago

Comment 1:

From my perspective openbsd support is now fairly stable - I've been doing full builds
with all tests successfully completing for several weeks now.
Unfortunately, I'm going to need more information than has been provided - to start with:
1) What OpenBSD version and architecture are you running on (output from 'sysctl
kern.version' would be useful). You'll probably want to run -current or at least a 5.0
2) What's the status of your go repository (output from 'hg summary' for
/home/tjyang/gotip). I presume you are tracking the default branch?
tjyang commented 13 years ago

Comment 2:

I created a "tip" user for building tip version of code. Same error message when doing
-bash-4.1$ sysctl kern.version
kern.version=OpenBSD 4.9 (GENERIC.MP) #794: Wed Mar  2 07:19:02 MST 2011
-bash-4.1$ hg summary
parent: 9706:546f21eebee8 tip
 image/png: don't use a goroutine to decode. This was preventing
branch: default
commit: (clean)
update: (current)
-bash-4.1$ hg id
546f21eebee8 tip
%%%% making pkg %%%%
gmake: Entering directory `/home/tip/go/src/pkg'
install runtime
install sync/atomic
install unicode
install math
install container/list
install container/ring
install container/vector
install crypto/subtle
install utf16
install utf8
install sort
install cmath
install container/heap
install sync
install syscall
install rand
install os
install io
install strings
install crypto/cast5
install os/signal
install path
install bytes
install hash
install crypto/cipher
install exp/norm
install hash/crc64
install hash/crc32
install hash/adler32
install crypto
install regexp
install tabwriter
install path/filepath
install strconv
install crypto/md5
install crypto/sha1
install crypto/sha256
install crypto/md4
install crypto/ripemd160
install crypto/sha512
install index/suffixarray
install io/ioutil
install bufio
install reflect
install crypto/aes
install crypto/blowfish
install crypto/hmac
install encoding/base64
install crypto/openpgp/error
install crypto/rc4
install exec
install url
install crypto/twofish
install crypto/xtea
install encoding/ascii85
install encoding/base32
install encoding/git85
install encoding/hex
install image
install exp/regexp/syntax
install html
install json
install archive/tar
install compress/flate
install encoding/binary
install time
install fmt
install compress/bzip2
install encoding/pem
install crypto/openpgp/armor
install crypto/openpgp/s2k
install debug/dwarf
install flag
install go/token
install template/parse
install csv
install debug/gosym
install image/ycbcr
install log
install exp/regexp
install mime
install runtime/debug
install scanner
install gob
install hash/fnv
install runtime/pprof
install image/bmp
install image/jpeg
install old/template
install testing
install testing/iotest
install testing/quick
install testing/script
install try
install xml
install ../cmd/goyacc
install archive/zip
install big
install compress/gzip
install compress/lzw
install compress/zlib
install crypto/des
install crypto/dsa
install crypto/elliptic
install crypto/rand
install debug/elf
install debug/macho
install debug/pe
install go/scanner
install template
install image/draw
install image/gif
install image/png
install image/tiff
install patch
install asn1
install crypto/ecdsa
install crypto/rsa
install crypto/openpgp/elgamal
install go/ast
install ebnf
install exp/datafmt
install exp/gui
install exp/template/html
install ../cmd/hgpatch
install crypto/x509/pkix
install crypto/openpgp/packet
install go/doc
install go/parser
install go/printer
install go/typechecker
install go/types
install ../cmd/ebnflint
install ../cmd/govet
install crypto/x509
install crypto/openpgp
install ../cmd/cgo
install go/build
install ../cmd/gofix
install ../cmd/gofmt
install ../cmd/gotype
install crypto/ocsp
install ../cmd/gotest
install runtime/cgo
install net
install os/user
install crypto/tls
install exp/gui/x11
install net/textproto
install netchan
install syslog
install mime/multipart
install mail
install net/dict
install http
install smtp
install expvar
install http/cgi
install http/pprof
install http/httptest
install http/spdy
install rpc
install websocket
install ../cmd/godoc
install ../cmd/goinstall
install http/fcgi
install rpc/jsonrpc
gmake: Leaving directory `/home/tip/go/src/pkg'
Installed Go for openbsd/386 in /home/tip/go.
Installed commands in /home/tip/go/bin.
*** You need to add /home/tip/go/bin to your $PATH. ***
The compiler is 8g.
--- cd pkg
test archive/tar
TEST FAIL archive/tar
gmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/tip/go/src/pkg/archive/tar'
gotest -test.short -test.timeout=120
gmake[1]: *** [testshort] Segmentation fault
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/tip/go/src/pkg/archive/tar'
gmake: *** [archive/tar.testshort] Error 1
-bash-4.1$ ../go/bin/8g -V
8g version weekly.2011-09-07 9706
-bash-4.1$ pwd
tjyang commented 13 years ago

Comment 3:

BTW, this is a vmware session.
4a6f656c commented 13 years ago

Comment 4:

OpenBSD 4.9 is too old - it does not support I386_SET_GSBASE via sysarch(), which is why
attempting to run a binary is resulting in a segfault (most likely from the runtime
notok function). If you want to use Go on OpenBSD, please update to a current snapshot.
OpenBSD 5.0 will be released on the 1st of November and it will be the first version
that Go will work fully on.
tjyang commented 13 years ago

Comment 5:

I created another vm session to run openbsd 5.0(snapshot).  Still failed at tar test.
please see following info.
install http/spdy
install rpc
install websocket
install ../cmd/goinstall
install http/fcgi
install ../cmd/godoc
install rpc/jsonrpc
gmake: Leaving directory `/home/tip/go/src/pkg'
Installed Go for openbsd/386 in /home/tip/go.
Installed commands in /home/tip/go/bin.
The compiler is 8g.
--- cd pkg
test archive/tar
TEST FAIL archive/tar
gmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/tip/go/src/pkg/archive/tar'
gotest -test.short -test.timeout=120
throw: runtime: cannot reserve arena virtual address space
gmake[1]: *** [testshort] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/tip/go/src/pkg/archive/tar'
gmake: *** [archive/tar.testshort] Error 1
-bash-4.2$ hg summary
parent: 9740:5729b8d311d4 tip
 go/printer: use panic/defer instead of goroutine
branch: default
commit: (clean)
update: (current)
-bash-4.2$ hg id
5729b8d311d4 tip
-bash-4.2$ 8g -V
8g version weekly.2011-09-07 9740
-bash-4.2$ sysctl kern.version
kern.version=OpenBSD 5.0-current (GENERIC.MP) #66: Mon Sep 12 02:15:23 MDT 2011
-bash-4.2$ tail ~/.bashrc
# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
        . /etc/bashrc
# User specific aliases and functions
export GOROOT=~/go GOARCH=386 GOOS=openbsd GOBIN=~/go/bin
davecheney commented 13 years ago

Comment 6:

What hypervisor are you using. I found that archive/tar would fail when running FreeBSD
8/9 inside Vmware Fusion on the Mac. Are you able to test on real hardware ?
tjyang commented 13 years ago

Comment 7:

0. I was using vmware wks 7.0 on Asus ROG with i7 cpu.
1. Another test on IBM T30 laptop.
-bash-4.2$ sysctl kern.version
kern.version=OpenBSD 5.0-current (GENERIC) #52: Tue Sep 13 22:04:50 MDT 2011
-bash-4.2$ uname -a
OpenBSD t30.test.net 5.0 GENERIC#52 i386
-bash-4.2$ date
Sun Sep 18 08:18:11 CDT 2011
2. still failed on tar test.
install http/spdy
install rpc
install websocket
install ../cmd/godoc
install ../cmd/goinstall
install http/fcgi
install rpc/jsonrpc
gmake: Leaving directory `/home/tip/go/src/pkg'
Installed Go for openbsd/386 in /home/tip/go.
Installed commands in /home/tip/go/bin.
The compiler is 8g.
--- cd pkg
test archive/tar
TEST FAIL archive/tar
gmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/tip/go/src/pkg/archive/tar'
gotest -test.short -test.timeout=120
throw: runtime: cannot reserve arena virtual address space
gmake[1]: *** [testshort] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/tip/go/src/pkg/archive/tar'
gmake: *** [archive/tar.testshort] Error 1
4. I have OpenBSD/sparc64 stood up on a Sun blade 100 also..
tjyang commented 13 years ago

Comment 8:

0. I was using vmware wks 7.0 on Asus ROG with i7 cpu.
1. Another test on IBM T30 laptop.
-bash-4.2$ sysctl kern.version
kern.version=OpenBSD 5.0-current (GENERIC) #52: Tue Sep 13 22:04:50 MDT 2011
-bash-4.2$ uname -a
OpenBSD t30.test.net 5.0 GENERIC#52 i386
-bash-4.2$ date
Sun Sep 18 08:18:11 CDT 2011
2. still failed on tar test.
install http/spdy
install rpc
install websocket
install ../cmd/godoc
install ../cmd/goinstall
install http/fcgi
install rpc/jsonrpc
gmake: Leaving directory `/home/tip/go/src/pkg'
Installed Go for openbsd/386 in /home/tip/go.
Installed commands in /home/tip/go/bin.
The compiler is 8g.
--- cd pkg
test archive/tar
TEST FAIL archive/tar
gmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/tip/go/src/pkg/archive/tar'
gotest -test.short -test.timeout=120
throw: runtime: cannot reserve arena virtual address space
gmake[1]: *** [testshort] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/tip/go/src/pkg/archive/tar'
gmake: *** [archive/tar.testshort] Error 1
4. I have OpenBSD/sparc64 stood up on a Sun blade 100 also..
tjyang commented 13 years ago

Comment 9:

Similar issue like https://golang.org/issue/2015
-bash-4.2$ 8g hello.go
-bash-4.2$ 8l -o hello hello.8
-bash-4.2$ ./hello
throw: runtime: cannot reserve arena virtual address space
-bash-4.2$ cat hello.
hello.8   hello.go
-bash-4.2$ cat hello.go
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    fmt.Println("hello world")
tjyang commented 13 years ago

Comment 10:

Looks like it is resource limitation issue. Running hello world with "2097152" is ok
with running a "tip" user with "524288" limit will cause the issue.
# ulimit -a
time(cpu-seconds)    unlimited
file(blocks)         unlimited
coredump(blocks)     unlimited
data(kbytes)         2097152
stack(kbytes)        8192
lockedmem(kbytes)    339837
memory(kbytes)       1017760
nofiles(descriptors) 128
processes            1310
# pwd
# cd ~tip
# ls
.Xdefaults      .cshrc          .profile        hello
.bash_history   .login          .ssh            hello.8
.bashrc         .mailrc         go              hello.go
# ./hello
hello world
# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel), 2(kmem), 3(sys), 4(tty), 5(operator),
20(staff), 31(guest)
# uname -a
OpenBSD t30.test.net 5.0 GENERIC#52 i386
tjyang commented 13 years ago

Comment 11:

This a "ulimit -a" setting output from a fedora 15 amd64 as a regular unix user
[release@t-fedora15-64 ~]$ ulimit -a
core file size          (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority             (-e) 0
file size               (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals                 (-i) 29370
max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 64
max memory size         (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files                      (-n) 1024
pipe size            (512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues     (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority              (-r) 0
stack size              (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes              (-u) 1024
virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks                      (-x) unlimited
[release@t-fedora15-64 ~]$
4a6f656c commented 13 years ago

Comment 12:

As you have already identified, you are running into resource limits. The Go runtime
reserves a fairly large amount of virtual address space and this will fail if your data
size is too low. You will also likely need to increase the file descriptor limit or a
later test will also fail. Under OpenBSD/i386 all tests should pass with:
ulimit -d 2097152
ulimit -n 512
adg commented 13 years ago

Comment 13:

Status changed to Retracted.