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proposal: spec: checked integer types #30613

Open ianlancetaylor opened 5 years ago

ianlancetaylor commented 5 years ago

As a simpler alternative to #30209, I propose that we add a new set of integer types that panic on overflow.

First a quick summary of some other languages, to the best of my knowledge:

Issues #19624 and #30209 argue that in Go integer overflow should panic. But today integer overflow wraps, and we cannot break existing code.

I propose that we add a new set of checked integer types. These will use a prefix o, for overflow. The types will be oint, oint8, oint16, oint32, oint64, ouint, ouint8, ouint16, ouint32, ouint64, ouintptr. We can also consider adding the type aliases obyte (= ouint8) and orune (= ouint32) although I'm not sure they are very important.

These new types act exactly like the corresponding types without the o prefix, except that if an addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division operation overflows, the result is a run-time panic.

Issue #30209 suggests adding a comma-ok form to detect integer overflow in an expression, as is also suggested in #6815. The main advantage of comma-ok for simple expressions is for a simpler implementation of multi-precision arithmetic, but for that use we have instead chosen to provide functions in the math/bits package. The main advantage of comma-ok for complex expressions is to permit switching between checked and wrapping arithmetic, but we already have wrapping arithmetic in the int type, and there is no realistic prospect of removing that from the language. So I do not think we need a comma-ok form. If there are other uses of comma-ok, this proposal still supports them, awkwardly, via a deferred function that calls recover.

There will as usual be no automatic conversion between existing types and the new types. This requirement of Go is the only way that this approach can work.

beoran commented 5 years ago

While this is a simple solution it doesn't seem to be the best solution to me. With my range types proposal, #30428, and use of type aliases, this simply becomes:

type OInt8 = range int8[math.MinInt8:math.MaxInt8]
type OInt16 = range int16[math.MinInt16:math.MaxInt16]
type OInt32 = range int32[math.MinInt32:math.MaxInt32]
type OInt64 = range int64[math.MinInt64:math.MaxInt64]
type OUInt8 = range uint8[math.MinUint8:math.MaxUint8]
type OUInt16 = range uint16[math.MinUint16:math.MaxUint16]
type OUInt32 = range uint32[math.MinUint32:math.MaxUint32]
type OUInt64 = range uint64[math.MinUint64:math.MaxUint64]

As per my proposal, panics are emitted on overflow, but the , ok form will also be supported. I think this issue goes to show that controlling the overflow of integers is indeed useful in several people's mind. But I believe it's better to build a generally useful language feature than a specific special case one. Therefore I think my proposal is the best approach to get general use range checked integers by implementing range types.

josharian commented 5 years ago

The “o” prefix is a bit odd, in that these are types that don’t overflow. I don’t have a better suggestion, though. “c” for checked, perhaps, although cint looks a lot like C.int.

ianlancetaylor commented 5 years ago

Yes, I considered a c prefix but I think it could be confusing. But I'm not wedded to o.

extemporalgenome commented 5 years ago

uint32p ? (the 'p' is for "panic"). I presume that int8(oint16(x)) may wrap around into the final int8?

And should a Go 2 derivative of this concept permit byte(256) to wrap around at compile time (not get compilation errors) while obyte(256) would have the present compile-time behavior? byte(obyte(256)) could be the way to get a compile-time evaluated byte that is "temporarily checked."

josharian commented 5 years ago

Maybe I’ve been hanging out on the wrong side of the C tracks, but I read int32p as “pointer to some int32”.

And if you put it as a prefix...well, seems like you’d need cup and quart as well.

“b” for bounded?

beoran commented 5 years ago

@extemporalgenome I updated the spec of my proposal to add another check on overflow, during calculation based on the underlying type. The idea is that ranged types would not allow any overflow at all, not even during calculations based on the underlying type, but for performance the bounds check only happens just before the final assignment.

Your example int8(OInt16(x)) will cause a panic if X is out of range for OInt16. But if X is in range then the conversion happens based on the underlying types, then this becomes identical then to int8(int16(X)) which will wrap.

alanfo commented 5 years ago

I certainly prefer this proposal to #30209 which I felt was over-complicated.

My only reservation is whether this is a better way of solving the overflow problem than the wildly popular #19623 which (at the cost of some efficiency) gets rids of it altogether and also deals with requests for larger integer types such as int128. The only thing I didn't like about that particular proposal was changing the implementation-specific typesint and uint to be arbitrary precision. Unless there's a plan for Go to stop supporting 32-bit platforms in the near future, I'd prefer a new signed arbitrary precision type (zint say) instead.

Anyway, to return to this proposal, I agree that the o prefix seems inappropriate and c would be too confusing. Whilst b confers the correct sense the word bint has unfortunate connotations (see here). How about l for limited instead?

bradfitz commented 5 years ago

Rust, Clojure, and Ada: integer overflow throws an exception.

Kinda, but not really for Rust: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch03-02-data-types.html#integer-overflow

When compiling in debug mode, Rust checks for this kind of issue and will cause your program to panic, which is the term Rust uses when a program exits with an error. We’ll discuss panics more in Chapter 9.

In release builds, Rust does not check for overflow, and instead will do something called “two’s complement wrapping.” In short, 256 becomes 0, 257 becomes 1, etc. Relying on overflow is considered an error, even if this behavior happens. If you want this behavior explicitly, the standard library has a type, Wrapping, that provides it explicitly.

networkimprov commented 5 years ago

@extemporalgenome suggested a suffix, which is logical, since bounding pertains to the bit count

ianlancetaylor commented 5 years ago

A suffix makes a certain amount of sense but I think it would be too easy to miss when reading the code.

networkimprov commented 5 years ago

Human perception finds words, not character strings, so a prefix letter is easily confused for identifiers with that letter sequence.

Certain letters or an underscore would be hard to overlook


beoran commented 5 years ago

Rust has the idea that debug code will be checked and production code will not. While this may seem nice for performance, it has the downside now your debug version and production version are different. That's unacceptable for safety and/or security critical software. The debug version and the production version should be semantically the same.

I think overflow should always cause a recoverable panic, and , if the ,ok form is too hard to implement, that may be left out at first, indeed.

I also maintain that my proposal ranged integer proposal is the far more generally useful approach to solving this problem. With it, naming of the ranged, non-overflowing types can also be left to the programmer. Also, I updated my proposal to use the minimal and maximal values of the underlying type by default so it becomes even easier to write bounds checked range types:

// Let us put the types in a package
package bounded

type Int8 = range int8[:]
type Int16 = range int16[:]
type Int32 = range int32[:]
type Int64 = range int64[:]
type UInt8 = range uint8[:]
type UInt16 = range uint16[:]
type UInt32 = range uint32[:]
type UInt64 = range uint64[:]

// Or just use the range type as is. 
var j bounded.Int8 = range int8[:](1 << 7) // OK
var i range int8[:] = bounded.Int8(1 << 8) // panic
const MaskBit range int8[:] = range int8[:](1 << 8) // Compile error
JavierZunzunegui commented 5 years ago

When compiling in debug mode, Rust checks for this kind of issue and will cause your program to panic, [...]

Interesting highlight in https://github.com/golang/go/issues/30613#issuecomment-472177486, could go introduce a build tag to make overflows panic? Might be useful to set in testing, canaries, etc

ianlancetaylor commented 5 years ago

@JavierZunzunegui In my opinion, that is not a feature. As others have said, it's like using a life vest when you are in a wading pool but not using one when you are in the ocean.

bcmills commented 5 years ago

There will as usual be no automatic conversion between existing types and the new types. This requirement of Go is the only way that this approach can work.

Could you give some more detail on why that is the case?

I think it's important that checked arithmetic be at least as concise as unchecked arithmetic, so that there is no pressure for developers to use unchecked arithmetic where it is not needed. However, since existing libraries (such as strings and regexp) necessarily use the existing int types in their APIs, a design that requires explicit conversions between a checked oint and an unchecked int seems like it would make the checked version of the code quite a bit more verbose.

That was why I included a relaxed assignability rule in #30209, so I'd like to understand why a similar approach is considered untenable for this proposal.

ianlancetaylor commented 5 years ago

What I mean when I say "no automatic conversion" is that it is otherwise ambiguous whether an operation should overflow or wrap. Consider

func PrintSum(a int, b oint) {
    fmt.Println(a + b)

I think it's essential that everyone reading Go code understand immediately whether a + b will overflow or wrap. If we permit implicit type conversion, then that is impossible. And if we permit implicit type conversion only in certain contexts, then the language is that much more confusing.

For the record, see #31500 for an alternative proposal.

bcmills commented 5 years ago

if we permit implicit type conversion only in certain contexts, then the language is that much more confusing.

We already permit implicit type conversion only in certain contexts: for example, the conversion from an untyped numeric constant to a defined numeric type only occurs when the value is used as a function argument, variable, or arithmetic operand. (Compare https://play.golang.org/p/LUqxYnZdHP_Y and https://play.golang.org/p/vKalIcIrpjM.)

I think the logical rule for this proposal in particular would be to make the checked and unchecked types mutually-assignable, but to require arithmetic expressions to involve only checked or only unchecked types.

func ident(a int) int { return a }
func oident(a oint) oint { return a }

func Example() {
    var a int
    var b oint
    c := ident(b)               // ok: int (no possibility of overflow)
    x := ident(a) + ident(b)    // ok: int (unambiguously unchecked)
    y := oident(a) + oident(b)  // ok: oint (unambiguously checked)
    z := oident(a + 1)  // ok: a+1 is performed unchecked, then passed as oint
    w := ident(b + 1)   // ok: b+1 is performed checked, then passed as int

    n := len(someSlice) + b      // error: expression combines checked and unchecked operands
    var z oint = len(someSlice)  // ok: no possibility of overflow
    m := z + b                   // ok: unambiguously checked

    bad := a + b                // error: expression combines checked and unchecked operands
    bad := ident(a + b)         // error: expression combines checked and unchecked operands
    bad := ident(a) + oident(b) // error: expression combines checked and unchecked operands

That doesn't prevent someone from unintentionally writing an unchecked operation where they meant to write a checked one (or vice-versa), but since the builtins (particularly len) already return the unchecked int type, that sort of bug is likely to occur regardless.

In particular, I would expect that many sites that should be written:

    foo(oint(n) + 1)

will instead be written

    foo(oint(n + 1))

regardless of any assignability rule (much like the floating-point-to-Duration class of bugs described in #20757).

ianlancetaylor commented 5 years ago

for example, the conversion from an untyped numeric constant to a defined numeric type only occurs when the value is used as a function argument, variable, or arithmetic operand.

That is not strictly accurate according the spec, since int it itself a defined numeric type. Type determination of an untyped numeric constant always occurs, though the type is sometimes determined by the context.

That minor quibble aside, I think that experience shows that people find the untyped constant rules to be confusing, and there are frequent references to https://blog.golang.org/constants. I think we should be extremely cautious about adding anything similarly confusing.

JavierZunzunegui commented 5 years ago

When compiling in debug mode, Rust checks for this kind of issue and will cause your program to panic, [...]

Interesting highlight in #30613 (comment), could go introduce a build tag to make overflows panic? Might be useful to set in testing, canaries, etc

@JavierZunzunegui In my opinion, that is not a feature. As others have said, it's like using a life vest when you are in a wading pool but not using one when you are in the ocean.

@ianlancetaylor I see this as a similar property to the -race flag - nobody uses it in production (I believe), that doesn't mean it isn't helpful.

DmitriyMV commented 5 years ago

-race flag - nobody uses it in production

On one of my previous jobs we did exactly that 😉

ianlancetaylor commented 5 years ago

I would absolutely turn on the -race flag in production if it didn't cost so much performance. Having a separate -race mode is not a philosophical point, it's a practical one.

Overflow checking is expected to have a very low additional cost (on amd64, one correctly predicted branch per operation); of course any approach would have to be reevaluated if it turns out to be more expensive than expected.

ianlancetaylor commented 5 years ago

A simpler approach would be to consider that people using sized types want values of exactly that size, and don't want to necessarily worry about overflowing at the edges. And people using unsigned types typically want wrapping semantics. So the only type that really needs a checked variant is int itself, along the lines of #31500. So rather than introducing 11 new types, we should only introduce one, a signed integer type the same size as int that panics on overflow.

The hard part is picking a name for that type. Here are some possibilities, based on comments above and in other issues, none of which seem perfect:

cespare commented 5 years ago

[...] people using sized types want values of exactly that size, and don't want to necessarily worry about overflowing at the edges.

I don't think this is true. I very often use int64 for counters or similar values that I do not want to overflow. In those cases I'm not choosing it because I need an 8-byte integer so much as I want the largest size of integer that the language/platform supports. (Something like the int64 return value of io.Copy is in this vein.)

And as a single anecdote, the only production issue I can recall tracking back to an integer overflow off the top of my head right now was a multiplication overflow on an int64 a few months back.

earthboundkid commented 5 years ago

Add safeint for an int that panics on overflow, and bigint for an int that grows to arbitrary sizes.

alanfo commented 5 years ago

Yep, if there's to be a single checked int type, then safeint looks the best name suggested so far.

In fact, I've seen this name used in C++ in a similar context though as a class library rather than a built-in language type.

bcmills commented 5 years ago

I've been thinking some more about this proposal, particularly in contrast to #30209.

The major difference between this proposal and part 1 of #30209 is the omission of the wrapped package and its corresponding types. I think that difference is significant even if we retain the current wrapping behavior for the existing integer types.

Separate “wrapping” types would allow tools — particularly linters and fuzzers — to distinguish between two very different cases: “I wrote this code without considering overflow behavior”, and “I've thought about it and this code really should wrap silently on overflow”.

The “without considering wrapping behavior” case can arise for various reasons: because it predates the ability to write checked code, or because it was copied or derived from earlier code, or because the user just didn't put much thought into overflow behavior. It seems important for both human readers and mechanical linters to be able to distinguish that from an intentional decision to use wrapping arithmetic: for example, someone auditing a package for bugs may want to focus much more on unexpected overflow than intentional overflow.

nathany commented 5 years ago

I think it's essential that everyone reading Go code understand immediately whether a + b will overflow or wrap. If we permit implicit type conversion, then that is impossible.

nathany commented 5 years ago

"RISC-V does not detect or flag most arithmetic errors, including overflow..." https://www.slideshare.net/YiHsiuHsu/riscv-introduction slide 13

This was provided as a motivation for Dart 2 using wrap-around integers. https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/docs/language/informal/int64.md#wrap-around

earthboundkid commented 5 years ago

If intentionally wrapping types/operations are introduced, might there be a go.mod edition to change the default behaviour (to checked) going forward? This could make the more verbose alternatives palatable, because the verbosity would be for special cases like intentional wrapping or saturating.

I thought about this, but I worry that it would introduce too many bugs to switch programs over from one behavior to another.

Then again, maybe probably the majority programs with overflow issues already have the bugs, they just don't know it yet.

ianlancetaylor commented 5 years ago

@nathany Please also look at #30209.

@carlmjohnson See #31500, which was rejected.

While it's true that RISC-V doesn't have an overflow flag, it's still possible to detect overflow. I don't see that as a reason one way or another.

ianlancetaylor commented 5 years ago

@bcmills That's a good point but isn't it a temporary condition? Go code that exists today is a small fraction of Go code that will exist in the future.

bcmills commented 5 years ago

@ianlancetaylor, I don't think it is a temporary condition. Code that exists today — particularly as examples and tutorials in blog posts, books, and other formats unlikely to be kept up-to-date — will continue to exist for the foreseeable future, and even if we add a facility for checked arithmetic it will remain very difficult to determine whether the author of a given snippet of code was aware of it at the time the code was written (or copied).

That is: given the possibility of copying code from some other example or codebase, even code marked with a go version after the addition of checked types may very well reflect accidental, rather than intentional, overflow behavior.

Moreover, without some clear way to determine whether code has already been audited for unintended overflow, I don't see how we can expect users to reasonably migrate existing code. Some explicit marker seems necessary, whether it is a structured comment, a separate type or set of types, or some other mechanism (such as a “magic import” to annotate the auditing).

AndrewWPhillips commented 4 years ago

A small point in original proposal:

  • C and C++: integer overflow is undefined.

I believe this is only true for signed integer types (but invariably wrap). Unsigned integers wrap, since C-89.

henryas commented 2 years ago

I used to think that detecting integer overflow/underflow was not important, but I have been working on a finance project, and I truly wish that Go had that feature. If you are doing a simple arithmetic, you can easily validate user input to prevent overflow or underflow. However, when complex computation is involved, it is difficult to determine the valid range of values that the user can enter. If some overflow or underflow occurs, we need a way to detect it and inform the user that the result is invalid. Some people may make important decisions based on that number. It is even trickier when the overflow/underflow happens to intermediate numbers that you use to perform further computations. It becomes difficult to tell when the result is wrong unless you manually compute it and match it against the result.

I see one problem with adding new types: interoperability with existing types. Since Go is strongly typed, you need to explicitly cast safeint to int and vice versa, and we are going to have some code that operate with int and some with safeint. Generics may alleviate the problem to a degree, but does that mean you should use generics for everything that works with integer types?

Rather than adding new types, I am thinking that we can borrow C# checked keyword and do something like this:

if err := checked {
   //some computation here
}; err != nil {
   //handle error

I currently use math to detect overflow and underflow. The formula is determined as follows:

Assuming MIN is the minimum value and MAX is the maximum value for the integer type.

Detecting overflow:
For a simple addition operation such as A+B, you can detect overflow with this:
(A + B) > MAX
If you simply do A + B, it may overflow. So how do you perform computation without going over the max value? 
You bring B to the other side and you get the following:  
A > (MAX - B)

Detecting underflow:
For a similar subtraction operation, (A - B) < MIN
If you do A - B, it may underflow. So you bring B to the other side and get the following:
A < (MIN + B)

You can do the same with multiplication and division.

You can do this with functions, but it is hard to read.

var err error
number3 := checked.Add(number1, number2, &err)
number6 := checked.Sub(number4, number5, &err)
number7 := checked.Multiply(number3, number6, &err)
if err != nil {
   //error handling

With checked keyword, you get this:

var result int
if err := checked {
   result = (number1+number2) * (number4-number5)
}; err != nil {
   //error handling

which is a lot cleaner, especially when complex computation is involved.

AndrewWPhillips commented 2 years ago

@henryas While enamoured with the C# checked facility (see https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/7776/Arithmetic-Overflow-Checking-using-checked-uncheck) it seems to me that for financial calculations, and simple validations of user-entered values, that an int64 should not overflow. If not, what about a BigInt? (BTW good decision not to use floating point.)

Also, with risk of being labelled a pedant, you can't get underflow with integer arithmetic. You probably mean -ve overflow, or unsigned integers going -ve.

henryas commented 2 years ago

@AndrewWPhillips Thanks for the comment. The project that I am working on involves some financial and risk calculation. It isn't simply about calculating money, but it is about the intermediate numbers and fractions used to come up for the final computation. A slight difference due to rounding can accumulate quickly and result in a significant amount of money. One of the requirements is that it must be accurate by at least eight decimal places. That means the numbers must be multiplied by at least one hundred million. They also have compounding interests and such, and so the numbers would get exceptionally large. I would think that int64 is enough and, so far, it seems to be, but I prefer to be on the safe side and try to detect the upper and the lower bounds. It is not a life-critical application, but some people may bet their life saving on it. If the result is invalid, I need to tell the users not to rely on the number. Due to the complexity of the formula and the number of variables involved, it is difficult to produce a good validation of user inputs so that the result does not overflow.

It would be really great if Go has a feature for detecting this, whether it is C#-like checked facility or Ian's new checked types. I prefer that Go returns an error rather than panic. It is easier to work with errors than panic.

AndrewWPhillips commented 2 years ago

@henryas Sorry, I did not make this clear. If int64 is insufficient then there is a type available providing integers that will not overflow in the "math/big" package (https://pkg.go.dev/math/big). So you can use big.Int (not BigInt that I mentioned above). There is also a big.Rat for fractions. Using these you should never have an overflow or rounding problem. (BTW like all std lib packages this is high quality with good performance.)

henryas commented 2 years ago

@AndrewWPhillips The team considered that but later determined that int64 is enough. Int64 is more predictable and more natural to work with. Some worry about the possibility of formula bugs when working with numbers in an unnatural way. It is also easier to work with int64 for data persistence. For the sample data they gave us, int64 is enough. However, we still implement the bound checking in case if overflow occurs. Some people are extraordinarily rich, and when you accumulate the wealth of enough affluent people, something like that may happen.

Anyhow, I am just highlighting the importance of integer overflow detection and why some people may need it.

nathany commented 9 months ago

In some languages it is the operations that are checked, wrapping, or saturating. In this proposal, the types determine the behaviour. The operations + - * / % << >> etc. behave differently based on the type. Operands would need to be the same type (explicit conversions required) with the exception of untyped literal constants (as per usual).

Checked types

Panic on overflow (in both debug and release builds).

If we want the checked types to be the default, what if they were kept short with no explicit suffix or prefix? For example, we could lift the names from Rust.

Overflow checking is expected to have a very low additional cost (on amd64, one correctly predicted branch per operation); https://github.com/golang/go/issues/30613#issuecomment-492736728

Would it be possible to check the carry/overflow/etc. flag just once after several operations (add, sub, mul, div, etc.) in an expression? I'm referring to examples like in this other issue: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/24853#issuecomment-381437400

My CPU register knowledge is lacking, but it seems like this shouldn't be a huge performance hit?

I prefer that Go returns an error rather than panic. It is easier to work with errors than panic. https://github.com/golang/go/issues/30613#issuecomment-1016048560

Yeah. I don't really like the possibility of an unhandled panic crashing the application (or even just the web request). It reminds me of Arianne 5 🙃 . Perhaps that is better than unintentional wrapping, but I'm imagining a lot of recover() in my future. At least this proposal's checked math is far more likely to get used than trying to figure out the low-level details of math/bits.

defer func() {
    if err := recover(); err != nil {
        // do something about the error

// every time we do some basic math on checked types, unless there's "no way" it could overflow

What sort of overflow error would we expect in the panic? If the panic is unhandled or handled by returning it up the chain, will we have adequate information to debug the overflow? (e.g. the values in the expression, or just the result)

Wrapping types

Separate “wrapping” types would allow tools — particularly linters and fuzzers — to distinguish between two very different cases: “I wrote this code without considering overflow behavior”, and “I've thought about it and this code really should wrap silently on overflow”. https://github.com/golang/go/issues/30613#issuecomment-516091810

Would these new wrapped types be aliases like rune and byte, or entirely new types?

The wrapping types could have a suffix/prefix. If these aren't used as frequently, perhaps the names could be somewhat longer? Wondering how it would read.

var a, b wu8 = math.MaxUint8, 1 // or `math.MaxU8` to match
fmt.Println(a + b) // =0, just like now, but wrapping is explicit in the types

var x, y u8 := math.MaxUint8, 1
fmt.Println(wu8(x) + wu8(y)) // explicit type conversions

// would the existing uint/int be aliased with implicit conversions to wrapped types?
func Op(a, b wu8) { ... }
var i, j uint8 := math.MaxUint8, 1

Since we already have wrapping types (uint, etc.), I'm wondering if there's anything we can do with constraints to indicate to linters/fuzzers that the wrapping is intentional, rather than introducing a bunch of additional types or type aliases? Probably nothing there. I'm just wondering if constraints, builtins or any other solutions that wouldn't involve adding 10 more types?

Legacy types

If we introduce new explicitly wrapping types, we'd have all the existing types that are implicitly wrapping.

Would we eventually want go vet to press developers to switch away from int, int64, uint64, etc. to the checked types or explicitly use wrapping/saturating types?


Are there concerns around introducing new identifiers and shadowing? (esp. with short names like i8)

This proposal could result in a lot of types, especially if we add wrapping and maybe even saturating types. At least we have generics now.

earthboundkid commented 9 months ago

Maybe the plan could be: