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x/tools: automate major version upgrades for modules #32014

Open thepudds opened 5 years ago

thepudds commented 5 years ago

This is a spin out of #31543 ("cmd/go: creating v2+ modules has lower success rate than it could").


Semantic import versioning places the major version in module paths and import paths for v2+ modules, such as:

This approach has value, but empirically it currently seems it can be a challenge to do correctly the first time (e.g., modules with v2 major version semver tags that are missing the required /v2 in their own module statements, or modules that accidentally do not update all import statements and accidentally depend on the v1 version of themselves, etc.)

It also creates additional work for authors and consumers if a module's major version increments, such as from v1 to v2, or v3 to v4, etc.


Tooling should be able to help here in a substantial way.

github.com/marwan-at-work/mod is great for people who know about it and who are willing to trust it.

However, a tool from the broader community won't have the penetration and impact of something from golang.org, or at least it would likely take much longer to get a similar type of penetration following a typical trajectory for a community tool.

Therefore, the suggestion here is to create a golang.org/x utility that can edit go.mod and .go files to simplify the workflow for authors and consumers of v2+ modules. It might be possible to port marwan-at-work/mod itself, especially with the creation in #31761 of the x/mod repo that exposes APIs for module mechanics (such as an API for go.mod parsing).

Three sample use cases:

  1. If someone is adopting modules for the first time as the author of a v2+ set of packages, ideally the utility would:
    • set the /vN in the module path in the module statement in the go.mod
    • update any import paths in the module's .go files if needed
  2. If the author is later changing the major version for a v2+ module, ideally the utility would:
    • set the /vN in the module path in the module statement in the go.mod
    • update any import paths in the module's .go files if needed
  3. If a consumer wants to use a particular major version of a v2+ module, ideally the utility would:
    • set the require statement properly in the consumer's go.mod
    • update any import paths in the consumer's .go files if needed

I think marwan-at-work/mod can currently do all of those things.

Perhaps one day similar functionality could live in cmd/go (e.g., the closed #27248), but it seems more practical to start with something in golang.org/x.


The suggestion here is that this golang.org/x utility would not do anything with VCS tagging, nor do anything for creating /vN subdirectories for anyone following the "Major Subdirectory" approach. Also, it would probably be reasonable for a first version to error out if used by a consumer that has a replace for the module of interest (or, that could be handled more gracefully).

CC @bcmills @jayconrod @marwan-at-work

jayconrod commented 5 years ago

I think this would be really valuable to have. Semantic import versioning is a common frustration people have with modules, and anything we could do to make it a better user experience would be helpful.

I'd hesitate to add this functionality to cmd/go. It has a lot of responsibilities, but it's focused on build and dependency management, and it would be good not to expand the scope too far beyond that. That said, there is some precedence in go fix.

We should also consider how this fits into any long-term plans for automatic refactoring. For example, is this something gopls could do? Also, should we provide a way to migrate automatically across incompatible API changes?

cc @ianthehat @stamblerre

bcmills commented 5 years ago

I definitely think it would be useful to provide a tool that can add (or update) the /vN suffix in a module's module directive and update its internal import statements to match.

I'm less convinced on updating consumers; I think an author-side tool like goforward is probably a better fit for that in the general case, although there may be some benefit to reducing indirection on the consumer side. I think the consumer-updating tool should probably be separate: if we're using forwarding declarations anyway, then the v1-to-v2 upgrade looks a lot more like example-based refactoring than mere path-rewriting. (And that provides a way to migrate across incompatible changes, too.)

jayconrod commented 5 years ago

I think this is important on the module consumer side, too, but I admit I don't have a sense of how frequent and how inconvenient these upgrades are.

I spoke with @ianthehat this morning. There's some ongoing work adding automated refactoring through gopls. Some of the points below are being actively worked on, others are just ideas.

The last idea was upgrading a particular module, not replacing it with a new major version. But maybe we could work this in, too.

thepudds commented 5 years ago

I think this is important on the module consumer side, too, but I admit I don't have a sense of how frequent and how inconvenient these upgrades are.

I think it is (arguably) even more important to support the consumer side, or at least I wouldn't suggest forgoing the consumer side.

It is not just how frequently the upgrades occur -- the adoption of modules by a v2+ dependency means a consumer needs to go through this process, even if there is no actual major version upgrade involved (or if the "major version" upgrade was solely due to the adoption of modules).

As has been said before, one would hope there are usually more consumers than authors for most open source modules.

I think an author has more moving parts and it is harder for an author to get right, but the consumer pain here is more frequent, I think.

People are currently doing this with things like sed, and frequently are not pleased to be doing so.

For me, the best answer is "the tooling handles it for you".

go fix or goforward could be alternative solutions in the future, but I think there is a lot to be said for a standalone golang.org/x utility targeted at this problem. gopls could be nice, but also seems the plate there is pretty full both on the gopls and editor/IDE sides.

thepudds commented 4 years ago

Hi @bcmills @jayconrod, I'm curious for any latest thinking here regarding a possible location for such a tool?

Two possible locations discussed previously:

  1. a standalone tool in golang.org/x/tools
  2. gopls

(And being part of cmd/go is not very desirable, I think).

One way to look at it -- Go 1.4 introduced optional custom import path checking, such as:

package zap // import "go.uber.org/zap"

In part to help smooth adoption and minimize disruption, fiximports was created by the core Go team in 2015 or so:


Command fiximports

The fiximports command fixes import declarations to use the canonical import path for packages that have an "import comment" as defined by https://golang.org/s/go14customimport.

It's probably fair to say that Semantic Import Versioning is a larger change to the ecosystem than optional import path checking in Go 1.4...

There's been a massive amount of effort that has gone into modules, of course. Mainly just wanted to circle back to this given there is likely to be another wave of new adoptors with Go 1.14.

@marwan-at-work I don't want to put you on the spot, but would you be willing for https://github.com/marwan-at-work/mod to be used (by someone?) as a starting point for a standalone golang.org/x/tools tool, if that ends up being a desirable choice?

Also, regarding the current dependencies for github.com/marwan-at-work/mod: https://github.com/marwan-at-work/mod/blob/master/go.mod

Now that https://golang.org/x/mod exists, do would it be reasonable for those dependencies to be more stripped down to be friendly to living in golang.org/x/tools (again, if that ends up being desirable)?

bcmills commented 4 years ago

@thepudds, note that a key difference between semantic import versioning and custom import path checking is that unversioned import paths remain usable and supported for major versions 0 and 1 and repositories that lack explicit go.mod files. (Non-canonical import paths, on the other hand, result in a compile-time error, I believe.)

For folks who want to resume support of a previously-unversioned module path, we changed the go command to use +incompatible versions less aggressively in Go 1.14: module authors who want to continue development on those paths now have the option to resume the unversioned path (at major version 0 or 1) without confounding go get -u.

So, while I agree that an automatic upgrade tool might be useful, I don't think that Go 1.14 makes it particularly more urgent than before.

thepudds commented 4 years ago

Hi @bcmills, for new adoptors, partly I am just thinking about how each major release since 1.11 has triggered at least a mini-wave of adoptors, but in addition Go 1.14 has this statement:

Module support in the go command is now ready for production use, and we encourage all users to migrate to Go modules for dependency management.

I was not trying to suggest that something about Go 1.14 itself makes this more urgent, but rather the (likely) uptick around Go 1.14 is another time to think about whether or not it makes sense to have a standalone tool in golang.org/x (or gopls) to help smooth the transition.

Semantic Import Versioning as you know sometimes generates "interesting" discussions within pockets of the ecosytem (e.g., two semi-random samples: 1, 2).

Personally, I would be happier knowing that a tool (or gopls) is at least planned to help take some of the friction out...

stevenh commented 4 years ago

We're currently looking to bring go mod support to github.com/gomodule/redigo but as there was already a v2.0.0 tag which is actually behind master so we need to jump to straight to v3.0.0.

While this seems simple the user experience is far from a good one as the imports for all consumers need to updated from github.com/gomodule/redigo/redis to github.com/gomodule/redigo/redis/v3 which in a large code base will be laborious to say the least.

We've had a PR hanging for some time and I was looking to pull the trigger until I tested the flow on a separate repo which clearly demonstrated how painful this was going to be for existing users.

Based on this experience I agree that a core tool automate this process is key to help eliminate developer pain when it comes to this area of go mod.

bcmills commented 4 years ago

@stevenh, note that as of Go 1.14 you can resume the v1 version when adopting modules if you don't want to update all of the import paths.

(See https://golang.org/doc/go1.14#incompatible-versions.)

stevenh commented 4 years ago

ooo thanks for the heads up on that, worth considering.

KempWatson commented 4 years ago

As a relative newb Go developer, I'm confused as heck by the module versioning process - thought I'd add my two pennies here. Does it need to be so hard to update to the latest major version? I understand the idea of the promise of backward compatibility at the minor version level, but can we not have the "default" mode of "go get -u update" to latest minor version safely, and let "go get -u=major" perhaps update major versions and happily break things?

icholy commented 3 years ago

Here's another tool which does the same thing: https://github.com/icholy/gomajor

nathanjcochran commented 3 years ago

I have also written a tool that does this: https://github.com/nathanjcochran/upgrade