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proposal: Go 2: language: raw string literals that contain backquotes #32190

Closed donatj closed 5 years ago

donatj commented 5 years ago

I would like to propose Go add support for a HEREDOC syntax to make adding literals of particular precarious strings easier.

A common syntax in many programming language is <<< (boundary) to open and a line containing just said boundary to close.

I would propose something along the lines of:

sql := <<< SQL
SELECT `foo` FROM `bar` WHERE `baz` = "qux"

My personal reasoning is for MySQL queries.

Myself and my company work with MySQL a great deal. Backticks are used to quote tables and fields in MySQL. Our queries will often contain both numerous quotes and backticks - particularly queries generated by tooling.

There is no way to escape a backtick in a backtick string in Go, so we end up either a using double quotes string and escaping all the quotes within or using backticks and breaking out of the string on backtick (ala `x` + "`" + `y`)

Currently we end up with something like

sql := "SELECT `foo` FROM `bar` WHERE `baz` = \"qux\""

or in cases with massively more quotes than backticks I'll do something like

sql := `SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE `+"`baz`"+` = "qux"`

These examples are toys obviously, but this become much more of an issue on large 30+ line report queries - and more importantly makes copying queries out of code and into a MySQL client a real pain.

ianlancetaylor commented 5 years ago

One possible approach that doesn't require changing the language is something like

sql := strings.ReplaceAll(`string with doubled quotes where ""bar"" == ""quuz""`, `""`, "`")
davecheney commented 5 years ago

This is not a compelling use case, one should not be constructing sql query strings by hand. ~dragons~vulnerabilities lurk there

cespare commented 5 years ago

@davecheney writing the query with bind parameters doesn't mean there aren't backticks, right?

SELECT `foo` FROM `bar` WHERE `baz` = ?

Or do you literally mean that developers shouldn't write SQL at all and should construct queries via ORMs or other tools? (In which case that sounds quite subjective.)

davecheney commented 5 years ago

Number one of the top ten OWASP security vulnerabilities is SQL injection. I think the OPs case would be strengthened by choosing a different example.

cespare commented 5 years ago

@davecheney I don't believe that addresses my questions. Avoiding SQL injections doesn't imply that you never write SQL text in Go code. OWASP's own SQL injection cheat sheet has plenty of SQL text including column names.

cespare commented 5 years ago

This example is perhaps not ideal because foo, bar, and baz don't actually need any backtick quoting in MySQL as far as I know.

But I am sympathetic to the problem that the OP has text they would like to copy-paste into Go code and cannot simply do it without some kind of O(n) text transformation. I have run into this in the past when copy-pasting text into a Go program (I believe it was Go source code that included backticks). The copy-paste problem isn't helped much by @ianlancetaylor's workaround, either.

beoran commented 5 years ago

Perhaps, as in some other languages, double backticks could become an escape for a backtick? This would likely be a backwards compatible approach that doesn't require a new string quoting type. Eg:

const query = `SELECT ``foo`` FROM ``bar`` WHERE ``baz`` = "qux"` 
ki4ka commented 5 years ago

Maybe use double back quotes?

sql := `` SELECT `foo` FROM `bar` WHERE `baz` = "qux" ``

donatj commented 5 years ago

But I am sympathetic to the problem that the OP has text they would like to copy-paste into Go code and cannot simply do it without some kind of O(n) text transformation

This to me is the crux of the problem. I can’t paste from my tooling into Go, and I subsequently can’t paste from Go into my tooling. Suggested solutions that still involve some form of escaping don’t solve that.

Further I don’t think the sql injection argument is relevant here. My example is not injecting any user data into the string. There are plenty of reasons one would want literals in their queries.

mvdan commented 5 years ago

As someone who has dealt with Shell syntax for years, please don't add heredoc strings to Go. They are a can of worms.

For example, a number of questions start popping up:

donatj commented 5 years ago

I don’t see any of those questions as actual problems perse with heredoc.

Some of them like the internal white space aren’t really in question at all. Some are up to the language designer as implementation details. None are problems.

  • What happens to any tabs indenting the heredoc body? Are they included as part of the string?
  • What about other whitespace, like leading or trainling spaces?

All white space within the boundaries is part of the string. That’s not a hard question, thats not in question. That’s the point of heredoc. It’s a literal “here be the document”, WYSIWYG.

  • Can leading or trailing whitespace be used in the line that finishes the heredoc?

Depends on the language rules, I’ve used languages that allow it, I’ve used languages that don’t. I’d personally vote no, I think allowing leading whitespace on the closing boundary just adds trouble.

func main() {
     sql := <<< SQL
Everything between the boundaries taken
  As literal
  • What if the heredoc is never finished?

Same as if you don’t close a quoted or backtick string? Syntax error. I don’t think that’s a legitimate question. Is there a language where this is not the case?

  • What is a valid heredoc delimiter? Any valid identifier? What if the identifier is already declared in the scope?

Another implementation detail. I’d vote any non whitespace containing series of runes. Maybe limit it to Unicode letter and number runes? It’d be nice for internationalization though to allow non ascii for sure,

It’s just a boundary for the string. It’s scope begins and ends with the string.

agnivade commented 5 years ago

I am not suggesting heredoc syntax as the only solution. But sometimes the inability to escape a backtick in a raw string literal becomes very painful depending on the type of application one is writing.

As a general rule, I do not like to use concatenation to write string literals. So whenever I have a situation where a string has a mix of backticks and double-quotes, I have to jump some mental hoops in calculating whether the string has more double-quotes or does it have more backticks, and which escaping scheme do I use to make the code more readable.

There have been past proposals which all have been declined https://github.com/golang/go/issues/24475, https://github.com/golang/go/issues/23228, https://github.com/golang/go/issues/18221. The suggestion throughout seems to be to use + to join the strings. But readability wise, I personally think, it takes more mental effort to read a + concatenated multi-line string, than a single \ escaped string (or any other non-concatenating mechanism).

MOZGIII commented 5 years ago

Better SQL example where quoting is actually required (on MySQL at least):

SELECT `group` FROM my_table;
davecheney commented 5 years ago

Y’all need to find a better justification for this change.


On 24 May 2019, at 19:25, MOZGIII notifications@github.com wrote:

Better SQL example where quoting is actually required under MySQL:

SELECT group FROM my_table; — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

MOZGIII commented 5 years ago

I think it's good enough. There are a few practical cases where the lack of the ability to use both quotes and backticks in the strings is a real pain point. Working around it is currently possible, but ugly. The lack of a sound and complete way to specify string literals in the language is a real issue, ignoring it is a poor response. I don't think it requires justification, because to me it's obvious. Is it not to everyone else?

MOZGIII commented 5 years ago

It boils down to the fact that using the following for coding backtick really sucks:


This is what we have to use right now, and it derives naturally from the language rules. However, it's too long to type and is extremely ugly. Yes, it's possible to use string replace instead, but it hurts readability too, cause you still can't put actual backticks where they're supposed to be. This sucks, because not only the runtime has to do additional work to evaluate the actual value, but humans reading and writing the code too have to do additional processing in mind. This immediately skyrockets the difficulty of working with a particular code base that uses those tricks, compared to regular Go code. There are other workarounds, but all of them have serious drawbacks if you think about them. That is why I think it's really a language flaw.

Now, the natural solution to this issue would be heredoc syntax. I don't see any argument on why you wouldn't want that to be in the language, except the "it's not justified" one. Is it hard to implement, does it violate some design constraints on the lexer? Why not just add it?

mvdan commented 5 years ago

First of all, I think many of us can agree that having a nicer way to have multiline string literals without worrying about quotes would be nice. All I'm saying is that I don't think heredocs is a good solution.

Can we please have a civil discussion about it without resorting to "this sucks", "not a legitimate question", or dismissals like "to me it's obvious" and "why not just add it"?

That’s not a hard question, thats not in question. That’s the point of heredoc.

Well, that's not how heredocs work in shell. See https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799.2008edition/utilities/V3_chap02.html#tag_18_07_04, in particular <<-, which has support for stripping tab indentation.

It's fine if you just want the equivalent of <<, but then clarify that in your proposal. If you borrow the language from POSIX shell, I'm going to wonder if the equivalent of <<- is also supported.

I think allowing leading whitespace on the closing boundary just adds trouble.

Not allowing any leading indentation is a possible outcome, but it means that heredocs within indented code would look out of place. It's a tradeoff, and the proposal should be clear about what side it decides on.

Is there a language where this is not the case?

Yes, bash, which I presume is your point of reference.

Another implementation detail. [...] It’s just a boundary for the string. It’s scope begins and ends with the string.

Sorry, but I disagree. A proposal to make such a large change to the language spec should be very clearly defined. This includes what can be a valid delimiter token/word/identifier/etc.

MOZGIII commented 5 years ago

Please excuse me, bad day :)

MOZGIII commented 5 years ago

I'd prefer to borrow heredoc syntax from Ruby, it has very nice properties: https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.5.0/doc/syntax/literals_rdoc.html#label-Here+Documents

mvdan commented 5 years ago

Also, here's an alternative from @rogpeppe almost ten years ago: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/golang-nuts/IVyT2ovIljQ/KJggKkrYGCMJ

var render = Parsetemplate("| 
        |<h1 $header> 
        |$text $etc 

It wasn't implemented, and it hasn't been formally proposed since, but it has the nice properties that it supports indentation and nesting.

MOZGIII commented 5 years ago

You still can't use ` and " in the same string with that, can you?

EDIT: nvm, it doesn't use ` at all.

deanveloper commented 5 years ago

I still think a better solution would simply be to figure out a way to allow backticks in a raw string rather than add yet another way to declare strings. I feel that improving the current features is a better idea than introducing new, non-orthogonal features.

donatj commented 5 years ago

The pipe format doesn’t solve one of my at least biggest wishes - that format still would not fulfill my goal of being able to paste text to and from a literal string without transformation.

donatj commented 5 years ago

@mvdan I apologize. I didn’t mean offense and have never used heredoc in bash. Only PHP, Perl and Ruby. I wrongly assumed some things constants of the classification that apparently are not.

rogpeppe commented 5 years ago

The pipe format doesn’t solve one of my at least biggest wishes - that format still would not fulfill my goal of being able to paste text to and from a literal string without transformation.

This is program text. If you want to be able to include arbitrary text in your program, you're always going to need some transformation unless you put the text in some external file.

That said, the pipe format does make it trivial to take arbitrary text and put it in your program: take your text and pipe it through:

sed 's/^/|/'

(alternatively use whatever "indent-by-a character" functionality you might have available in your editor of choice).

MOZGIII commented 5 years ago

The transformation can be applied to the surrounding code though, and not to the actual text you want to embed in the program text. Heredoc is one particular implementation of an idea that for any finite text we can build a sequence of codepoints that won't appear in that text, and use that as a boundary on both ends of the text. This has one interesting property that the text between the boundaries can be left intact. Heredoc is not the only implementation of this, Rust, for example, utilizes the same idea for raw string literals: https://rahul-thakoor.github.io/rust-raw-string-literals/. Another example if this is mime format: boundaries are exactly this. The downside of this approach is the boundary string is non-universal and in theory it's difficult to come up with a unique character sequences. In practice though, it's often trivial when the code is hand-written.

Escaping is another approach, it's more compact but it actually requires transformations to be applied to the literal you're embedding.

The approach with prefixing every line with a char (like |) is yet another approach. It still requires transformations applied to the string, but those are more consistent and only applied in the beginning of the line. This is kind of similar how we're used to format code comments actually. Despite it looking very odd, we may want to give it a shot.

MichaelTJones commented 5 years ago

Since Go is UTF-8 native, perhaps there is a "rare, very unlikely to ever be in any naked text symbol" that we could add as a synonym for back-tick. I recently used...

const (
    sCotangentL = "[" // "\u005b" left square bracket
    sCotangentR = "]" // "\u005d" right square bracket
    sMeasureL   = "⦗" // "\u3014" left tortoise shell bracket
    sMeasureR   = "⦘" // "\u3015" right tortoise shell bracket
    sPrimeL     = "{" // "\u007b" left curly bracket
    sPrimeR     = "}" // "\u007d" right curly bracket
    sHistoryL   = "«" // "\u00ab" left-pointing double angle quotation mark
    sHistoryR   = "»" // "\u00bb" right-pointing double angle quotation mark

...the left and right tortoise shell brackets and double angle quotation marks, for example, in a textual data format. Double angle quotation marks appear too frequently in German text to be used here, but I bet collisions between tortoise shell brackets and things people want to quote in Go code is slight. (My const declaration above being the one counterexample. ;-)

But we can do better. Choose a symbol or symbol pair that "nobody" uses. Here is my candidate for a pair:

sql := ⇶SELECT `foo` FROM `bar` WHERE `baz` = "qux"⬱

Is it not abundantly clear that something special is happening between the THREE RIGHTWARDS ARROWS and the THREE LEFTWARDS ARROWS? They have a solidity and suggest to my mind "everything between here and here."

If that makes you think too much of Neptune's trident, we could look to math. Here is what "is identical to" looks like...

sql := ≡SELECT `foo` FROM `bar` WHERE `baz` = "qux"≡

...which is nicer from the meaning standpoint and suits the single-marker nature of back tick. This single-character raw text UTF synonym is my vote:

proposed: add U+2261 IDENTICAL TO as an alternative to back tick in marking raw text.

A further general comment is to recall a subtle feature Ken Thompson built into ed, sed, etc. We all know the basic syntax for substitutions -- "s/old/new/" -- but how do you deal with the awkwardness of slash in the pattern or replacement text? People seem quick to reach for the '\' to escape the special meaning, but ken built a simpler way, the '/' is whatever character follows the s. (Sed is just as happy with "s5old5new5" and "s|old|new|".) The result is that so long as you know a safe character, it can be your marker. Perhaps there could be some way to say "here comes raw text with the next code point as my marker." (Still, though, in the days of UTF let's just use a really-low-conflict symbol or symbol pair, even though ken is a genius.)

deanveloper commented 5 years ago

I personally don't like the idea of just picking an arbitrary UTF8 symbol and using that as a quotation. I think the idea of letting the user define a symbol is an okay idea, however I still believe that figuring out a way to improve what we already have with raw strings is a better idea. Go already has two ways to define a string literal, and it doesn't need a third.

Perhaps if any identifier appears directly before a raw string, the raw string must also terminate with the identifier. So that way you would do something like:

oldRawString := `this

moreConvenient := SQL`
SELECT `foo` FROM `bar` WHERE `baz` = "qux"

newRawString := נ`this
you can also use נ in the string as long as it isn't preceded by a backtick!

I think this brings the best of both worlds, making it so that we aren't introducing an entirely new way to define a string. It's similar to heredoc, but in my opinion it works a bit better since it's improving on existing features rather than introducing yet another way to define a string

alanfo commented 5 years ago

Although it's now been withdrawn (or perhaps postponed), JEP 326 is still a good read about the problems of adding raw string literals to Java. Heredocs get a mention towards the end but not in a particularly favorable light.

As far as Go is concerned, it seems to me that the only really satisfactory solution to embedded back-ticks is to have an alternative syntax for raw string literals. Introducing a form of escaping for back-ticks simply doesn't cut it as far as copy/pasting is concerned and would compromise the verbatim nature of raw strings.

That means you need a different kind of delimiter which preferably doesn't involve single quotes, double quotes or back-ticks as they're often used together. Possible candidates are #, $ or ~ which I don't think are currently used for anything else.

The question, of course, is whether it's really worthwhile introducing an alternative syntax to solve what for many people isn't a serious problem. The answer to that is that it probably isn't worthwhile but that I think is the reality of the situation.

ianlancetaylor commented 5 years ago

We don't have to use a new character. We could, for example, emulate C++ and write

sql := R"delimiter(SELECT `foo` FROM `bar` WHERE `baz` = "qux")delimiter"

where delimiter can be any string that does not appear in the string constant itself.

rogpeppe commented 5 years ago

I'd like to say that one thing I find awkward about backquote-quoted strings is that you can't indent the contents along with the rest of the code. Reading code with multiline backquoted strings in it can be confusing.

That's why I have a soft spot for my idea outlined above, because with that, you can easily indent without worrying about messing with the string contents.

deanveloper commented 5 years ago

I feel like that could be made into a separate proposal, maybe a function in the strings package. I definitely like the idea, I've used it quite a bit in Kotlin.

alanfo commented 5 years ago

Well, I suppose you could mimic the C++11 way of doing things but, for a simple language like Go, that really would be using a sledgehammer to crack a nut :)

agnivade commented 5 years ago

@rogpeppe - IIUC, your proposal does not address the escaping concerns voiced in this thread.

Especially from this line -

Other than that, all the rules are the same as for the other kinds of string literals.

Have I missed something ?

@ianlancetaylor - Any thoughts on @deanveloper's proposal ? That does nearly what you say but extending the backtick syntax and using a user-picked identifier as the terminating string.

I agree that we don't need a third way to define a string. Backticks are the ones most commonly used for raw string literals. I am leaning towards extending the backtick syntax to allow `, ", ' anywhere. But I think allowing a user-picked identifier to terminate things will make codebases non-uniform. Different developers will choose different identifiers depending on their use-cases.

How about we choose a fixed identifier to start the string, but stop only if we encounter a single backtick as the last line, immediately followed by a newline ?

Something like -

hi this is `a cool text
with back`ticks or "" allowed anywhere
even ' quotes
closing with

I think this takes care of the most common cases where backticks are usually mixed with other characters in a single line. This does have a glaring issue that strings will always end with a newline, which I don't like. But maybe this can be improved upon.

MOZGIII commented 5 years ago

To me, one of the key features would be to allow encoding of the arbitrary text, as long as boundary identifiers are not in that text. The reason it's so important to me is because it would be a generic solution.

This means that the codebases will become non-uniform, indeed, but I feel that functionality is more important here. To make code more uniform with user-defined identifiers, we could apply certain restrictions to the identifiers. For example, similar to how it's done it rust, we could only allow the use of # in the identifier. This would make identifiers configurable, yet user-specified, which is merely enough to cover all possible cases.


str := ##`
My value!
Can contain ` and # (and other stuff like " ' etc...)
`# is even allowed, since it doesn't have two #-s
... string literal still continues

It is always possible to add more # if there's a need - therefore every possible string can be encoded.

deanveloper commented 5 years ago

@agnivade I like that idea too, however it means that all of those raw strings' data will always end in a newline. This also may not be intuitive:

worksFine := raw`
Hey look, this works!

compileError := raw`my test string`
MOZGIII commented 5 years ago

What if one needs to encode a string that contains a single backtick on a line followed by an empty line? Or a string with multiples of those? I don't think it'd be very convenient to escape all such cases.

ianlancetaylor commented 5 years ago

@agnivade @deanveloper Yes, I think


also works.

rogpeppe commented 5 years ago


@rogpeppe - IIUC, your proposal does not address the escaping concerns voiced in this thread.

Especially from this line -

Other than that, all the rules are the same as for the other kinds of string literals.

Have I missed something ?

Yeah, I think that sentence is misleading. I believe I intended to mean that they behave just like normal string constants from a language point of view. There is no quoting necessary between the start-of-text character | and the terminating newline. Specifically, it's OK to have any number of other |, \, or any other unicode characters except newline without further interpretation.

So you can take any text that holds valid UTF-8 with every line is terminated with a newline character, and quote it by inserting a | character at the start of each line. This includes text that's already quoted that way (so quoting Go programs that contain this kind of string constant is easy, which isn't the case for backquotes).

agnivade commented 5 years ago


What if one needs to encode a string that contains a single backtick on a line followed by an empty line? Or a string with multiples of those?

Yes I know. I believe that is a corner case, and since it is a single character in the entire line, concatenating doesn't hurt that bad. Anyways, I don't like it. I like the Rust approach better. Have a single identifier, yet make it configurable. Strikes a good balance IMO.

@rogpeppe - Got it. While I think that is a neat solution, it involves writing an extra character for every newline and does not allow for copy pasting text easily. I think the tradeoffs are a bit skewed towards drawbacks. I would also like to address your point (a) (if it spans more than a page, it's not easy to see where string stops and program starts). I think with syntax highlighting, it is not very hard. Atleast for me.

I think




both are good candidates with varying tradeoffs.

I am very slightly leaning towards configurable ident because while writing the string, I don't have to think much on what identifier to choose. I can start off with a normal backtick literal, and if I see that I need to escape a backtick, just add a configurableIdent on both ends. If that does not suffice, add more. While in the case of anyIdent, there is a slight mental overhead of scanning the string and coming up with the best identifier. Especially while copy-pasting text.

deanveloper commented 5 years ago

I think perhaps allowing any identifier, but having convention on what identifier to pick, would be good.

For instance, something like "raw" would be conventional:


However, you are allowed to change it to something else if you want. Sorta like for-loop indices - people typically use i, but can of course change it if they want.

Perhaps some other convention such as using all caps should be put in place too? That way it's much easier to see where the string starts and ends. I'm not entirely sure about this one, but I think it could be a good idea. So instead the above example would become:


However this choice was mainly targeted towards long strings:

invoice: 34843
date   : 2001-01-23
bill-to: &id001
    given  : Chris
    family : Dumars
        lines: |
            458 Walkman Dr.
            Suite #292
        city    : Royal Oak
        state   : MI
        postal  : 48046
ship-to: *id001
    - sku         : BL394D
      quantity    : 4
      description : Basketball
      price       : 450.00
    - sku         : BL4438H
      quantity    : 1
      description : Super Hoop
      price       : 2392.00
tax  : 251.42
total: 4443.52
comments: >
    Late afternoon is best.
    Backup contact is Nancy
    Billsmer @ 338-4338.
jimmyfrasche commented 5 years ago

Implementation-wise, the problem with user-specified delimiters is that they have to be handled during lexing, which adds complexity to a simple, though still somewhat involved, stage and would need a lot of explanation in the language spec.

Using doubled-up backticks to escape the backtick in a raw string is much easier to handle during lexing and specification.

This is not meant as endorsement or to say that one way is better than the other—just to note the differences in complexity.

MichaelTJones commented 5 years ago

still pleased at the simplicity of using a unicode replacement/alternative to back tick (as in my previous comment. the "is identical to" is pretty, has logical meaning, and i bet would never have a conflict in the future history of go.)

On Thu, May 30, 2019 at 10:38 AM jimmyfrasche notifications@github.com wrote:

Implementation-wise, the problem with user-specified delimiters is that they have to be handled during lexing, which adds complexity to a simple, though still somewhat involved, stage and would need a lot of explanation in the language spec.

Using doubled-up backticks to escape the backtick in a raw string is much easier to handle during lexing and specification.

This is not meant as endorsement or to say that one way is better than the other—just to note the differences in complexity.

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Michael T. Jonesmichael.jones@gmail.com michael.jones@gmail.com

rogpeppe commented 5 years ago

i bet would never have a conflict in the future history of go.

Until you're embedding Go code in Go code more than two levels deep...

MichaelTJones commented 5 years ago

fair enough.

On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 5:01 AM Roger Peppe notifications@github.com wrote:

i bet would never have a conflict in the future history of go.

Until you're embedding Go code in Go code more than two levels deep...

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Michael T. Jonesmichael.jones@gmail.com michael.jones@gmail.com

ianlancetaylor commented 5 years ago

We are not going to adopt "here documents". That is not a Go-like syntax.

If this is a problem worth addressing, it would be nice to adopt an approach that makes the current raw string literals a simple case of the overall approach. For example, perhaps an odd number of backquotes could start a raw string literal that must end with the same number of backquotes.

```This raw string can contain ` characters```

We permit any odd number so that the string can contain any sequence of backquotes.

We do not permit an even number because


is a valid string literal today (the empty string).

donatj commented 5 years ago

We are not going to adopt "here documents". That is not a Go-like syntax.

I don't personally feel

    foo := <<< title
This is my string

is any more out of place in the language than

    for {
        break title

That said, I relent.

donatj commented 5 years ago

Also re: the


purposal, what if the string I want to encapsulate starts or ends with a backtick? Ending as such is likely common in ~SQL~ MySQL / MariaDB.

ianlancetaylor commented 5 years ago

Fair point. (Although SQL doesn't seem like a good example since it also permits double quotes.)

MOZGIII commented 5 years ago

How about > 2 backticks instead of just odd number?

Four backticks are syntax error currently, so it's safe to introduce.