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doc: define how sync/atomic interacts with memory model #5045

Closed rsc closed 2 years ago

rsc commented 11 years ago
Neither golang.org/ref/mem nor golang.org/pkg/sync/atomic say anything about what
guarantees are made by the atomic operations wrt the memory model. They should be as
weak as possible, of course, but right now they are non-existence, which is a little too

We might say, for example, that an atomic.Store writing a value to a memory location
happens before an atomic.Load that reads that value from the memory location. Is that
something we want to say? If not, what do we want to say?

What about Add?

What about CompareAndSwap?
dvyukov commented 11 years ago

Comment 1:

Why do you want them to be as weak as possible? Weak atomics are difficult to program.
dvyukov commented 11 years ago

Comment 2:

>We might say, for example, that an atomic.Store writing a value to a memory location
happens before an atomic.Load that reads that value from the memory location. Is that
something we want to say? If not, what do we want to say?
Yes, we want to say that.
Regarding Add/CAS, it should be formulated in in more general terms, along the lines of:
at atomic operation that stores a value (incl ADD/CAS) happens before atomic operation
that reads that value from the memory location (incl ADD/CAS).
However, this does not cover the Dekker synchronization pattern:
X = Y = 0
// goroutine 1
X = 1  // atomic
r1 = Y  // atomic
// goroutine 2
Y = 1  // atomic
r2 = X  // atomic
The rule above allows r1 == r2 == 0, however such outcome is impossible under sequential
consistency (total order).
Dekker pattern is used in tricky mutual exclusion algorithms and in safe object
reclamation schemes. On one hand it's used very infrequently, but on the other hand
there will be no way to implement it at all. That's why I am asking about "as weak as
rsc commented 11 years ago

Comment 3:

Let me amend my earlier statement: I want them to be as weak as possible
but still useful, like the current memory model is very weak compared to
what other languages have to say about the topic, but it's still useful.
dvyukov commented 11 years ago

Comment 4:

Current chan semantics are complete wrt the problem the solve.
Atomics won't be complete if they provide weak synchronization guarantees, i.e. some
problems will be unsolvable.
Moreover, sequential consistency is the simplest to specify (C/C++ complexity comes from
exactly weak atomics -- possible reorderings, data dependencies, etc).
Moreover, sequential consistency is easy to understand and explain (remember the recent
discussion and confusion about chan-based semaphores, and the Effective Go example was
incorrect for several years).
rsc commented 11 years ago

Comment 5:

I think we are using different meanings for the word weak. You have a very
precise meaning in mind. I do not. I just mean "let's not guarantee more
than we need to guarantee to make things useful for people." That's a
general goal, not a concrete proposal.
Dmitriy, if you have time, could you please make a proposal about what you
think the atomics should guarantee? A few sentences here in the issue is
robpike commented 11 years ago

Comment 6:

Labels changed: added go1.2maybe, removed go1.1maybe.

dvyukov commented 11 years ago

Comment 7:

Please clarify more on your meaning of "weak".
The problem with atomic operations is that they are lower level that chans. There are
lots of practically useful things that are possible to build using atomics.
So what do you want to specify:
1. Semantics for majority of simpler use cases (say 95%), and leave the remaining cases
unspecified for now.
or 2. Semantics for all practically useful cases.
I would vote for 2, because sooner or later somebody will ask about the remaining 5% and
answer "you can rely on X guarantee, but we do not want to officially guarantee it" does
not look good. (btw we use that remaining 5% in e.g. WaitGroup).
And 2 is extremely strong, it's not weak in any possible sense of this word.
rsc commented 11 years ago

Comment 8:

I mean 1, especially if the semantics can be kept to a minumum.
No, that is not the answer. The answer is "if it is not in the memory model
you must not depend on it." If that's still true once we have defined the
semantics, we should rewrite WaitGroup.
I asked you to write a few sentences sketching the semantics you want, but
you haven't done that.
dvyukov commented 11 years ago

Comment 9:

The minimal semantics must be along the lines of:
"If an atomic operation A observes a side effect of an atomic operation B, then A
happens before B".
That's basically it.
Note that not only Load can observe the side effect. Return value from Add and
CompareAndSwap also allows in infer which side effect we observe. Read-modify-write
operations (Add, CAS) first observe side effect of a previous operation on the same var,
and then produce a new side effect. I imply that there is a total order Mv over all
atomic operations that mutate atomic variable V.
Such definition supports use cases like producer-consumer, object publication, etc.
However, such definition does not support trickier synchronization patterns. And frankly
I would not want to rewrite any existing synchronization primitives due to this. In
runtime we a dozen of such "unsupported" cases, I understand that that's different
atomics, but I just want to show that such use cases exist.
Semantics that cover all synchronization patterns would be along the lines of:
"There is a total order S over all atomic operations (that is consistent with
modification orders M of individual atomic variables, happen-before relations,
bla-bla-bla). An atomic operation A happens after all atomic operations that precede A
in S".
The trick here is that you usually can not infer S (w/o any pre-existing happens-before
relations). The only (?) cases where you can infer a useful information from S are:
1. When atomic operations A and B operate on the same var, and this makes this
definition a superset of the first definition (S is consistent with all Mv).
2. When it's enough to know that either A happens-before B or vise versa (this is true
for any pair of atomic operations due to total order S).
dvyukov commented 11 years ago

Comment 10:

>"If an atomic operation A observes a side effect of an atomic operation B, then A
happens before B"
s/A happens before B/B happens before A/
rsc commented 11 years ago

Comment 11:

How about this:
"Package sync/atomic provides access to individual atomic operations. These atomic
operations never happen simultaneously. That is, for any two atomic operations e1 and
e2, either e1 happens before e2 or e2 happens before e1, even if e1 and e2 operate on
different memory locations."
Is that a good idea? Is it too strong? Is it more than we need, less than we need? Is it
going to be too hard to guarantee on systems like Alpha? I don't know. But at least it
is simple and I understand what it is saying. That's different than understanding all
the implications.
dvyukov commented 11 years ago

Comment 12:

As per offline discussion, your "either e1 happens before e2 or e2 happens before e1"
definition looks good if data races are prohibited. Otherwise, racy accesses allow to
infer weird relations, e.g. that a Load happens-before a Store:
// thread 1
x = 1
y = 1
// thread 2
if y == 1 {
  println(x) // must print 1
This means that Load must execute release memory barrier and store -- acquire memory
barrier. Most likely this will make implementations of atomic operations costlier.
rsc commented 11 years ago

Comment 13:

Okay, maybe that's a bad definition then (I was just rephrasing yours, I
believe). It sounds like it is too strong. Are loads and stores the only
problem. Is this any better?
Package sync/atomic provides access to individual atomic operations. For
any two atomic operations e1 and e2 operating on the same address:
  - if e1 is not a Load, e2 is a Load, and e2 observes the effect of e1, e1
happens before e2.
  - if e1 is a Store, e2 is not a Store, and e2 observes the effect of e1,
e1 happens before e2.
  - if neither operation is a Load or Store, either e1 happens before e2 or
e2 happens before e1.
dvyukov commented 11 years ago

Comment 14:

Why don't you want to give up on data races?
We probably can ensure atomicity of word accesses in gc w/o sacrificing important
optimizations. But:
1. We can not ensure visibility guarantess, e.g. if a var is registrized in a loop, and
at this point racy accesses become almost useless.
2. Races are definitely not safe for maps and slices.
3. Most likely we can not ensure any guarantees for races in gccgo (not sure what gcc
java does here).
4. I do not see any benefits of allowing data races. Currently there is runtime cost for
calling atomic.Load instead of doing plain load. But this must be addresses by providing
better atomic operations with compiler support (if that becomes the bottleneck).
Allowing data races instead to solve this looks completely wrong.
If we prohibit data races, it would make reasoning about atomic operations much much
dvyukov commented 11 years ago

Comment 15:

There are 2 litmus tests for atomic operations:
// goroutine 1
data = 42
atomic.Store(&ready, 1)
// goroutine 2
if atomic.Load(&ready) {
  if data != 42 {
// goroutine 1
atomic.Store(&X, 1)
r1 = atomic.Load(&Y)
// goroutine 2
atomic.Store(&Y, 1)
r2 = atomic.Load(&X)
// afterwards
if r1 == 0 && r2 == 0 {
As far as I see you definition does not work for 2.
dvyukov commented 11 years ago

Comment 16:

For 2 to work, atomic operations (including loads and stores) must form total order.
Probably the following 2 clause definition can do:
(1) If an atomic operation A observes an effect of an atomic operation B, then B happens
before A.
(2) All atomic operations form a total order that is consistent with happens-before
relations, modification orders of individual atomic variables and intra-goroutine order
of operations.
(2) implies that values returned by atomic operations and their side effects are
dictated by the total order. I am not sure whether it's obvious or not.
Note that (2) does not introduce new happens-before relations. Even if you somehow infer
that A precedes B in total order (e.g. by using racy memory accesses), this gives you
rsc commented 11 years ago

Comment 17:

You wrote "why don't you want to give up on data races?". That's not what I
am trying to do. I am trying to avoid making atomic.Load and atomic.Store
unnecessarily expensive.
dvyukov commented 11 years ago

Comment 18:

It is more difficult to do in presence of data races.
W/o data races the following looks OK:
"Package sync/atomic provides access to individual atomic operations. These atomic
operations never happen simultaneously. That is, for any two atomic operations e1 and
e2, either e1 happens before e2 or e2 happens before e1, even if e1 and e2 operate on
different memory locations."
rsc commented 11 years ago

Comment 19:

Okay, then define how to prohibit data races.
dvyukov commented 11 years ago

Comment 20:

It's simple. We need to replace:
To guarantee that a read r of a variable v observes a particular write w to v, ensure
that w is the only write r is allowed to observe. That is, r is guaranteed to observe w
if both of the following hold:
w happens before r.
Any other write to the shared variable v either happens before w or after r.
This pair of conditions is stronger than the first pair; it requires that there are no
other writes happening concurrently with w or r.
Within a single goroutine, there is no concurrency, so the two definitions are
equivalent: a read r observes the value written by the most recent write w to v. When
multiple goroutines access a shared variable v, they must use synchronization events to
establish happens-before conditions that ensure reads observe the desired writes.
The initialization of variable v with the zero value for v's type behaves as a write in
the memory model.
Reads and writes of values larger than a single machine word behave as multiple
machine-word-sized operations in an unspecified order.
If there is more than one such w, the behavior is undefined.
The initialization of variable v with the zero value for v's type behaves as a write in
the memory model.
robpike commented 11 years ago

Comment 21:

Is this converging?
dvyukov commented 11 years ago

Comment 22:

Difficult to say. I would not hurry with this. Moving to 1.3.

Labels changed: added go1.3, removed go1.2maybe.

robpike commented 11 years ago

Comment 23:

Labels changed: removed go1.3.

rsc commented 10 years ago

Comment 24:

Labels changed: added go1.3maybe.

rsc commented 10 years ago

Comment 25:

Labels changed: added release-none, removed go1.3maybe.

rsc commented 10 years ago

Comment 26:

Labels changed: added repo-main.

fmstephe commented 9 years ago

Is there an update to this?

I don't want to stick my beak in, but with the race detector recognising atomics I think there may be a danger that the semantics of this package will be determined by tools and usage. As Dmitry said the WaitGroup implementation assumes stronger guarantees than are present. I would personally suspect that almost any use of the atomic package is assuming stronger guarantees than are currently available.

fmstephe commented 9 years ago

Just to clarify what I said above about the tools defining the semantics for the atomic package implicitly.


When I run 'go test -race' on a function written as main() above, the race detector points to a data-race on value.


When I run 'go test -race' on this version it detects no race at all. It seems that the race detector has concrete semantics attached to the atomic package, including memory ordering etc. Or have I missed something?

Apology that the examples can't run on the playground, without GOMAXPROCS > 1.

dvyukov commented 9 years ago

Yes, race detector gives sync/atomic concrete semantics. In terms of C/C++ memory model every atomic operation become memory_order_acq_rel.

rsc commented 8 years ago

@RLH, @aclements, and I spent a few hours rereading the discussion here and trying to understand what we might do. Certainly it's too complex for Go 1.6.

A large part of the problem seems to be that the program order happens-before and the atomic operation happens-befores interact in bad ways. It may not be a good idea to treat them as being the same kind of relationship. If give atomic operations a total order in happens-before that is the same happens-before as the per-goroutine program order (and you allow racing reads), then you end up needing to guarantee the program in Dmitriy's Comment 12 above, which imposes serious constraints on the atomic implementation but also on the compiler.

One way to avoid this is to disallow programs with races: if you have a race anywhere in your program, all bets are off for the entire program. I am uncomfortable with this, because I don't think it's terribly good guidance. If I have a race-free program and I drop in an unlocked, non-atomic counter and increment it in a few different goroutines and print it at the end of the program, I believe the damage caused to the program by the counter race should be somewhat limited. The rest of the program execution should be unaffected. Saying the whole program is now invalid does not seem tenable to me, especially in large-scale programs.

Another way to avoid this is to say that the happens-before arrow for atomics only exists from a Store to a Load observing the effect of that store (or more generally from one atomic operation to another observing the effect of the first). That would allow Dmitriy's program 2 in Comment 15 to panic(broken). That is, independent reads of independent writes would not need to be consistent with a global total order. Maybe we should allow that, but we've put barriers in even our x86 atomic implementations to disallow it, so empirically we seem not to want to allow that.

Rick raised the point that we don't want the model to be significantly weaker than the guarantees unavoidable on the x86. If the model were weaker than the x86, then people would write Go programs for the x86 and blame Go when they didn't run on other systems. (I observe that this is similar to what happened with Alpha and Itanium.) And if we boost the other systems to match the x86's guarantees then it's important not to overshoot: it's just as bad for people to be writing programs that only work correctly on ARM because we over-strengthened the atomics there.

As I mentioned above, it may be that the order of operations in a single goroutine and the order of atomic operations are simply different kinds of orders, and it is not tenable to express them with a single happens-before relation. Austin suggested that perhaps the model needs to be able to express that operations within a goroutine may appear to be in a different order to that goroutine as to another. The current model tries to do that with the idea of things happening concurrently, but perhaps the current formulation does not capture enough of the subtlety.

It may be that we need to abandon happens-before and write something more operational. I tried in the memory model to guarantee as little as possible, so that the space of options for future formulations and revisions was as large as possible. So it is plausible that another formulation could still be backwards compatible with what's there today.

It may also be that we should just continue to guarantee as little as possible. For example, I am wondering if we should say only that:

If the effect of atomic operation A is observed by atomic operation B, then A happens before B.

That allows 0,0 from Dmitriy's Comment 15 program 2 (independent reads of independent writes). Is that such a bad thing? That would imply that we don't need any barriers in atomic operations on x86, because TSO already guarantees what I just wrote. Can we safely take the x86 barriers out? What bad things would happen if we did? @dvyukov?

dvyukov commented 8 years ago

There are three practically interesting synchronization patterns wrt memory ordering (in increasing order of required synchronization):

(A) "Stop flag", no associated data, requires no memory ordering (only atomicity and visibility):

// goroutine 1
for atomic.Load(&stop) == 0 {...}

// goroutine 2
atomic.Store(&stop, 1)

(B) Producer-consumer, there is associated data so it requires acquire/release pair, but synchronization is weak and causal (no barriers on x86) (this is comment 15, program 1):

// goroutine 1 (producer)
data = 42
atomic.Store(&ready, 1)

// goroutine 2 (consumer)
if atomic.Load(&ready) != 0 {
    assert(data == 42)

(C) Dekker/Peterson mutual exclusion, no associated data per se (but can be combined with (B)), strong synchronization (loads and stores allow to achieve global consensus, requires barriers on x86) (this is comment 15, program 2):

// goroutine 1
atomic.Store(&X, 1)
r1 = atomic.Load(&Y)

// goroutine 2
atomic.Store(&Y, 1)
r2 = atomic.Load(&X)

// afterwards
if r1 == 0 && r2 == 0 {

And IRIW (independent reads of independent writes) is a completely different pattern: goroutine 1 writes X, goroutine 2 writes Y, goroutine 3 loads X and Y, goroutine 4 loads Y and X. Goroutines 3 and 4 must agree on order of stores to X and Y. This is not practically interesting.

I afraid we can't discard case (C). That's a fundamental pattern. We used it in sigqueue (with sig.mask and sig.kick being A and B); in sync.Waitgroup (with wg.counter and wg.waiters being A and B); in runtime semaphores (with addr and root.nwait being A and B); in several places in netpoll and runtime scheduler. Things will break if we take out that barrier.

I have three points regarding data races. (1) Giving any meaningful semantics to data races will compromise performance and is close to impossible for gccgo and llgo. It is not as "you either see old value or new value". Compilers generally rely on absence of data races and there is at least one known case when gcc generates non-atomic stores for word-sized variables (stores of 64-bit immediates are done as two separate stores). Or consider that we replace a memset loop with REP STOSB, that will break any atomicity. Or consider the following code:

func foo(x int) {
  *p = x

you would expect this to be atomic, right? Now add:

func bar(y int) {
  y |= *p & ^flags

after inlining this becomes:

y |= *p & ^flags
*p = y

which can be reasonably compiled as (same 2 memory access, less register pressure):

*p &= ^flags
*p |= y

That's a real example from Linux kernel. It is basically impossible to prove that something like this won't happen to any of your stores. Now you could say that, "value of a variable that is subject to data races becomes undefined but other variables are unaffected". This is not necessary true as well. Consider that a racy variable is involved in index operation (do a bounds check, then evict the value due to register pressure, reload, index); or in control flow (jump tables, uh), or that compiler assumes that a variable contains the value that we've just stored into it, e.g.:

x = a
y = a

compiled as:

x = a
y = x

because there is register pressure, a is spilled or discarded, and recomputing address of a is more expensive than recomputing address of x.

Concurrent compacting GC can also have unpredictable effects in presence of data race. E.g. Sapphire can produce chatter stores in presence of races.

(2) Giving only part of guarantees (only word-sized variables) is not useful. Especially for large-scale programs. It is not that you know that you have only one data races in a large-scale program and it happens to be on a stats counter. You don't know where are the races and how many are there. If you forgot a mutex lock, you can as well have a data race on a map. Then all bets are off.

(3) Giving no guarantees to programs with races on specification level does not prohibit us from giving any guarantees as QoI attribute. In fact, I think it was a mistake for Java to mix these two levels. Lots of Java code is now sprinkled with data races. Reasoning about such code is hard. Race detection tooling is impossible. And authors are formally right, they are relying on language spec.

rsc commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I'll take some time to study it.

fmstephe commented 8 years ago

I would be careful about tying the go MM to hardware memory models - such as x86/amd64 etc.

When reasoning about multi-threaded safety of at the source code level the hardware memory model is usually irrelevant. Not talking about compiler writers here.

As an example we can look at Java, whose mm is weaker than x86/amd64. The following classical piece of code is unsafe

public class Test {
    public int constructorValue private static Test instance;
    public Test() { constructorValue=42; }
    public static Test getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            synchronized (Test.class) { 
                if (instance == null) {
                    instance = new Test();
       } return instance; 

We know that it is possible to get an instance on Test where constructorValue isn't 42. This is because when we construct the Test object, the non-null write to instance may become visible before the write to classValue. This is nothing new.

But, the important thing about this example is that it is broken even on x86/amd64. The strong ordering of writes guaranteed by x86/amd64 doesn't help us because the most dangerous actor here is the compiler who can (and often will) perform much more aggressive reorderings than even an alpha chip.

Of course if the compiler isn't running aggressive optimisations you may have a situation where x86/amd64 memory model is saving people from bugs.

The compiler has far more opportunities for read/write reordering, so I don't think hardware memory models are a good guide for what should be presented to the application programmer.


On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 6:37 PM, Russ Cox notifications@github.com wrote:

@RLH https://github.com/RLH, @aclements https://github.com/aclements, and I spent a few hours rereading the discussion here and trying to understand what we might do. Certainly it's too complex for Go 1.6.

A large part of the problem seems to be that the program order happens-before and the atomic operation happens-befores interact in bad ways. It may not be a good idea to treat them as being the same kind of relationship. If give atomic operations a total order in happens-before that is the same happens-before as the per-goroutine program order (and you allow racing reads), then you end up needing to guarantee the program in Dmitriy's Comment 12 above, which imposes serious constraints on the atomic implementation but also on the compiler.

One way to avoid this is to disallow programs with races: if you have a race anywhere in your program, all bets are off for the entire program. I am uncomfortable with this, because I don't think it's terribly good guidance. If I have a race-free program and I drop in an unlocked, non-atomic counter and increment it in a few different goroutines and print it at the end of the program, I believe the damage caused to the program by the counter race should be somewhat limited. The rest of the program execution should be unaffected. Saying the whole program is now invalid does not seem tenable to me, especially in large-scale programs.

Another way to avoid this is to say that the happens-before arrow for atomics only exists from a Store to a Load observing the effect of that store (or more generally from one atomic operation to another observing the effect of the first). That would allow Dmitriy's program 2 in Comment 15 to panic(broken). That is, independent reads of independent writes would not need to be consistent with a global total order. Maybe we should allow that, but we've put barriers in even our x86 atomic implementations to disallow it, so empirically we seem not to want to allow that.

Rick raised the point that we don't want the model to be significantly weaker than the guarantees unavoidable on the x86. If the model were weaker than the x86, then people would write Go programs for the x86 and blame Go when they didn't run on other systems. (I observe that this is similar to what happened with Alpha and Itanium.) And if we boost the other systems to match the x86's guarantees then it's important not to overshoot: it's just as bad for people to be writing programs that only work correctly on ARM because we over-strengthened the atomics there.

As I mentioned above, it may be that the order of operations in a single goroutine and the order of atomic operations are simply different kinds of orders, and it is not tenable to express them with a single happens-before relation. Austin suggested that perhaps the model needs to be able to express that operations within a goroutine may appear to be in a different order to that goroutine as to another. The current model tries to do that with the idea of things happening concurrently, but perhaps the current formulation does not capture enough of the subtlety.

It may be that we need to abandon happens-before and write something more operational. I tried in the memory model to guarantee as little as possible, so that the space of options for future formulations and revisions was as large as possible. So it is plausible that another formulation could still be backwards compatible with what's there today.

It may also be that we should just continue to guarantee as little as possible. For example, I am wondering if we should say only that:

If the effect of atomic operation A is observed by atomic operation B, then A happens before B.

That allows 0,0 from Dmitriy's Comment 15 program 2 (independent reads of independent writes). Is that such a bad thing? That would imply that we don't need any barriers in atomic operations on x86, because TSO already guarantees what I just wrote. Can we safely take the x86 barriers out? What bad things would happen if we did? @dvyukov https://github.com/dvyukov?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/golang/go/issues/5045#issuecomment-169748442.

tombergan commented 8 years ago

My two cents from the peanut gallery: It might be worth expanding the sync/atomic API to include explicit ordering annotations. Much of the discussion in this bug resolves around the question "what is the right guarantee for each operation in sync/atomic?" I am not convinced there exists a good answer to this question, as Dmitry's examples have shown. C++ avoids this question entirely by having each atomic operation explicitly specify its ordering requirements. That approach may seem more complex, but it has benefits:

Sections 5 and 6 of this paper are also good reading.

quentinmit commented 7 years ago

@rsc, have you had time to study this?

rsc commented 7 years ago

Yes, I spent a while on this last winter but didn't get a chance to write it up properly yet. The short version is that I'm fairly certain the rules will be that Go's atomics guarantee sequential consistency among the atomic variables (behave like C/C++'s seqconst atomics), and that you shouldn't mix atomic and non-atomic accesses for a given memory word.

carl-mastrangelo commented 7 years ago

@rsc Would it be possible to push this to 1.9 Early?

rsc commented 7 years ago

Possibly, although it shouldn't matter given the statement above. If the statement above misses some important detail you need to know, please let me know what that detail is. :-)

TheCount commented 7 years ago

If you're desperate enough to break out the atomics, you may as well be very explicit about ordering issues. So: would it be possible to leave the current sync/atomic functions out of ref/mem entirely (i. e., leave them per se at the equivalent of C relaxed atomics) and instead add explicit barrier "functions" with special semantics to sync/atomic?

This would pick up on @tombergan's explicitness suggestion, except that, from the client's perspective, not the current atomics would be annotated, but explicit/verbose order barriers added. From the client's perspective, there would be a couple of new functions:

LoadBarrier(addrs ...interface{})
StoreBarrier(addrs ...interface{})

which don't let loads from and stores to, respectively, the specified addresses go past them.

The (B) and (C) examples of @dvyukov would then become

// goroutine 1 (producer)
data = 42
atomic.StoreBarrier(&data, &ready)
atomic.Store(&ready, 1)

// goroutine 2 (consumer)
if atomic.Load(&ready) != 0 {
    atomic.LoadBarrier(&data, &ready)
    assert(data == 42)


// goroutine 1
atomic.Store(&X, 1)
r1 = atomic.Load(&Y)

// goroutine 2
atomic.Store(&Y, 1)
r2 = atomic.Load(&X)

// afterwards
if r1 == 0 && r2 == 0 {


From the implementor's point of view, it would have to be ensured that all goroutines sharing barriers for some memory location would observe each others' side effects in an order consistent with the program order of the barriers, and that within each goroutine, no reordering across barriers occurs for the specified locations.

This approach should be strong enough to distinguish (in C terminology) between relaxed and non-relaxed orders, plus maybe a bit more (it's late and I'd have to think about it for some time longer), and would, at the cost of some verbosity, be more flexible than @rsc's approach of specifying all atomics to be the equivalent of C sequentially consistent.

Of course, the compiler support part of this approach might be rather involved.

rsc commented 7 years ago

Sorry, but no.

poy commented 7 years ago

Is the memory model "static"? If any changes were made then, would it not be considered a breaking change?

Put differently, if I write code using atomics, will the behavior differ between go versions?

ianlancetaylor commented 7 years ago

@apoydence There is no intent for the behavior of the sync/atomic package to change between Go versions. However, since that behavior is not precisely defined--that is what this issue is about--I don't see how that helps you.

Sinacam commented 7 years ago

If guaranteeing sequential consistency proves to be too expensive, should weaker atomic operations be provided in a sub-repository? Given that users of atomics are likely sensitive to performance.

Benchmark on a single producer single consumer queue. Low-level constraints corresponds to absence of sequential consistency, which breaks the second example of Comment 15.

Picture from CppCon 2014: Jeff Preshing "How Ubisoft Develops Games for Multicore - Before and After C++11"

ianlancetaylor commented 7 years ago

To be honest, I don't think that people who need to worry about the slow down inherent in using sequential consistency for atomic operations are going to choose Go as their programming language.

TheCount commented 7 years ago

@ianlancetaylor This may be true today, but 10 years from now the CPU in your tablet will have less than 100 opcodes, 1024 hardware threads and minimal implicit consistency. At this point, almost everyone will need to worry about slowdowns inherent with unnecessary syncing.

Fortunately, this does not mean everybody has to understand some complicated memory model. But there has to be some way to provide inter-thread communication efficient in this sense to the mainstream programmer (doesn't have to be via atomics, could also be via easier-to-understand user-defined weakenings of the channel concept, etc., etc.). As of today, this is not possible within Go. If it remains impossible in Go, at some point mainstream programmers are indeed not going to choose Go as their programming language.

ianlancetaylor commented 7 years ago

Of course I agree that we need efficient inter-goroutine communication. That is one of the driving forces behind the development of Go in the first place. But as even you suggest, that does not imply that the right approach is to have atomic operations with relaxed memory models in the standard library.

For example, it is already the case that channel operations do not require sequential consistency.

TheCount commented 7 years ago

Agreed. It totally escaped me that the channel implementation does not need sequential consistency. In this light, giving sync.atomic seq-cons semantics makes perfect sense: they complement channels.

mrwonko commented 7 years ago

Given this issue, I don't think the implementations of sync.RWMutex, sync.WaitGroup and atomic.Value are well-defined as they heavily rely on atomic operations.

rsc commented 7 years ago

The semantics of RWMutex are well-defined since they are documented in the Memory Model doc. The implementation's job is to provide those semantics, and we're confident that it does. We can't justify that assertion from the memory model alone, but that's OK. It's OK that for reasoning about that specific implementation, we know how the underlying pieces work.

You're right that sync.WaitGroup is missing from the memory model doc, but it establishes all the happens-before edges one would expect.

robaho commented 6 years ago

It seems that without "happens before" semantics it is very hard if not impossible to write user defined lock-free structures that have any real value... The Java memory model defines "happens before" for all of the strong atomic operations, and this allows for advanced lock-free structures/queues/etc.